China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of "Da Sheng Kui": "Da Sheng Kui" is more than just a TV series!

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Every summer vacation is a "war" between film and television dramas. Whether it is modern workplace dramas, costume idol dramas, or suspense mystery dramas, there are all kinds of genres, including many well-produced and extremely popular dramas. In the fierce competition in the summer film and television drama market, the historical business war drama "Da Sheng Kui" filmed more than ten years ago "breaks out of the siege". It was rated as a star in the first round and launched on LeTV Video. In the summer film and television dramas that are constantly emerging, It has achieved good results in the drama market. China Net Entertainment also conducted an interview with Wang Xinmin, the director of "Da Sheng Kui", to discuss the creation experience of "Da Sheng Kui" and the significance of its current broadcast.

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - LujubaChina Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

(Related ratings data of "Da Sheng Kui", source: provided by LeTV Video)

"Da Sheng Kui" is directed by Wang Xinmin, starring Yu Zhen, Qiao Zhenyu, and Wu Liansheng, and is produced by the Hohhot Municipal Government, Inner Mongolia TV Station, and Yuquan District People's Government , Ordos Cashmere Group, and Beijing Shanxi Merchants Museum jointly invested in and filmed the TV series in 2009. The "Da Sheng Kui" series consists of three parts: entrepreneurship, establishment and bankruptcy, with a historical span of 270 years. It tells the story of the largest transnational trading house in the Qing Dynasty, "Da Sheng Kui", created by Shanxi merchants under the historical background of "Going to the West Exit" in the Qing Dynasty. The rise and fall of "Sheng Kui". The currently aired "Dashengkui" focuses on the "entrepreneurship" part. It tells the story of how the three founders of the "Dashengkui" company, Wang Xiangqing, Shi Daxue, and Zhang Jie, established a relationship between brothers with different surnames amidst various difficulties and setbacks. Carry out trade with various ethnic groups in the grasslands and establish a unique business system of the "Dashengkui" business name. It implements "Dashengkui's" exploration and persistence in the spirit of seeking wealth from relics and doing business with justice, showing the audience a heart-stirring "grassroots counterattack" entrepreneurial history.

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

(Poster of "Da Sheng Kui", photo source: Photo provided by the drama company)

Because of a TV series, a historical book was published

"Da Sheng Kui" is positioned as a historical drama, and its production is compared with other types of film and television dramas , paying more attention to the pursuit of historical authenticity. After deciding on the topic, Director Wang Xinmin and his creative team chose to conduct research cooperation with the Inner Mongolia General History Museum and organized historians to conduct an inspection of historical materials in multiple places. The

team has successively traveled to Shanxi, Hubei, Beijing, and Inner Mongolia to collect information. The director himself has also traveled to Mongolia and Russia many times to look for the traces of Chinese businessmen. The team's method of collecting historical materials not only pays attention to historical textual research under the empirical method, but also pays attention to oral history research methods. They interviewed a large number of people who had pulled camels to do business for "Dashengkui" or other companies. Through their oral accounts, they supplemented the details and stories of life and trading at that time, and gradually restored the business activities and life of merchants traveling in Mongolia at that time from both macro and micro perspectives. More than 10 million words of information collected were finally integrated into a 2 million-word historical book "A Comprehensive Survey of Businessmen in Mongolia". The director said, "These two books will become our future screenwriters and our actors." , both our art and the creative team have become a must-read for them." It is precisely because of the respect for history and the rigorous verification of facts that "Dasheng Kui" can be extremely restored from the shooting scenes to the morality of the service. Historical facts have never lost its identity as a historical drama. In addition to the value it brings to the filming of TV series, "A Comprehensive Guide to Mongolian Businessmen", which was produced as a result of historical research, contains historical materials on business in Inner Mongolia for more than 500 years, and also provides more references for Mongolian and Chinese trade culture in academic research.

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

Of course, collecting materials for creation is not always smooth sailing. Director Wang Xinmin admitted that most of the information they collected focused on the subsequent operations of the business name "Dashengkui". For the three founders, they only mentioned their names and brief biographical introductions. By visiting their hometowns, they could only learn some general information. The characters, the entrepreneurial process in the play and the details of the three protagonists' characters are all the result of continuous discussions and improvements by the creative team based on limited historical facts. "Based on this historical basis, we have been discussing for a long time how the positioning of each of these three characters should be determined, and several drafts have been overturned."With such a lack of information, in order to present the characters more truly, the creative team interviewed a large number of entrepreneurs to flesh out the storyline, such as the portrayal of Shi University. The director introduced: "We also listened to many friends' stories. The stories of Shanxi people in the process of buying and selling, as well as the details of thrift in their lives are used in Shi University. "

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

(The image of "Historical University" in the play, source: photo provided by the show)

"After we positioned the story and the personalities of the three characters, we connected them because of the many materials and stories we collected. Up, many new plots can naturally be generated based on the characters’ personalities. "In the process of following the historical truth and gradually improving the characters and story details, in the extremely restored era background, the characters in the play also have their own vitality. Behind the words in the book are the living lives and the struggle for life. Their unique growth process is presented to the audience through the shaping of actors, and the picture of the times is real and tangible.

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

(The three founders of "Dashengkui" in the play, source: Photo provided by the show)

Written by It is the story of "Dashengkui" and it is also a testimony of the exchange, interaction and harmonious coexistence between national cultures.

When talking about why he chose the history of the "Dashengkui" business name as the theme, the director said that "Dashengkui" itself has a long history in China. It has a unique position in the history of business. Its large scale, long history, operating system that is different from the traditional inheritance system, and the legendary lives of the three founders have all become important considerations when choosing the topic. Director Wang Xinmin himself is also in Hohhot Born and raised, I have a deep understanding and intertwining with Mongolian culture and grassland culture. The inclusiveness of Mongolian culture, the unique wealth concept of "guarding wealth for the Immortal God", and the mutual influence of Mongolian and Chinese cultures in trade exchanges. The influence and formation of a closer, symbiotic and win-win relationship are the core of what he hopes to express and convey.

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

(Director Wang Xinmin on the set of "Dasheng Kui", source: photo provided by the show)

"Different nationalities, in On this land of China, we live together and build this land together, and no one can do without the other. Especially in ethnic minority areas, the Mongolians cannot do without supplies from the hinterland, but the hinterlands also cannot do without the Mongolian cattle, horses, sheep, and medicinal materials. The lack of either of the two will bring problems to life and production. Inconvenient, so I think this is very important. ”

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

(The director is on the set of "Da Sheng Kui", source: photo provided by the show)

Different cultures communicate and collide during contact. Director Wang Xinmin believes that when presenting multi-ethnic cultural themes, culture should not be avoided. Contradictions and problems derived from differences in behavior, including incorrect understandings of national culture, misunderstandings caused by differences in the way people deal with the world, etc. However, writing about the collision of civilizations is to highlight the mutual respect for each other under the integration of civilizations. Achievements, for example, the Mongolian people's high emphasis on integrity influenced Wang Xiangqing and gave him the courage to do credit transactions; Wang Xiangqing's unique business perspective also provided help for the Mongolian people to better realize wealth transformation and improve their lives.

It can be said that although The main plot of "Da Sheng Kui" is a business war drama about starting a business and running a business. However, in addition to the Chinese business spirit of doing business with justice, it is more important to show the harmonious interactive relationship between the Mongolian and Han peoples, "each has his own beauty, and all the beauty is shared." , conveys the profound friendship and inseparable destiny among the people under unity and harmony, and has a more profound and lofty significance and value.

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

(Still photo of "Dasheng Kui", source: photo provided by the drama)

In addition, Director Wang Xinmin also shared with us the cultural tourism practice carried out with the theme of "Dashengkui" in conjunction with the relevant departments of tourism development in Inner Mongolia, and planned and operated the Dashengkui series of cultural industries with his team. Whether it is launched at the book level The novel "The Wealthiest Dashengkui in the World" is also the "Dashengkui Symphony Suite" performed at the Ulanqat Grand Theater in terms of music, or the Dashengkui Cultural and Creative Park and Tea Road Film and Television Base are being constructed in terms of creating tourist attractions.It enriches the impact of "Dashengkui" and the culture it contains on contemporary people from multiple angles, allowing the audience to experience its spiritual and cultural value and significance.

It is a review of history, as well as an inspiration for the present and a look forward to the future.

"Da Sheng Kui" has been meeting audiences across the country for more than ten years. It has changed both in terms of social development and the audience's spiritual and cultural needs and aesthetic orientation. a big change. Talking about the practical significance brought by the star broadcast of "Da Sheng Kui", Director Wang Xinmin also shared his own thoughts with us.

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

(Photo by Director Wang Xinmin, Source: Picture provided by the show)

"I think the mentality of us Chinese people is different now. It should be said that we are in a period of major transformation. Society is now facing many challenges, many Young people have often talked about the word "lie down" since last year, and they feel that they are not so confident about their future. Now watching "Da Sheng Kui", I think it can bring a thought to more people today, that is, to think about Think about 300 years ago, these people, who were considered young at the time, came to the grasslands of Inner Mongolia with no power, no money, no background, and no backing. Moreover, this place had a completely different environment, language, and life from the mainland. Faced with such a situation, some people retreated, but Wang Xiangqing, Zhang Jie and Shi Daxue did not retreat. They persisted and went through ups and downs, several successes and several failures. We summed up experience and lessons from failures, and finally founded a company that shocked the times, Dashengkui. So, I think this may have a certain motivating effect on many people today and give them some confidence."

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

(Still photo of "Da Sheng Kui", source: photo provided by the show)

"This drama also tells us another truth, that it is impossible to get rich overnight. In the past 20 or 30 years, we Due to the situation of the country at that time, many people could become rich overnight. But what is more normal is to be down-to-earth and take one step at a time to achieve something. Just like Wang Xiangqing, he just wanted to "become a fat man in one bite" at the beginning, so he He did it, and he didn't do that, and he achieved nothing. In the end, he was stimulated by Xiangyu, and decided to go back to Lao Caitou to carry water, starting from carrying 1,000 barrels of water. Just like them, Da Shengkui, he also walked up step by step. Yes, this is indeed of great value to us today."

China Net Entertainment talked with Wang Xinmin, director of 'Da Sheng Kui': 'Da Sheng Kui' is more than just a TV series! - Lujuba

(Still photo of "Da Sheng Kui", source: photo provided by the show)

Good film and television dramas can enable people at different stages and in different social backgrounds to gain different insights Harvest and inspire to better provide guidance for real life. In 2023, "Da Sheng Kui" will be broadcast on LeTV Video. It not only provides the audience with a well-produced and rich historical drama, but also shows the beauty of exchanges and mutual promotion between national cultures. It also uses the pioneering and enterprising spirit of historical figures. The spirit continues to inspire people today to work hard, strengthen their confidence, be down-to-earth, and meet one challenge after another in life with a full spiritual attitude. I hope that every audience can experience and feel it, and while gaining audio-visual enjoyment, they can also gain a better interpretation of their own life status and the motivation for development and advancement in "Da Sheng Kui".

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