From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles

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Recently, young actor Wang Yibo has been getting good news. He first won the "Most Media Attention Actor" award at the 20th Shanghai Film Festival Film Channel Media Attention Unit, and then the three films he starred in were all shortlisted for the "Golden Deer Award" at the Changchun Film Festival. "On September 1st, Wang Yibo was nominated for the Golden Deer Award for Best Actor. Being an actor has been very rewarding. In other fields, FAW-Volkswagen Co., Ltd. announced the 2023 Audi Marketing Department-Audi Yingjie Hui Wang Yibo's contract renewal-BrandBoost direct procurement candidate. Wang Yibo became the Audi Yingjie Hui brand ambassador for the fourth year.

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

Having been a stable endorser of BBA cars for many years, Wang Yibo’s commercial value is still at the top of the pyramid. This is also due to his personal characteristics - cool, fashionable, sunny and sporty, and loves hard work and hard work. As the 95th generation with the most endorsements and the most cooperation with various sports officials, Wang Yibo not only has the global chief spokesperson of Anta brand, but also has the promotion ambassador of skateboarding and the promotion ambassador of China's top dancers. The Asian Games theme movie "Hot" in which he starred is also being screened. , has become the number one box office hit for domestic sports movies. However, Wang Yibo's road to entertainment and cross-border sports was not built in a day, and it also benefited from his continuous hard training.

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

Turning love into a profession Hard work➕Talent

Wang Yibo first came into contact with motorcycles through Yin Zheng at the end of 2016. At that time, he just thought it was fun. I took the motorcycle driver's license test in early February 2017. In June, I dared to make corners for the first time on the track. From getting familiar with the track to analyzing the track, I also fell and got injured during the training. The proficient skills are in addition to the hard training. In addition, the blessing of talent is also essential.

After many times of track training, Wang Yibo joined the Wanli Daya Yamaha Racing Team in 2019 and became a professional racing driver. On August 11 of the same year, Wang Yibo participated in the Zhuhai ARRC ZIC Motorcycle Race and won the championship in both rounds of Group D (novice group) and the runner-up in the mixed group (overall). ARRC official website news, YouTube and official Facebook both have detailed records of Wang Yibo's participation process, and said that his victory will be recorded in the history of ARRC.

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

In 2020, Wang Yibo participated in the ZIC motorcycle race. In qualifying, he entered the finals as first in the group and third overall. During the race, an opponent in the same group failed to forcefully overtake at a corner and hit Wang Yibo who was in front. As a result, Wang Yibo's car had problems and he was unable to continue the race and had to retire with regret. Although the results of the race were maintained afterwards, public opinion began to attack Wang Yibo, believing that he used a good car to race. The fact is that vehicles in motorcycle racing will be modified, and this is also true for the motogp champion vehicles. In this competition, most of the riders in the A1/A2 group use the same model of a large manufacturer's car - the Yamaha R3, and then everyone makes modifications based on this. The event also has requirements for vehicles with single or double cylinder displacement, such as this time a 400cc single cylinder or a 321cc twin cylinder. Within the scope allowed by the rules, the team will make different modifications to the vehicle according to the personal driving habits of the players (the Yamaha mechanic who helped Wang Yibo modify the vehicle also modified the vehicle for other teams in the competition). The use in the online competition does not comply with the regulations. There is no evidence for the "plug-in truck" and it is purely a rumor.

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

It can be seen from Wang Yibo’s motorcycle experience that in just two years, he completed the transformation from amateur to professional and then to a rookie in the racing field. This shows that he not only has strong execution and internal drive for the things he loves , and at the same time, he has strong talent to support him in completing training better. As he said, success requires 70% of your efforts + 20% of talent + 10% of luck. This is the cruelty of competitive sports. You can only reach 80 points through hard work alone, and the remaining 20 points require the blessing of talent.

Meet your idol at the top and gain recognition with your strength

As we all know, Wang Yibo’s idol is an Italian national professional motorcycle rider who has a high reputation in the international motorcycle racing arena and is a legend. Wang Yibo's path to chasing stars is no different from those of his fans. He watches his idol's games, learns his idol's skills, cheers for his idol, buys the idol's same helmet, etc., and even screams in surprise when he gets his idol's TO lottery ticket.

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

Wang Yibo’s social platform alone has shared about eight articles related to Rossi. Whether it was when he was not popular or after he became popular, from when he started liking motorcycles in 2017 to 2020, Wang Yibo always paid attention to Rossi’s competition. It can be seen that the love for motorcycles is extraordinary. It is not to gain attention, nor to use niche sports to label oneself as a person, but to love from the heart. It is precisely because of the encouragement of his idol Rossi that Wang Yibo has also made great progress in motorcycle training.

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

We should not look at his normal hobbies with colored glasses just because he is a star, nor should we attack him because he brings attention to niche sports when he comes off the track and brings controversy. Is it wrong to love? correct. Is it wrong to love a public figure? correct. As long as they are serious and capable, we should treat them fairly.

Starting from when Wang Yibo got the autographed photo of his idol Rossi, every step of Wang Yibo's journey has been well explained. Love can bring success.

In the summer of 2020, the broadcast of "This Is Street Dance" pushed Wang Yibo's street dance performance to its peak. He not only relied on his superb dancing skills and convincing comments to conquer the dancers, but also used his charismatic leadership ability He led the entire team to win the championship in the third season, and continued to win the championship in the fourth season. He was invited by the Chinese Dancers Association and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Art Center to serve as the promotion ambassador for China's top dancers. At the same time, he was unanimously recommended by all the dancers to star in the movie "Hot".

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

Brand cross-border cooperation originates from the unity of the core

Wang Yibo, as the brand ambassador of Audi Yingjiehui and the global spokesperson of EVISU, through the identity of the No. 85 racing driver, cleverly integrates the two to achieve the circle-breaking effect, and the trendy standard configuration and fashionable cool cover are perfect Perform a visual feast of speed and passion.

Wang Yibo’s identity as racing driver No. 85 originated from his birthday - August 5th. From two-wheeled motorcycles to four-wheeled racing, racing driver No. 85 made a seamless transition. His first experience with four-wheel-drive racing continued with motorcycle racing. Racing on the road, Wang Yibo completed his GT3 racing debut. Wearing a customized racing suit, he used his unique mechanical sense to drive a four-wheel racing car for the first time and achieved excellent lap times.

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

Also breaking out of the circle is the cooperation between Anta and skateboarding. Anta's newly launched skateboard line, through the endorsement cooperation of skateboarding promotion ambassador Wang Yibo, has won the favor and pursuit of fashion people as soon as it was launched, and Anta has frequently appeared in trends. The front end, and Anta's T-shirt also appeared in the movie "Hot", jumping and flashing with dancer Chen Shuo.

Cross-border breaking has become a mainstream publicity, and Wang Yibo’s blend of various qualities has also allowed him to achieve good publicity effects in cross-border breaking. Breaking the circle seems easy, but in fact it requires the people who connect to have the ability to convince different circles. Wang Yibo's continuous challenges and conquests of extreme sports such as motorcycles, hip-hop, skateboarding, etc., have well sent a signal that can be recognized by everyone. This also gives the brand a good promotional focus in other circles.

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

The director of the movie "King of the Sky" said: I found Yibo to star in Lei Yu because I watched his motorcycle race and thought that he and I were both people who love machinery. When Wang Yibo was filming a car crash scene, he had a high fever and went into action in person. His professionalism was commendable. The director of the movie "Unknown" selected Wang Yibo based on his bare-face photos taken while he was taking a break from motorcycle training. Wang Yibo lived up to the director's expectations and completed the role brilliantly, and was praised for his language talent.

When a person does something he loves, he will gather energy. Only with infinite love can there be infinite possibilities. (Text/Yukong)

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

From entertainment to cross-border sports, Wang Yibo continues to break through circles - Lujuba

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