"Dad's Lies" premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the "father-daughter love" that transcends blood ties

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On September 8, the premiere of the movie "Dad's Lies" was held in Fuzhou under the guidance of the Propaganda Film Bureau of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and sponsored by the Provincial Filmmakers Association. The film's main creators included Yang Musheng, the director of "Dad's Lies" , starring Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong, starring Fu Shaojie, Zhu Shuoran, Su Li, Wang Kan, Jia Xi, and special stars Niu Ben and Zhu Xijuan all came to the scene to share their creative experiences in front of and behind the scenes. Hou Tianlai played the "heroic father" Liu Afu. During the movie, this role won applause and tears from the audience.

'Dad's Lies' premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the 'father-daughter love' that transcends blood ties - Lujuba

"Dad's Lies" is produced by Fujian Beiba Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd., produced by Fujian Xichuang Culture Communication Co., Ltd., and jointly produced by Xiamen Laoma Hushuo Culture Media Co., Ltd., Fujian Taining Yuelai Film and Television Co., Ltd. and other units , promoted by Tongying Media. Jiang Ping, a senior film producer and national first-level director, serves as the artistic director, Han Zhijun, a famous playwright and national first-level director, serves as the literary director, Yang Ping serves as the producer and chief producer, and Lu Huabin serves as the producer. It tells the touching story of Liu Afu who learned that he was seriously ill and did not have much time left, so he decided to take his adopted daughter Liu Xiaohua on a journey to find his relatives.

'Dad's Lies' premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the 'father-daughter love' that transcends blood ties - Lujuba

In addition to the love between father and daughter, the movie touches on social issues such as abandonment, abduction, and left-behind children. At the premiere, many guests also talked about the content of the movie about black and white, and the collision between good and evil, which was particularly thought-provoking. , the content is exciting and also very educational. Many guests and media have spoken highly of the film.

'Dad's Lies' premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the 'father-daughter love' that transcends blood ties - Lujuba

Yang Ping, producer, chief producer of "Dad's Lies" and chairman of Fujian Beiba Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd., delivered a welcome speech and shared his original intention of creating the film: "Carefully creating this theater movie is not only In order to make a film that is both entertaining and of artistic value, I also hope to inspire people's resonance and attention to social issues such as left-behind children and child trafficking."

The "heroic aura" of little people makes people cry

Interpretation by Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong During the premiere of "Father-Daughter Love Beyond Bloodline"

, Lin Gui, Chairman of the Fujian Filmmakers Association, said in his speech that movies are an important carrier to enrich and meet the people's growing cultural needs. A good movie can enlighten thoughts and warm people. It cultivates the soul, cultivates life, and gives people upward power. ""Daddy's Lies" takes family as its theme and digs deep into the complexity of human nature and the roots of social issues. The film is full of warmth and touching, and it is a philosophical film. We can only always advocate and insist that content is king and stick to the film Only the quality of creation can contribute to improving the quality of people's cultural life."

'Dad's Lies' premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the 'father-daughter love' that transcends blood ties - Lujuba

Jiang Ping, a senior film producer and national first-level director, said in his speech that as a literary and art worker, he should take root in the people, go deep into life, and make movies for the common people. ""Dad's Lies" is a work with a realistic theme. It is not a big movie, but it has big feelings. It is a way for filmmakers to express their love for the current era, their love for the people, and their love for the motherland on the screen. I hope everyone likes it."

'Dad's Lies' premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the 'father-daughter love' that transcends blood ties - Lujuba

In the movie, tricycle driver Liu Afu, played by veteran actor Hou Tianlai, raises his adopted daughter Liu Xiaohua (played by Jing Xitong) alone, and develops a deep relationship with Liu Xiaohua. After learning that he was seriously ill, Liu Afu took his daughter on a tricycle to find her biological parents. The two went through ups and downs along the way, sharing weal and woe, and uncovered the mystery of Xiaohua's life experience that had been hidden for many years.

There are many scenes of deep love between father and daughter in the movie that make people cry. At the premiere, the leading actors Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong shared interesting stories during the filming and revealed the communication and integration process between the father and daughter on the scene. The young actors' understanding of the characters continued to deepen as the filming progressed, and their performances became more and more in tune.

'Dad's Lies' premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the 'father-daughter love' that transcends blood ties - Lujuba

The movie "Dad's Lies" also added multiple character lines to enrich the attractions. Veteran drama stars Niu Ben and Zhu Xijuan all gave wonderful performances, and created multi-dimensional connections with Liu Afu and Xiaohua's life experiences, including the sponsored person, the human trafficker, and the The characters such as reporter and peanut mother make the story fuller and leave ample space for the audience to think and discuss.

'Dad's Lies' premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the 'father-daughter love' that transcends blood ties - Lujuba

Veteran drama stars Niu Ben and Zhu Xijuan said that after reading the script of "Dad's Lies", they were deeply moved by the characters in the story and decided to take over the filming. Starring Fu Shaojie, Zhu Shuoran, Su Li, and Wang Kan mentioned that the roles they played had an extraordinary impact on Liu Afu's fate. During the filming process, they were deeply moved by the father-daughter relationship in the movie.

The whole story is full of ups and downs and is thought-provoking. At the premiere, many viewers couldn't help but burst into tears. Some fans/media at the scene expressed that it "exceeded expectations", "cleansed the soul", "moved by Liu Afu, a contemporary living Lei Feng" and "suitable". "It's suitable for watching with children" and "suitable for the whole family to watch together", saying that he is willing to watch this film for the second or third time when it is released.

The social issues behind the parent-child highlights have attracted attention, and

the issue of child abduction has triggered heated discussions among guests.

At the premiere, guests and experts on-site also conducted heated discussions around the theme of the story, regarding abandonment, abduction, and left-behind children involved in the movie. Social issues such as children are also of particular concern.

Zhang Pimin, chairman of the China Film Foundation, former deputy director of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and a famous film entrepreneur, said, "The film's focus on social issues such as abandonment, abduction, and left-behind children is rare in the current commercial film market and is very worthy of encouragement. ."

Yang Buting, former chairman of China Film Group Corporation, former deputy director of the Film Bureau of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and a well-known film entrepreneur, said, "While depicting the tenderness of a father and his daughter, the film accurately presents the dilemma and warmth of the life of the low-level people." . Jiang Ping, a senior film producer and national first-level director, said, "'Dad's Lies' is a small realistic work with small characters, big feelings, real stories, real emotions, originating from life and rooted in life, but it is also a Good work". Liu Xing, a famous playwright, former deputy director of Bayi Film Studio and major general, said on the spot, "The light in the darkness is lit by countless ordinary and kind-hearted people, and Liu Afu has the 'heroism' of a little person that cannot be ignored."

'Dad's Lies' premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the 'father-daughter love' that transcends blood ties - Lujuba

Han Zhijun, the literary director of "Daddy's Lies", a famous playwright, and a national first-class director, mentioned, "In the script creation stage, we hope to better integrate social issues into the parent-child line to achieve the effect of presenting reality and touching the soul. ". Feng Wei, Vice President of the Asia Pacific Region of the Motion Picture Association of America and President of China Region, said, "In terms of both emotional and social value, "Daddy Lies" is a family movie that cannot be missed."

'Dad's Lies' premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the 'father-daughter love' that transcends blood ties - Lujuba

'Dad's Lies' premiered in Fuzhou, Hou Tianlai and Jing Xitong interpreted the 'father-daughter love' that transcends blood ties - Lujuba

During the media question session, a reporter asked director Yang Musheng how to make the story more cinematic? Yang Musheng said, ""Dad's Lies" makes the elements of good and evil more prominent by adding story clues and enriching the characters' personalities. The sharp contrast between the two creates huge tension and drives the story forward through ups and downs. The purpose is I hope to lead more audiences to feel the true love and love in the world, and at the same time explore human nature on a deeper level."

What ordinary and extraordinary stories did Liu Afu experience in his life? What twists and turns and bizarre accidents will he and Xiaohua experience on the road? Welcome to find out after the film is released!

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