Young people are fearless and can do anything. The Youku short film "Promising·Cha Minglong Boy" for the beginning of the school season illustrates the power of promising young people!

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Qia Minglong Young Man has something to do at the right time.

In 2023, Youku's "Youwei" IP series was officially launched as the "Youwei Campus Tour" series of activities. Following the first graduation season event of Nanjing Agricultural University in June, "Youwei Campus Tour" continues to focus on "new students" . The back-to-school season is about to come, and as countless students are about to face a new life and enter a new starting point, Youku’s “Promising Campus Tour” IP has specially invited Wang Qiang and Xu Ruohan, the stars of “The Young Man”, as well as members of the Huawei Pollen Club. Zhu Junwei, Zhang Zhicheng, and Lu Yidan worked together to create the second short film "Promising Youth Qia Minglong - Every Point is a Starting Point" to jointly convey the youth group portrait of promising young people and help the beginning of the school season in September.

Young people are fearless and can do anything. The Youku short film 'Promising·Cha Minglong Boy' for the beginning of the school season illustrates the power of promising young people! - Lujuba

Every Minglong boy will eventually become a promising young man

Youku Youwei's campus trip to start the school season "Promising·Cha Minglong Boy - Every point is a starting point" short film was officially launched on September 1st, which is also the "Youku Youwei" A special project jointly presented with "Campus Tour for the Back-to-School Season" and the passionate youth drama "The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon" produced by Youku.

After experiencing the laughter and tears of the college entrance examination, the teenagers entered the university campus, grew into young adults step by step, and welcomed their own new "starting point". They carry their own dreams and tell us stories from their student days about the thinking and choices of the younger generation, who want to become a better version of themselves.

There are people like Wang Qiang who keep working hard towards their goals and breaking through themselves.

Young people are fearless and can do anything. The Youku short film 'Promising·Cha Minglong Boy' for the beginning of the school season illustrates the power of promising young people! - Lujuba

There are people like Xu Ruohan who bravely break free from the constraints, work hard to break through prejudice and doubt, and complete their own growth and transformation.

Young people are fearless and can do anything. The Youku short film 'Promising·Cha Minglong Boy' for the beginning of the school season illustrates the power of promising young people! - Lujuba

Zhu Junwei looks at the starry sky every night, using HUAWEI P60 Pro to freeze the sun, moon and stars.

Young people are fearless and can do anything. The Youku short film 'Promising·Cha Minglong Boy' for the beginning of the school season illustrates the power of promising young people! - Lujuba

The moment Zhang Zhicheng picked up the guitar, HUAWEI MateBook 14s recorded each of his exclusive BGM.

Young people are fearless and can do anything. The Youku short film 'Promising·Cha Minglong Boy' for the beginning of the school season illustrates the power of promising young people! - Lujuba

Inspiration is fleeting, and HUAWEI MatePad Pro helps Lu Yidan capture every shining moment, giving painting more possibilities.

Young people are fearless and can do anything. The Youku short film 'Promising·Cha Minglong Boy' for the beginning of the school season illustrates the power of promising young people! - Lujuba

Huawei's Learning Family Bucket helps young people grow, and the short film records everyone's moments in the process of realizing their dreams, and is intertwined with each other to jointly depict a group portrait of contemporary youth. As the short film says, "You don't have to wait for that order, because when you are young, progress is when you start, and starting is the starting point." As a young person, you have unlimited possibilities. Every step of effort you make now, every photo you take, every song you write, every painting you draw... is the starting point for your dream. The school season is coming soon, and the release of "Promising Youth Qia Minglong" may bring some confidence and hope to young people who are entering a new stage of life - be brave enough to run, pursue, break, and challenge. , every young man who sings the dragon will eventually become a "promising young man"!

Young people are fearless and can do anything. The Youku short film 'Promising·Cha Minglong Boy' for the beginning of the school season illustrates the power of promising young people! - Lujuba

Life is not a single track, but a vast plateau

What is a promising young person?

Professor Dai Jianye mentioned in an interview that "life is not a single track, but a vast plateau." "Promising young people" are not limited to achieving excellent results, but more importantly, pursuing their passion through action, finding the meaning of life through realizing self-worth, and showing the power of youth through interconnection with each other.

This coincides with Youku's "Youwei Campus Tour" IP and Huawei's philosophy of looking for promising young people - promising young people have their own small universe, and everyone is an energy field. And a single spark can start a prairie fire. When these small universes come together and transfer their abilities to each other, these young people have unlimited possibilities for great things!

At the beginning of this year, Huawei teamed up with @China Youth Daily and @中青schoolmedia to organize a nationwide “Looking for Promising Youth” competition for college students. The event attracted widespread attention as soon as it was announced. In addition to students, many universities such as Jinan University and Tianjin University also came to participate. As of the end of March 10th, the Weibo topic has been read more than 1 billion times, the number of discussions has reached 120,000+, the number of original authors has reached 3,400+, and a large number of excellent works have emerged.

This time "Promising Young Man Qia Minglong" also specially invited three Huawei Pollen Club members to appear in their true colors.Zhu Junwei from Nankai University used photography to express himself, taking 6,000 photos of the stars, sun and moon on campus in one year; Zhang Zhicheng from Qingdao University cherished his musical dream and sang his attitude towards life with his singing; Lu Yidan from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute used paintbrushes Showing dreams and life, capturing painting inspiration for twenty years...

Young people are fearless and can do anything. The Youku short film 'Promising·Cha Minglong Boy' for the beginning of the school season illustrates the power of promising young people! - Lujuba

"Promising young people" have never been fixed. They are the most active and energetic forces in society. Their youth has no boundaries. Just because of love, there is courage, there is rush, there is persistence, and there is "progress"! Thanks to Huawei Learning Family Tong for its friendly support in the filming, "Promising Youth Qia Minglong" can use the stories of these young people who are shining in their respective fields to provide more people at the same stage with some sense of strength and hope. And the motivation to keep moving forward.

The power of youth is passed on from generation to generation. Young people are fearless and can do anything.

New youth should be "promising". The story of "Youwei·Qia Minglong Boy" has not ended, and the future that belongs to thousands of young people has just begun. Life, dreams, choices, challenges... When you stand at a new starting point in life, please persist in your love and move towards your goal bit by bit. The road ahead will always be sunny and bright! In the future, Youku's "Youku Campus Tour" will once again enter colleges and universities to create a "Minglong Youth Campus Tour" themed event, and work with Huawei to bring blessings to freshmen and help with the opening season, so stay tuned.

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