A marriage counselor guested on "Today's Film Critic" to provide a professional review of the anti-domestic violence issues in "I Passed the Storm"

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A marriage counselor guested on 'Today's Film Critic' to provide a professional review of the anti-domestic violence issues in 'I Passed the Storm' - Lujuba

In 2001, "Don't Talk to Strangers" showed the pain of domestic violence to the public for the first time in the form of a film and television work, and the inhuman torture of An Jiahe to Mei Xiangnan in the play has also been staged countless times in reality. In recent years, social hot topics related to domestic violence have frequently appeared in hot searches. After a lapse of 22 years, the movie "I Passed the Storm" once again targets the theme of anti-domestic violence. It tells the story of the victim Xu Min who tried to get rid of the shackles of marriage while suffering from long-term domestic violence by her husband Chen Jun. The movie ends this marital tragedy in an unexpected way. Xu Min's struggle is sad, suffocating, and thought-provoking. When a storm hits your marriage, how do you choose?

html On August 18, marriage and family psychological counselor Chen Jingjing was invited to be a guest on the movie channel's "Today's Film Review" program to interpret the movie "I Passed the Storm" from a professional perspective and discuss its extended anti-domestic violence issues with the audience.

A marriage counselor guested on 'Today's Film Critic' to provide a professional review of the anti-domestic violence issues in 'I Passed the Storm' - Lujuba

Domestic violence has more diverse forms

Violent conflict is easy to fall into a cycle

Chen Jingjing, a national second-level psychological counselor who was a guest on "Today's Film Critic", has been engaged in psychological counseling for 12 years and has spent more than 8,000 hours. She specializes in marriage and family psychological counseling. She pointed out that although the environment is changing now, like the realistic presentation of this movie, the essence and harm of domestic violence still exist, and the forms it presents are more diverse. According to her, some of the different forms of domestic violence are very obvious, but others are very subtle, especially psychological violence, which is the constant use of verbal threats and attacks to devalue the wife's sense of value and thereby control the other party. In addition, she also pointed out that there is sexual violence, that is, a husband forces his wife to have sex when she does not want it. At present, it is necessary to better identify the diversified forms of domestic violence in order to be vigilant and preventive in advance.

A marriage counselor guested on 'Today's Film Critic' to provide a professional review of the anti-domestic violence issues in 'I Passed the Storm' - Lujuba

In the film, Xu Min, played by Tong Liya, chooses to divorce after being unable to endure domestic violence, but will still turn around and step into the quagmire again. Regarding the phenomenon of "getting deeper and deeper", Chen Jingjing continued to tell "Today's Film Critic" that after violence occurs, the perpetrator may try to ease the conflict, rationalize the domestic violence behavior, and even enter the honeymoon period of the relationship. However, once new contradictions and conflicts arise, the violence will return again, which will form a cycle of violence that will make a victim unknowingly sink deeper and deeper into the marital vortex. In addition, she also pointed out that familiar words such as "quarrels at the head of the bed and peace at the end of the bed" continue to reduce the victim's sense of value, leaving them unable to do more resistance.

A marriage counselor guested on 'Today's Film Critic' to provide a professional review of the anti-domestic violence issues in 'I Passed the Storm' - Lujuba

Lawyers recommend resorting to law

Improve support and welcome happiness

In order to find out how victims of domestic violence should use legal weapons to protect themselves, "Today's Film Critic" specially interviewed Xu Weiping, director of Beijing Dashi Law Firm. The case he presented in the film pointed out that at the time it occurred (ten years ago), society as a whole did not understand and pay enough attention to domestic violence. The lawyer in the film also made a wrong judgment and should have asked the man to start the violence at the beginning. He writes a letter of repentance. In his view, with the escalation of domestic violence, the protection measures for victims must also be upgraded, such as calling the police and requiring the police to produce transcripts of interviews and interviews. These evidences are crucial for lawsuits, and witnesses such as children and elders I'm important too. If you are still entangled after the divorce, you can go to the court to apply for a personal safety protection order.

A marriage counselor guested on 'Today's Film Critic' to provide a professional review of the anti-domestic violence issues in 'I Passed the Storm' - Lujuba

Why does a husband who is usually gentle and gentle become a cruel abuser? Chen Jingjing admitted to "Today's Film Critic" that the process of "nurturing" a perpetrator is diverse and complicated. The reasons presented in the film are firstly the unequal power between the husband and wife, and secondly the man himself grew up in a domestic violence family. Also from victim to perpetrator. "I hope everyone can look at marriage rationally and wisely. When each of us has more attention and love in our hearts, and when our social support and social functions become more and more perfect, I believe that every family will be happy. "

A marriage counselor guested on 'Today's Film Critic' to provide a professional review of the anti-domestic violence issues in 'I Passed the Storm' - Lujuba

It is reported that the daily film and culture review column "Today's Film Review" is broadcast on the CCTV-6 movie channel at 19:45 every night, during prime time from Monday to Sunday, to light up every night of light and shadow.

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