There’s something new, little celebrity! The sixth season of "Little Chinese Scholars" "Chinese Family Poetry Competition" starts on Saturday

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Time flies and it is early autumn, every stroke is filled with poetry. The sixth season of Shandong Satellite TV's youth Chinese studies puzzle program "Little Celebrities in Chinese Studies" "Chinese Family Poetry Competition" will be officially launched this Saturday (September 9) as scheduled.

There’s something new, little celebrity! The sixth season of 'Little Chinese Scholars' 'Chinese Family Poetry Competition' starts on Saturday - Lujuba

Articles are combined to suit the time, and songs and poems are combined to suit the situation.

"Little Famous Chinese Scholars" has gone through six years and its charm has not diminished. The secret of its "evergreen" screen is to closely follow the propositions of the current era and adapt to the changes of the times and the needs of the Chinese people. , find themes and extract inspiration from the appearance of life. The new season of the program combines Chinese poetry and family poetry education to explore poetry that has flown into the homes of ordinary people, showing 360 lines of poetic life in the era, and helping to cultivate new people of the era who are worthy of the great responsibility of national rejuvenation. Extract ten keywords such as "climbing high, broad-minded, beautiful, passionate, untainted, world, ambition, fireworks, peach land, knowledge and practice" to connect ancient times and the present, poetry and life, and also cleverly connect the great love of family and country, never forget Various aspects of the times, such as original intention, clear water and green mountains, healing anxiety, and anti-involution, reshape the essence of these poems in the long history into the public cultural memory of the current society, and exquisitely complete a new interpretation and echo of the value of the times.

There’s something new, little celebrity! The sixth season of 'Little Chinese Scholars' 'Chinese Family Poetry Competition' starts on Saturday - Lujuba

Although it is hard work, after all the sand is blown, the gold will be found

In six years, it is not easy to create a good program that is loved and recognized by the whole people and leads cultural trends in the surging Internet wave. "I sat up in shock when I was dying, and asked with a smile where did the guest come from?" "Responsibility in the desolate land of Bashan Chushui", in view of the current short video's excessive play on traditional poetry culture, the program's guest mentor and "debate poet" Xi Rui, Expressed his visionary interpretation, "Why is there a need for programs like "Little Famous Chinese Scholars" now? Because we can't be satisfied with short videos of 30 seconds each making fun of understanding, we are not satisfied with endless headlines that are not shocking, and we are not satisfied with Pan-entertainment banter requires coming to such a stage and spending an evening together to share the beauty of poetry."

"Little Chinese Scholars" has been launched in 2017, with the theme of "comprehensive display of young people's Chinese studies". The form carrier leads the audience into the world of poetry in an immersive way, and uses the beauty of poetry to promote traditional culture and promote the return of culture. It strives to integrate the traditional Chinese aesthetic connotation with the aesthetic taste of contemporary audiences, and deeply explores the long-standing and profound cultural genes and value pursuits. With its sophisticated production, it has been rated as an innovative and excellent program by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for five consecutive seasons, and twice won the "TV Literature and Art" award. Nominated for the "Starlight Award", won the first prize of the 11th "Taishan Literary Award", won the China TV "Annual Applause" Award, TV Landmark Annual Most Innovative and Influential Program, Annual Most Leading Cultural Program and many other domestic It is known as the "flagship brand of cultural programs".

Tonghua Wanli Danshan Road, the young phoenix is ​​as clear as the old phoenix

Previous "Little Famous Chinese Scholars" are rich in "other people's children". They are truly themselves, showing their literary talents, expressing their love and persistence for poetry, being excellent, wise and humble and polite. It is more appropriate to describe them as the unparalleled sons of Mo Shang, who are full of poetry and calligraphy. . In the new season of the program, Yang Yu, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Chinese Department of Central South University, joked, "This time I can not only see how good 'other people's children' are, but also get to know 'other people's parents'" 'How outstanding.' The program expanded from the previous independent youth to family competition, which not only enriched the diversity of narrative themes, but also cleverly demonstrated the important influence of family atmosphere and family tradition guidance on the growth path of children. At the same time, it cleverly presents the cultural scene of poetry gradually entering the homes of ordinary people, and also brings out current hot topics such as family tradition and parental education. Faced with the increasing number of parents who have chicken babies, Xi Rui said frankly, "Parents always hope that their children will succeed and their daughters will succeed. Instead of putting so much pressure on their children, it is better for parents to take care of themselves first. It is better to hope that their children will succeed than to succeed themselves."

There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the clouds and sails will sail across the sea

The newly upgraded sixth season of "Little Chinese Scholars" "Chinese Family Poetry Competition", the stage is shaped like a giant "poetry scroll", and Yun Fanji has traveled thousands of miles. The dynamic visual special effects of Canghai and the ground screen setting of the cultural river show the cultural heritage and romantic feelings of the poetry program. The first episode of the program has the theme of "hanging sails directly on the clouds to help the sea", cleverly showing the patriotic ambition of "if you want to grow up here to serve the country, why do you need to be born in Yumen Pass", expressing "thousands of sails passing by the sinking boat, sick people The positive and innovative attitude of "Ten Thousand Trees in Front of the Tree" shows the youthful ambition of "the youngest among the seventeen people at the inscription under Ci'en Pagoda". Cai Tianxin, a professor at the School of Mathematics at Zhejiang University and a poet, also said that returning to the stage of Shandong Satellite TV after four years is like ushering in a new life after graduation. The upgrade of this season's program also means that it is like setting sail and going to a distant place in the port of Shandong.

There’s something new, little celebrity! The sixth season of 'Little Chinese Scholars' 'Chinese Family Poetry Competition' starts on Saturday - Lujuba

The albizia flowers bloom in the garden and the grass is fragrant, and the forgetfulness flowers bloom in the pond and the water shines

The contestants of this season's program as a whole show a stronger atmosphere of youth culture. They not only show their unique love and accumulation of poetry culture, but also show their family education, family The importance of wind inheritance on the growth path of young people. Liu Runyao, the "Hexagon Warrior" from the Experimental Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, and Wang Xiaojin, a mother from Xicheng, answered questions on the spot, fluently, briskly, and effortlessly. Their love for literature and poetry seemed to be engraved in their DNA.

There’s something new, little celebrity! The sixth season of 'Little Chinese Scholars' 'Chinese Family Poetry Competition' starts on Saturday - Lujuba

Chinese astronaut Zhang Haizhu and his daughter Zhang Ruxu not only showed their profound accumulation of poetry, but also truly conveyed their love and persistence for their aerospace industry. When it comes to topics related to the development of China's aerospace technology and the history of China's aerospace, as a Chinese aerospace technician with more than 20 years of service, Zhang Haizhu explained to the audience the ancient "Wanhu" Tao Chengdao, who opened the world through kite technology. China’s Flying Dream. At the same time, the teacher Yang Yu also expressed her different views, a literary and romantic interpretation, "The jade and the Qiu are flying with pride, and the wind is still in the sky." She believes that Qu Yuan is the first flying man in China. It must be said that for thousands of years, the Chinese nation has never stopped exploring the truth and the unknown. These ancient historical knowledge are extended through the expansion of the topic, allowing young audiences who love traditional culture to deepen their understanding and thinking again.

There’s something new, little celebrity! The sixth season of 'Little Chinese Scholars' 'Chinese Family Poetry Competition' starts on Saturday - Lujuba

Deng Yawen, a literary girl who loves poetry, and Wan Jinghui, a self-proclaimed "poetry rookie mother", work together to show a new model of love between Chinese parents and children. It is warm and healing, and the family is together Together we have a beautiful poem.

There’s something new, little celebrity! The sixth season of 'Little Chinese Scholars' 'Chinese Family Poetry Competition' starts on Saturday - Lujuba

The song is full of surprises, and every sentence makes me cry in memory of my mother.

At the end of the first episode, a tear-jerking scene was staged on the stage. Deng Yawen, who is about to enter the university campus, sang "It's Mom, I'm Daughter" for her mother on the open mic, "I hope You are loved, I hope you will be happy, and I hope my hands can protect you from the wind." My mother was a mother for the first time, and no one taught her, but she did a good job. I am also a daughter for the first time. Many people have taught me, but I have not done enough. In Yawen's singing, maternal love becomes a string that touches everyone's heart. Deep in the bone marrow, unforgettable. At that moment, what we listened to was a song, but what entered our hearts was what we understood, and what we understood was life.

"Appreciate the beauty of poetry and convey family tradition of poetry and etiquette". For more exciting details, watch Shandong Satellite TV at 8:30 every Saturday night. The sixth season of "Little Famous Chinese Scholars" "Chinese Family Poetry Competition" will be with you.

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