Zheng Yuanchang and Zhang Mingen are incarnations of the fantasy version of Naoki Xiangqin.

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When the

movie "Jue Ji" was released, many people defined the film as a "bad film", and "Jue Ji 2", which should have been released long ago, was not launched for a long time due to well-known reasons, and it seems that It is also a distant future.

However, the web drama "Jue Ji Critical World" first met with the audience, and the full episode was released as soon as it was updated, which is also very willful.

Zheng Yuanchang and Zhang Mingen are incarnations of the fantasy version of Naoki Xiangqin. - Lujuba

is just that, although it is a sincere full episode that has been launched, the audience all expressed their apologies for the movie version of the previous complaint after watching the Internet Jue, and they also began to look forward to the launch of "Jeji 2". What is going on? ?

After all, it is still inseparable from the various grooves of Wang Jue. The first thing to bear is the appearance of the actors in the play.

In a word, there is no harm without comparison. Because although the movie version of "Grand Trail" was complained about as a "bad movie", all the protagonists are really beautiful, and it is just a kind of enjoyment from a visual point of view. Therefore, the netizens who were persuaded by the starring face of Wang Jue began to "remember" the fairy face of each starring in the movie version.

Zheng Yuanchang and Zhang Mingen are incarnations of the fantasy version of Naoki Xiangqin. - Lujuba

may be easier to understand by looking at the picture below. After all, the online version of the second-degree king Nether, the third-degree king Chila, the fourth-degree king Leiya, the fifth-degree king's seam soul, and the fifth-degree apostle Lianquan, they respectively correspond to William Chan in the movie version of "The Legend" , Wang Duo, Guo Caijie, Yan Yikuan and Fan Bingbing...

Zheng Yuanchang and Zhang Mingen are incarnations of the fantasy version of Naoki Xiangqin. - Lujuba

In fact, although the appearance of the starring Wang Jue is not as good as the movie version, it is not so bad as to dissuade the audience, but the appearance of the movie version is indeed better. Being better, coupled with preconceived notions, the audience will unconsciously compare the two editions. Moreover, as the absolute protagonists in the play, the looks of Zheng Yuanchang and Zhang Mingen are also highly recognized by the audience.

Zheng Yuanchang's Seven Degrees Wang Jue Yinchen, as the absolute male number one of the Net Jue, is the proper face value in the play, although some of the looks are a bit like the cos wizard king or Houyi? But I have to admit that the look is good-looking and suits him well.

Zhang Mingen, who plays the Seventh Apostle Qi Ling, also has a very good appearance. Otherwise, he would not have harvested a large group of fans with the adjutant Zhang in "Old Nine Gates" and the "Hundred Years Mountain" in "Sand Sea". It's just that you have to make a complaint. The thick bangs in the early stage are really not suitable for him.

However, Kiril will also change its look later, I have to admit that it looks much pleasing to the eye without the bangs.

is then the special effects in the play. To be honest, when I just watched the beginning, I wanted to sigh that the special effects of this show are well done!

just look down and this sentence is a bit unspeakable...

and special effects are more obvious in Qiling's spirit beast Cangxuefang. The Cangxue Fang in the net is more than cute but not domineering. It always gives people a silly feeling. It doesn't look like a majestic lion, but like a husky who sells cute coquettishly.

And the movie version of Cangxue Fang looks extraordinarily powerful. The comparison between the two looks a little bit tragic...

However, although Wang Xue’s Fang of Cangxue does not have the dominance of the movie version, it was still awe-inspiring when he first appeared on the stage. A mouth blew out 12 The feeling of a typhoon. Ha, what a big tone!

Moreover, it is said that the special effects of Wangjue were made three years ago. The special effects of three years ago will indeed be a play now, but it is understandable.

In the end, the web drama has made some adaptations of the original work. I believe many people should have noticed these changes when watching the drama.

For example, the soul in the original work is changed to spirit, and the Horcrux, Soul Tomb, and Soul Beast are respectively changed to Soul Tool, Soul Tomb, and Soul Beast;

For example, the changes in the names of characters and places in the play, Treya is changed to The names of the two brothers and sisters, Leya, Cyrul changed to Siliu, Gilgamesh to Jigme, Ghost Mountain Sewing Soul and Ghost Mountain Lianquan, were changed to Sewing Soul and Lotus Spring, and Yutul Ruins were also changed to The ruins of Tours...

but this ruins of Tours is really not ancient Tongjing? For example,

has added a new original character, Yangze, and the setting of the original sky demon, which is also the biggest part of the adaptation.

Of course, in addition to the above, Netease also does not take the usual path. We all know that mashups are very popular nowadays, and Wangjue, who is on the front line of the trend, personally demonstrated what mashups are! The original setting of

is a Western fantasy. Western-style buildings are definitely required, and foreign friends will followVisible everywhere. However, if you mix and match, you must naturally add traditional oriental elements. So we can see all kinds of people, wearing various styles of clothing, appearing in the combination of Chinese and Western buildings. It's really the mashup to the end!

and not only can you see the cos snake with hemp rope in the performance,

can also see the jujube flower cake of Daoxiang Village strongly appearing!

and the characters in the play also have their own characteristics when they appear on the scene. When Kiring first appeared on the stage, he was a civilian and performed the daily life of a bartender as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Shenyin used a big move when he took Qi Zero to avoid the Fang of Snow, and Spider-Man was upper body at the critical moment.

Silver Dust is a severely hygienic patient, and his clothes cannot be touched by others. Fortunately, he has already mastered the skill of cleaning clothes and can dry them in time.

The Five Degrees King Sewing Soul has been running since he came on stage, never being surpassed, either on the road or on the road. So when he said "you also know my talent", I really want to ask, is your talent really not a marathon?

However, because I know that the soul is kind and willing to help others, I really ask the question very sincerely: Mr. Wang Jue of the fifth degree, can I help run the drug next time I eat chicken?

The Fourth Apostle Neon wears a stomach-defying outfit with strong personal characteristics as soon as he appears on the stage. Such a unique outfit will tell you that it's not easy to mess with!

, no matter how powerful the spirit beast is, how thick the skin is, isn't it stabbed to the point by an ordinary wooden stick and killed on the spot? ! Facts have proved that the wooden stick is the most powerful magic weapon, there is no opponent!

and this dragon set, isn't your action really in cos chicken feet? Or is it the inspiration provided by Edward Scissorhands? Or is it bigger and rounder than this watermelon?

But this drama is also very childlike, nothing to do? Then play with a 123 wooden man to pass the time~

Qi Ling was beaten up while still cosing with Big Big Wolf, shouting "I will be back again!" The classic lines are used vividly!

Big Big Wolf: Let’s check the copyright fee!

However, if you want to say that Netease is the most powerful, it is the cp in the show, because the cp in this show is really good! After all, all members are cp, any two starring two-by-two combination can make a pair of cp, and there is no shortage of cp, which is also great, it is a paradise for cp fans~

is naturally the pair of silver dust and Qi Ling. The cp of the king and the apostle. First of all, the reason for the "Silver Zero cp" is because the relationship between the king and the apostle is a bit "full of basic feelings": the king wants to give the apostle a seal, and after the apostle is given the seal You will feel Wang Jue is very charming...

Although this feeling is two-way, it is obviously "more powerful" for the apostle who has just been given the seal, so Silver Chen has been reminding Qi Ling to let him Stay away from yourself, for fear that he will even "cannot bear" his own taste...

Let me, a single dog, ask, is this the legendary "sour smell of love"? I slipped away...

and I have to say that the positions of these two men's seals are really a bit shameful and indescribable...Although the accurate description is like what Yin Chen said, yes In the last section of the tail vertebra, but from the point of view of easy understanding, it is true that what Qi Ling said is a bit more easy to understand on the ass...

and the two people usually get along with each other is also very "little taste" No, I don’t want to listen to you and just freeze your mouth, so easy!

Because of the character set, Seven Degrees Wang Jue Yinchen was cold and unsmiling. In addition, Zheng Yuanchang used his own original sound in the play. Even if it can be seen that he is trying to get close to the Mandarin pronunciation, there are At that time, the Taiwanese accent was still a bit unconcealable, and with some casual small gestures and small expressions, it always made people unconsciously think of Jiang Naoki.

and silver dust are also typical of cold outside and hot inside. Although on the surface they are very indifferent to Qi Zero, giving people an illusion of indifference, but in fact he is more related to Qi Zero's safety than anyone else. When Qiling entered the tomb to take the spirit weapon, he was so worried that he even knelt down and begged Youhua to save Qiling.

and Qi Zero is a silly white sweet type.Appeared as a civilian, without any spiritual skills, she looked like Yuan Xiangqin in Class F.

And although he knows that Yinchen cares about himself, he is troubled by Yinchen's lack of expression, so as long as Yinchen says a simple request, he will be happy to fly.

So the daily life between Yinchen and Kiring in the play is very similar to the way of getting along between Jiang Naoki and Yuan Xiangqin, it is simply the fantasy version of Naoki and Xiangqin.

is just that in addition to Silver Dust, many female characters in Qi Ling and the play have a tendency to develop emotional lines. There is a feeling of Wei Xiaobao...

, for example, and the sound of the first encounter. Before he became a spiritualist, Qi Ling himself was too scared to die and stood in front of others, and the relationship between the two people afterwards was also ambiguous.

and The Six Degrees Apostle Youhua are the types who are fond of their enemies. They are quarreling with each other in their daily life, but they have a sense of sight of young lovers quarreling with each other.

and Lianquan also experienced life and death. It is reasonable to say that there should be nothing between them, but there will be a very ambiguous feeling between the two people.

And there is also the "official match" in the original work in the play. The second-degree king Nether and the fourth-degree king Leiya are both the killing king, but no matter how cruel the two are, they also love each other deeply.

The second degree apostle divine sound and the fourth degree apostle neon are also a pair, but the divine sound is erased and the memory can’t remember the neon, so this relationship now only has a neon single arrow...

because of this The four people are all eroders who survived the cruel fighting in the Abyssal Corridor, so the two pairs will have a feeling of sympathy with each other, and their existence has also been proved by facts that since ancient times, red and blue CP! Although

and Lianquan are brothers and sisters, because of the special relationship between the king and the apostle, they always give people a feeling of surpassing brother and sister.

Although Youhua and Lianquan are both girls, but they are kind and generous, and the other is hard-mouthed. Lianquan cares about Youhua without breaking through her hard-mouthed relationship mode, which can also make people see CP feeling.

​​So in general, the net is almost all members can CP, any combination of two roles has a sense of CP is also great. As for the audience, may I only choose one from "eat dog food" and "citric acid", which one would you choose?

Although it seems that Netjue does have a lot of slots at present, it is also understandable. After all, the huge world view of the original "Lord's Trail" itself is difficult to shoot, and if you want to restore the western fantasy background, powerful special effects are indispensable and require strong financial support.

But after all, the size of online dramas is far from that of movies. It is difficult for online dramas to compare with the movie version in terms of investment or production. In addition, the special effects of Internet TV series were actually made three years ago, so it can be made like this. Can understand.

To be honest, except for the resurrection of the original character Yangze and the original Celestial Demon, the plots before this drama are really restored to the original. And many of the scenes in the play are also shot in real scenes. The scenery is really beautiful~ Although the visual effects may not be as expected, it is still okay to be regarded as a drama.

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