Why Shandong Satellite TV’s “Chinese Family Poetry Competition” still makes us passionate and moved

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In recent years, telling Chinese stories and spreading Chinese voices has become the most important innovative direction of current literary and artistic works. At the same time, a large number of cultural-themed programs have sprung up one after another. So, how to achieve sustainable new content output in such a highly competitive cultural and variety show circuit? How to use the essence of traditional culture to care for current life? It is undoubtedly a difficult problem before everyone.

Especially as a comprehensive N-generation cultural brand program, if you want to achieve distinctive innovation, it will be more difficult. But there are still people who persist in their dreams, keep walking, actively explore, and continue to work hard. On September 9, Shandong Satellite TV's youth Chinese studies quiz program "Little Famous Chinese Studies" will launch the sixth season of "Chinese Family Poetry Competition", which combines Chinese poetry and family poetry education to explore poems that fly into the homes of ordinary people and show Three hundred and sixty lines of poetic life in the times show the eternal charm and style of the times of Chinese poetry.

On the road of exploring original cultural programs, Shandong Satellite TV has indeed opened up a clear and refined creative route and unique methodology. Starting from 2017, six seasons of high-quality program content have been launched continuously, which may provide some inspiration and meaningful reference for how to effectively innovate current cultural programs.

Why Shandong Satellite TV’s “Chinese Family Poetry Competition” still makes us passionate and moved - Lujuba

Focus on the dual focus of poetry and family tradition

A new model of family fighting culture

A good cultural program must have a theme with profound ideological content, integrate the creator's thinking and emotions, and bring reflection to the audience. . Looking back into real life and paying attention to the present moment is the lifeline and basic point of high-quality content. Looking at "Little Chinese Scholars", a cultural brand program that is always new, the reason for launching "Chinese Family Poetry Competition" this season is internally a high-quality demand for self-initiative innovation, and externally it is a response to It provides important guidance for content creation through the current dissemination of excellent traditional culture and the construction of family tradition, tutoring, and family civilization.

The sixth season of "Little Chinese Scholars" will launch a new upgrade to launch the Chinese Family Poetry Competition. 27 groups of poetry families with different characteristics will come to the stage one after another. Through two rounds of poetry answering and poetry games, the winner of a single period will be determined. After nine games, the ultimate battle for the championship will begin. The contestants of the first episode of the program are the poetry girl Deng Yawen and her mother Wan Jinghui, who have won many titles such as the National Outstanding Communist Youth League Member "Henan Province's Good Boy in the New Era" and her mother Wan Jinghui. With their solid poetry skills and quick thinking on the spot, they have won the hearts of guests and unanimous approval from the audience.

Why Shandong Satellite TV’s “Chinese Family Poetry Competition” still makes us passionate and moved - Lujuba

Specifically, this season's program has achieved three dimensions of concrete innovation:

shows a sense of balance that is both familiar and patterned by superimposing innovative effects. The program for six consecutive seasons has generally continued the profound Chinese culture heritage and cultural style of "Little Chinese Scholars", but each time it will also innovatively embed different model points, which will help the audience create unique memory points and form innovative overlay amplification. Effect. For example, the family season launched in this season's program uses "family teaming" as the entry point and uses the superimposed form of "chamber battle + professional commentary + oriental aesthetics". There is no trace of slogans or symbolic preaching in the whole process, and it maintains a constant sense of humor. The kitsch cultural character is still in the process of subtlety, arousing the poetic genes of the public and realizing a national and family-style cultural mobilization.

A big stage for new idols of poetry culture and inheritance of family traditions. The contestants of this season's program overall present a stronger atmosphere of youth culture. As "other people's children", they not only show their unique love and accumulation of poetry culture, but also show the influence of family education and family tradition inheritance on the growth of young people. Significant influence.Taking the three groups of participating families in the first episode of the program, Liu Runyao from Qiu Chengtong’s Junior Class of the Experimental Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University and Wang Xiaojin, a mother from Xicheng, let everyone see that an education that “doesn’t give birth to children but gives birth to children” can also cultivate outstanding children. Children; aerospace science and technology worker Zhang Haizhu and daughter Zhang Rushu. Both father and daughter have shown a special love for traditional Chinese culture, and this has also laid a solid foundation for the close relationship between father and daughter like friends; a talented poet Deng Yawen and poetry novice mother Wan Jinghui, driven by their daughter who deeply loves Chinese poetry culture, have also gone from a pure literature novice to a tacit understanding of the scene today, truly demonstrating the importance of the poetic etiquette family tradition to children and parents. far-reaching impact.

At the same time, the program also cleverly presented the cultural scene of Chinese poetry flying into the homes of ordinary people, and cleverly linked to many social topics that are of great concern to the public at the moment, such as the parent chicken baby, cultural involution, and short video games discussed in the first episode. Memes and other popular topics.

It is worth mentioning that this season’s program includes a variety of family combinations and family traditions, which is very exciting. Among them are emergency doctor Xu Xiaochan and her daughter, Dongfeng Warriors deputy chief engineer Zhang Tao and his son, poetry hobby There are two brothers, Niu Yichen and Niu Yikun, and two poetry brothers and sisters, Yang Haoxiang and Bai Xiaohan, who are from Du Fu's hometown. In addition, there are also Chu Han, a young poet who likes to study Hanfu, Guo Jinshan, a young commentator of Wuhou Temple, Amir and Maria, a mixed-race brother and sister who like poetry, Qu Liangyuan, a descendant of Qu Yuan, Guo Erle, a good young man in the new era of Nanjing, etc. wait.

has various forms and is more interactive in terms of process links. In particular, the poetry game section continues the classic poetry flying section, and also comprehensively upgrades new gameplay methods such as "race against time", "heart to heart", "idiom-based poetry", etc., showing more interactivity and interest. In addition, in the poetry question-and-answer session, "video questions" are cleverly introduced, and outdoor shooting and real-person appearances are used to allow young role models and role models to meet poetry and subtly influence more audiences, making it truly entertaining and educational.

Why Shandong Satellite TV’s “Chinese Family Poetry Competition” still makes us passionate and moved - Lujuba

Continuously innovate high-quality cultural content

Make cultural values ​​stable and lively

For a cultural program, how to make abstract cultural content and spiritual core live and normalize, and subtly influence more people, this It is undoubtedly a big problem facing creators.

Just like the slogan of this season's program, "appreciate the beauty of poetry and convey the family tradition of poetry and etiquette", this season's program can be said to not only retain the vast, profound and ethereal and vivid cultural temperament of the program, but also make more innovative content in this season's program With refined planning and practical implementation.

If we review the innovations of the "Chinese Family Poetry Competition" in the sixth season of "Little Chinese Scholars" as a whole, the author summarizes them into three meanings:

Using "Oriental Aesthetics" as a new entry point to create a family social network New scene. Change the strong rhythm and fast narrative of cultural competition programs, and create an oriental aesthetic full of artistic conception, allowing the audience to calm down and slow down in an instant, and then tell the story again, from visual to content, to show everyone all-round The eternal charm and style of the times of Chinese poetry culture. In addition, this IP program has also led to the emergence of a new cultural phenomenon. With the more interactive and family-friendly sixth season of "Little Chinese Scholars", it has subtly attracted a large number of audiences and gradually returned to " In the warm scene of family socialization.

innovatively customizes the top ten keywords to unlock new dialogues between ancient and modern times across time and space. The sixth season of "Little Famous Chinese Scholars" closely follows the proposition of the current era, finds themes and extracts inspiration from the changes of the times, the needs of the people, and the appearance of life, and extracts the concepts of climbing high, broad-minded, graceful, bold, untainted, worldly, and ambitious. Ten keywords such as fireworks, Taoyuan, and knowledge are used as the theme of ten classic poems to link ancient times and the present, poetry and life. At the same time, it also cleverly connects the great love of home and country, never forgetting the original intention, clear water and green mountains, healing anxiety, and reflection. Involution and other aspects of the times reshape the essence of these poems in the long history into the public cultural memory of the current society, exquisitely completing a new interpretation and echoing expression of the values ​​of the times.

More importantly, drawing on the wisdom of the ancients to guide contemporary life is very inspiring and meaningful, especially for young people. Just as the theme of the premiere program is "Hang on the clouds and sail across the sea", the wise expressions behind the poems are incorporated one by one, which undoubtedly enlightens and makes wise many viewers today. For example, "If you want to grow up and serve your country, why should you be born in Yumen Pass" conveys the patriotic ambition, and "The roc rises with the wind in one day, soaring to ninety thousand", which guides young people to move forward with vigor and live up to the name of youth; "Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sinking boat, and thousands of spring trees grow in front of the diseased trees", which encourages everyone to maintain a positive attitude and move forward courageously in the face of difficulties; "Going east to Gusu Terrace, you have the ability to float on the sea", telling us that we should regard literati as our heroes. As a role model, read thousands of books and see thousands of miles of mountains and rivers; "Wine is the banner, drum, pen, knife, and the power falls from the sky to the Milky Way." Contemporary young people should imitate the sages and uphold the ambition of protecting their homes and country and making contributions.

Why Shandong Satellite TV’s “Chinese Family Poetry Competition” still makes us passionate and moved - Lujuba

The cultural group is in charge, and the golden sentences frequently appear to make people think deeply. This season's program continues to invite experts, scholars and cultural experts, such as Li Bo, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Liberal Arts of Nanjing Normal University, Yang Yu, professor of the School of Humanities of Central South University, Professor Luo Yuming of Fudan University, Cai Tianxin, professor of the School of Mathematics of Zhejiang University, "The Goddess of Poetry" "Chen Geng, "knowledge blogger" He Chuhan, "Qi Pa Shuo" debater Xi Rui, Yu Zhongmei who is passionate about Chinese traditional culture. They will form a cultural group. With their profound knowledge and easy-to-understand expressions, they will popularize the profound meaning behind poetry for the audience, leading everyone to truly enter the world of poetry and understand the connotation of poetry.

Why Shandong Satellite TV’s “Chinese Family Poetry Competition” still makes us passionate and moved - Lujuba

In the first episode of the program, teacher Yang Yu’s vivid and exciting explanations of poetry and dictionary stories were deeply memorable. Among them, the interpretation of "Eight Hundred Miles" has benefited many viewers a lot. The poet Xin Qiji of the Southern Song Dynasty wrote in "Broken Array: Compose a Poem for Chen Tongfu to Send It to Him": "Eight hundred miles are divided into subordinates, and fifty strings are turned over the sound outside the Great Wall." The "eight hundred miles" actually comes from "Shishuo Xinyu" ·Tai Xiu" chapter: "The king's husband has an ox, named Babaili Pi, and its hoof horns are often shining." After this allusion, "eight hundred miles" was used to refer to cattle.

Why Shandong Satellite TV’s “Chinese Family Poetry Competition” still makes us passionate and moved - Lujuba

Debate poet Xirui expressed his vision and interpretation of the current short video's over-playing of traditional poetry culture, which is really worthy of everyone's reflection. He believes, "Why do we still need programs like "Little Famous Chinese Scholars" now? It's because we are not satisfied with 30-second short videos that make fun of understanding, are not satisfied with endless headlines that are not shocking, and are not satisfied with pan-entertainment. It is necessary to come to such a stage and spend an evening to share the beauty of poetry."

Why Shandong Satellite TV’s “Chinese Family Poetry Competition” still makes us passionate and moved - Lujuba

Not only that, on the communication channels of the all-media platform, the sixth season of "Little Famous Chinese Scholars" also realized the joint development of large and small screens. Power, based on the communication accumulation and advantages of the large screen on the TV side, and at the same time comprehensive linkage and deep integration with official video websites, Douyin and other social media, forming a three-dimensional, fission-changing, and large-scale communication magnetic field, which not only effectively increases the public's Off-site participation has increased the topic and traffic of the program, and also improved the all-media communication effect of poetry culture and family tradition inheritance, allowing poetry to truly enter the lives of current people.

Strengthen the path of cultural confidence

Demonstrate the responsibility and responsibility of mainstream media

For television media, it is not only a platform for social public information exchange, but also a platform for disseminating core values ​​and enhancing cultural soft power. It has also been given more significance. and a sense of mission. Over the years, Shandong Satellite TV has been actively fulfilling the responsibilities and responsibilities of mainstream media, taking "keeping integrity and innovation" as its creative guidance, forming a branded matrix of high-quality cultural content, promoting mainstream values, telling Chinese stories well, and continuing to spread positive energy and enthusiasm to the public. Leadership.

Why Shandong Satellite TV’s “Chinese Family Poetry Competition” still makes us passionate and moved - Lujuba

Over the past six seasons, "Little Chinese Classics" has continued to innovate in its own iterations, which is not only reflected in the external form, but also in the core of self-renewal.Whether it is the selection of players, the requirements for guests and hosts, or the fine polishing of the competition process, as well as the ingenious cultural "two innovations", so that traditional culture can be skillfully combined with real life, trend carriers, and social hot spots, Achieve the vivid practice of "two creations" of traditional culture, easy dissemination, clever presentation, and strong topic. At the same time, it also allows more young people to discover the beauty of traditional culture, and then enthusiastically love and actively disseminate excellent cultural works. All of these are all fulfilling the original intention of creatively transforming and innovatively developing excellent traditional culture. The success of "Little Chinese Classics" may be due to the high-energy advancement of Chinese traditional culture in the new media era. It is undoubtedly a successful example of popularizing Chinese traditional culture, and it is also the best footnote of cultural confidence.

Grasp and implement the leaders' "people-centered" cultural development concept, promote the "two creations" of excellent traditional culture, and allow traditional culture and modern civilization to organically blend. Shandong has always strived to be at the forefront in promoting excellent traditional culture. Start a new game. From "Little Famous Chinese Scholars" to "The Universe", "Chinese Rites and Chinese Music", "Yellow River Cultural Conference" and "Here Comes the Curator", Shandong Satellite TV takes high-quality cultural IP as the driving core, effectively integrates cultural resources, and moves towards matrixing and serialization. , the transformation of new operating ideas of Internet Biochemical, truly achieving the original intention and mission of carrying forward Chinese traditional culture, strengthening the cultural confidence of the Chinese people, and activating the vitality of Chinese civilization.

Why Shandong Satellite TV’s “Chinese Family Poetry Competition” still makes us passionate and moved - Lujuba

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