Movie "It's Worth It": No matter how ordinary life is, it still has its own story

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China Net Entertainment News on September 11: People are always exploring the weight of life, but never find the best way to measure it. We are always exploring the meaning of life, but we can’t find it in the ever-changing world and pursuits. As a standard of measurement, everyone is always pursuing greatness and difference, but they can never give a definition of "extraordinary". This is why the word "death" carries so much weight. It brings an end to everything, endings and regrets, good deeds and sins, hiding and secrets. At this point, changes are finalized. Looking back on a person's life, it seems that the answer can be found after the end.

Movie 'It's Worth It': No matter how ordinary life is, it still has its own story - Lujuba

The movie "A Journey Worth It" takes death and the meaning of life as the core discussion points, and revolves around Wen Shan (Hu Ge)'s professional experience as a eulogy writer. The two parallel lines show the audience's thinking in two aspects. On the one hand, it is Wen Shan’s search and exploration of self-creation inspiration and creative concepts; on the other hand, in different deaths and different eulogy writing commissions, Wen Shan’s thoughts on life and death, ordinary and extraordinary, and what is the meaning of life. Realize.

Movie 'It's Worth It': No matter how ordinary life is, it still has its own story - Lujuba

As for the former, Wen Shan's experience reflects the dilemma of many literary and artistic creators: the persistence between material reality and ideals, and confusion about the value and meaning of creation. As for Wen Shan, he wanted to make the characters unique, but it was difficult to inject soul into them; he wanted to write stories about ordinary people, but was afraid of mediocrity; he was originally a graduate student majoring in screenwriting, but ended up writing eulogies, even because It is difficult for the work to be recognized and I dare not continue writing scripts. This is the departure and fragmentation of an ideal. Xiao Yin (Wu Lei) is the self-reflection in his heart, the embodiment of his dialogue and exploration with his self-creation concept and outlook on life, and his obsession with being a screenwriter who still refuses to give up in dreams and reality. The conversation between Wen Shan and Xiao Yin reflects the thinking of countless creators on self-creation and the meaning of creation: What is worth writing about, and what kind of life is worth recording?

Movie 'It's Worth It': No matter how ordinary life is, it still has its own story - Lujuba

During the post-screening exchange meeting, someone asked: Will Wen Shan work as a screenwriter in the future, or will he continue to write eulogies? Hu Ge's answer is: He will be a literary worker. He does not stick to the superficial form of his profession, but goes deep into the core of writing and writing about life. That is because Wen Shan finally found the value of writing and the meaning of writing, and it also inspired all text creators.

Movie 'It's Worth It': No matter how ordinary life is, it still has its own story - Lujuba

Art is an examination of life. It keeps a distance from life and gives people a space for empathy based on life, allowing people to get a short pause in real life, escape from the coerced state, and rethink the existence of life. It is ordinary and real; drama comes from life, and life is far more dramatic than drama. Written writing is not just about the grand epic feeling, diverse drama, and grand world view. The essence of literature is always to see life, feel life, and understand life. Greatness comes from life, perspective and interpretation define "extraordinary", and ordinary can also be meaningful. What creation lacks is not unique materials and grand propositions, but the concentration to observe life and the patience to explore it. The creator's observation, listening, and perception of life, as well as his exploration and interpretation of life based on this, create the soul of writing. Just like Wen Shan in the movie, who constantly conducts data research and interviews with people in order to write about the life of the deceased, he is able to find the unique writing soul in the ordinary through precipitation, attentiveness, slowness and calmness.

Movie 'It's Worth It': No matter how ordinary life is, it still has its own story - Lujuba

For the latter, the film's plain and unvarnished narrative shows the busy, regretful, and constantly moving lives of different people. The living are still living, commemorating and bidding farewell to the deceased in the rush and fast pace of life. The dead person only has a thin resume and written information, but other people's memories and thoughts of the deceased construct a three-dimensional person and an ordinary and shining life.

Movie 'It's Worth It': No matter how ordinary life is, it still has its own story - Lujuba

The fast-paced life in modern society continues to weaken people's sensitivity to feelings, and excessive pursuits continue to eliminate people's emphasis on what they get. Everyone is running and chasing, and in quantitative thinking, they are stuck in the only evaluation criteria composed of money, status, and achievements to judge meaning.Everyone is living, and is constantly constructing, breaking, reshaping and finding themselves. Such exploration, experience and the flow of emotions between people and different people constitute the epic and meaning of life for everyone. . All things grow under the calm lake water; ordinary individuals also have ordinary greatness in their lives. Even if there is no perfect "start, change, and connection", it is still exciting enough.

Movies are about creation, life, life, and more importantly, meaning. In the final analysis, what it wants to explain is that no matter how ordinary life is, it is still a life worth writing about. This is the artistic soul of realistic themes and the meaning of literary and artistic creation. Just like the English title of the movie "All Ears", only by listening and searching can you be seen. The meaning of life is diverse. Only by calming down, letting go of the imprisonment caused by standardized measurement, and seeing oneself and all living beings can one understand that every life shines because of birth, can be felt because of death, and can be narrated and remembered. And great. The

movie triggers the creator's examination of life, and also everyone's rethinking of the meaning of life. The screenwriter observes life, finds stories, writes stories, and vivid characters and shining lives are presented to the public; the eulogist explores the past, listens to the past, and feels the regrets and gains. Under the words are the vivid and unique soul and the following. The memories and longings evoked. And every person in life is not the creator, witness and insight of his own life. Every screenwriter has his own style, every story has his own protagonist; everyone is a unique protagonist in his own unique life script. We write our own lives, whatever our interests are, and the outcome is unknown. It may be defined as success by quantitative standards, or we may find the value of self-pursuit, or we may seem to get nothing after running around. But the very act of living, trying, and exploring is a worthwhile trip.

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