IQIYI's "Let's Make Skewers Together" checks into Chengdu, Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou are so excited that they dance with the aroma of Yibin barbecue

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The ninth episode of the country's first Chuan Chuan exploration fun food reality show "Let's Let's Lu Chuan" produced by iQiyi was officially broadcast. This time the Lu Chuan family came to Chengdu, "Bashi Deban", and followed Lu Chuan The family learns dialects and ears together, feels the slow life in Chengdu, and enjoys authentic and delicious Chengdu delicacies such as beef breast, spicy beef tendon, and Yibin barbecue. After watching the show, many netizens said: This is the ideal life after retirement. After eating Yibin burning noodles, Tang Jiuzhou couldn't help but said: I want to move my family to Yibin.

Like Dali, a windy place, the Luchuan family’s trip to Chengdu on this website gave people an overall feeling of relaxation and comfort. The only difference is that the ease of Dali people presents an unhurried sense of relaxation, which is reflected in the small pursuit of talent. The Bashi of Chengdu people is reflected in all aspects of life.

IQIYI's 'Let's Make Skewers Together' checks into Chengdu, Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou are so excited that they dance with the aroma of Yibin barbecue - Lujuba

Dialect tea, mahjong, picking ears, Lu Chuan family experience, Bashi Slow Chengdu

At the beginning of the ninth episode, the newly added Lu Chuan friends Hanikezi, Li Weijia and Wang Mian joined the Lu Chuan family members Chen He and Tang Jiuzhou. The first stop for in-depth experience of Chengdu culture - Cai'er. The guests came to the courtyard full of dense bamboo trees one by one. In a paradise-like place on earth, not long after they sat on the bamboo chairs, the maids brought their own tools to the stage. While listening to the music, Hanikezi said: "It turns out this show is so relaxing." The guests also had pleasant expressions and comfortable roars on their faces. When he reached a comfortable position, Tang Jiuzhou couldn't help but raise his right leg, which was still an elegant ballet leg.

IQIYI's 'Let's Make Skewers Together' checks into Chengdu, Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou are so excited that they dance with the aroma of Yibin barbecue - Lujuba

The dialect competition between Chengdu Niannian and Chongqing Yaomei is also very interesting to watch. Even the Luchuan family and Luchuan friends who have just received hearing aids and have all seven orifices cannot understand a few words. But from just a few phrases such as "making shells with friends" and "going to rub momos", you can tell how "ba Shi Deban" daily life in Sichuan and Chongqing is.

IQIYI's 'Let's Make Skewers Together' checks into Chengdu, Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou are so excited that they dance with the aroma of Yibin barbecue - Lujuba

In an old street in Chengdu, the owner of a barbecue shop told the Lu Chuan family and Lu Chuan friends the origin of this street and a day that belongs to Chengdu people. "Our store is only closed for five hours a day. During the day, at six o'clock in the morning, there is a teahouse here. The retired men in Chengdu drink tea here as if they were working. , walk the birds, and play cards. Around five o'clock in the afternoon, they get off work. After get off work, they sell barbecue until twelve o'clock." said the owner of Yehuo Fresh Barbecue.

Regarding how comfortable Chengdu people are, Chen He also shared his experience of coming to Chengdu eleven or twelve years ago. It was his first time coming to Chengdu. Chen He frankly said that he was shocked by the grand scene of more than 100 tables of mahjong in the park. "There are teapots and tea trays next to the mahjong game, and you can pick your ears while playing mahjong."

Following the footsteps of the Luchuan family and Luchuan friends, the audience felt the Bashi life and relaxed atmosphere of Chengdu. "Let's Let's Make Skewers Together" also intuitively reflects the rich culture beyond food, and also brings strong emotional value to anxious audiences in the city.

IQIYI's 'Let's Make Skewers Together' checks into Chengdu, Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou are so excited that they dance with the aroma of Yibin barbecue - Lujuba

From gourmet culture to new social favorite, let’s Lu Chuan let’s sample the delicious food

After picking up the ears and purifying the body and mind, and also learning dialect skills, the Lu Chuan family’s food game journey officially began. Two teams composed of Chen He, Hanikezi, Wang Mian and Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou went to two barbecue restaurants respectively. After experiencing the fragrant food, they "met" at Yehuo Fresh Barbecue.

In the quaint courtyard hidden in a deep alley, Hanikezi was completely blown away by the delicious skewers. Whether it was beef breast that was oily and meaty, chicken wing tips that were delicious and soft, or spicy beef tendon that was just right for her taste, she voted for any skewers that were delicious and even attracted her companions. Complaints by partners Chen He and Tang Jiuzhou. On the other side, Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou were dancing with joy due to the aroma of Yibin barbecue. Tang Jiuzhou was also completely conquered by a bowl of Yibin burning noodles, and he ate it without caring about the image. I suffered from stomachache because I ate too fast and the noodles were too spicy. Fortunately, the boss's spicy antidote, the soul of Chengdu - hoof flower soup is here to help relieve the pain.

IQIYI's 'Let's Make Skewers Together' checks into Chengdu, Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou are so excited that they dance with the aroma of Yibin barbecue - Lujuba

During the break of delicious food tasting, the Luchuan family and Luchuan friends also participated in the song-guessing game of fruit tea containing lactic acid bacteria and the hilarious I-draw-guessing game in order to help complete the skewering box activity at Sichuan-Chongqing Station. Nostalgic songs such as "White Dragon Horse", "Little Sloppy" and "Let's Swing the Oars" instantly brought the audience to the 1980s in the scene where Wang Mian looked like a dolphin spraying water. The Hancha song-guessing game was going well, but the accelerated version of the I Draw I Guess game was completely difficult for Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou. The two who had no time to write could only turn into soul painters in seconds and replace the words with symbols of circles and lines. Finally, when I saw that Chen He, Sanxingdui and Wife Cake painted by Li Weijia all looked the same, I laughed so much that Tang Jiuzhou next to me lost control of his expression.

IQIYI's 'Let's Make Skewers Together' checks into Chengdu, Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou are so excited that they dance with the aroma of Yibin barbecue - Lujuba

"Let's Make Skewers Together" perfectly combines serious food science with hilarious games. It captures the hearts of the audience with its relaxed and hilarious style and the presentation method that young people love to see. During the barbecue trip, the Luchuan family's humorous exchanges or tacit cooperation with each other are very similar to you and me in social life. It also gives young people who are tired of virtual social interaction the driving force to return to real social interaction.

In addition to the program, various online mini-games, door-to-door dating plans, offline festivals and other activities continue to ferment, and the social attributes of the program and innovative gameplay are continuously extended offline. It can be said that from food culture to new social favorites, "Let's Let's Cook Skewers" has successfully set the standard for food.

IQIYI's 'Let's Make Skewers Together' checks into Chengdu, Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou are so excited that they dance with the aroma of Yibin barbecue - Lujuba

The ninth episode of the program has ended, and "Let's Get Skewer Together" is coming to an end. The next program will officially come to an end. By then, fresh blood such as Li Hao and Zhao Yibo, members of "Farming Bar", will join. What kind of dream collaboration will the two brother programs of iQiyi bring? Let’s wait and see. Don’t miss it if you’ve experienced it before. Next Thursday at 12 noon, let’s continue to meet on iQiyi’s “Let’s Lust Together”!

IQIYI's 'Let's Make Skewers Together' checks into Chengdu, Li Weijia and Tang Jiuzhou are so excited that they dance with the aroma of Yibin barbecue - Lujuba

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