5 movies with a score of 9.5 or more on Douban, each one is unique

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1. "The Prosecution Witness"

5 movies with a score of 9.5 or more on Douban, each one is unique - Lujuba

The prosecution witness

Leonard Wall was accused of murdering the rich woman Emily in an attempt to get involved with his huge inheritance, but he has repeatedly demonstrated his innocence. Leonard's wife was the only witness who could prove his innocence, but appeared in court as a witness for the prosecution to testify that he was indeed guilty of murder. Leonard was almost in desperation until a mysterious woman appeared...the dog-shaped pattern on the wall; the radio that summons death; the secret of the blue porcelain jar; a crazy gray cat... eleven mysterious stories, the most The scary thing is not the "ghost", but the devil in your heart.

[英]Agatha Christie's novel doujin

is adapted from Agatha’s short story of the same name. It was a black and white film directed by the father of Billy Wilder in 1957. It was released in 1958 and gained an excellent reputation. It won 6 in the same year. Nominated for an Oscar Award. The film tells the story of a well-known London lawyer who, through his years of accurate and unmistakable experience and his consistent legal defense ability, decided to help the accused after judging the accused’s character, even if he knew the advantages of the case were very good. not good. The evidence collection process was tortuous, and there was hardly any strong evidence to wash the accused. Even the only wife who could prove his innocence still stood on the accusing side. Such a famous London lawyer who was unwilling to admit defeat, Guang Tu With many years of experience and extensive legal knowledge, he went to court with the lawyer of the accusing party, biting his words, and overturning each other's witnesses one by one. This is a movie with a very clever layout. You can't guess who the murderer is until the end. There is no lack of humorous jokes in the tense atmosphere. It is a first-class reasoning movie.

2. "Shawshank's Redemption"

Douban score: 9.6

5 movies with a score of 9.5 or more on Douban, each one is unique - Lujuba

"Shawshank's Redemption" is a movie worth watching repeatedly. "Shawshank's Redemption" was adapted from Stephen King's novella "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank's Redemption" by Frank Darabont. This is Darabont's big screen directorial debut. The film tells the story of Andy, a banker who was framed for murdering his wife and his lover, was imprisoned for life in Shawshank prison. His extraordinary temperament attracted the attention of prisoner Reid and gradually became good friends with him. Andy always defends everything he should have as a normal person in a silent and calm way. By chance, he began to use his wealth of financial knowledge to help the jailers safely evade taxes and help the warden to launder money, in exchange for their slight lenient to the prisoners and to themselves.

3. "Farewell My Concubine"

Douban score: 9.6

5 movies with a score of 9.5 or more on Douban, each one is unique - Lujuba

Farewell My Concubine is a movie that must be said in the history of Chinese film. As the only Chinese movie so far, "Farewell My Concubine" has won the Golden Lion Award and the Golden Bear Award. The Palme d’Or, the professional award, which is known as the three highest honors of the film festival, will never rely solely on its concept, content and performance of the actors. Chen Kaige’s talent in directing is also crucial. Just like the same story, different people will write different flavors, people with poor writing skills will bury a good story, and people with good writing skills can make a good story. "Farewell My Concubine" is a good story, but if he meets a bad director, it is difficult to become a classic.

4. "Life is Beautiful"

Douban score: 9.5

This is a very romantic movie, sad but without losing some funny atmosphere and pictures. This movie is very worth watching. From the beginning to the end, there is no trace of sadness. The protagonist has always transmitted a positive energy of positive optimism and bravely pursues the life he wants. The protagonist creates a fairy tale for his children in the film. In his world, even in the Nazi room, he tried his best to remind his wife and children that all difficulties can be resolved in his eyes. Facing it optimistically, it is a film worth watching many times.

5. "Schindler's List"

Douban score: 9.5

"Schindler's List" is adapted from "Schindler's List" written by Australian novelist Thomas Kennelly. It is a movie directed by Steven Spielberg in 1993. The film reproduces the real historical event that German entrepreneur Oscar Schindler and his wife Emily Schindler went bankrupt during World War II and protected more than 1,200 Jews from being killed by fascists. "Schindler's List" is a film that can baptize the soul. It guides us to be good, guides us to redeem ourselves, guides us to radiate the glory of humanity, soSo, if you have time, you might as well go take a look.

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