"Three Children Are Here" Wong Cho Lam and his wife parachuted in to take care of their baby, and they wittyly shared parenting tips, causing the audience to "copy their homework"

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The country's first three-child family life observation reality show "Three Children Are Coming" launched by Golden Eagle Cartoon TV and Yipin Pure Goat Milk Powder is coming to an end. The family of three children set off to Xianfeng Sanbao Garden in Pingxiang, Jiangxi to start the last of the children's summer vacation. On a trip, three families with three children got to know each other gradually after passing through a shared accommodation in Changsha. This time in Jiangxi Sanbaoyuan, the children enjoyed a happy parent-child time in the amusement park. The parents also wanted to relax during this vacation, so We invited the "helpers" with the baby, Wang Zulan and Li Yanan. Wong Cho Lam, who once served as a children's program host and is also the father of two children, expressed great confidence in the entrustment of helping families with three children take care of their children. This Saturday at 7pm, Yipin Pure Goat Milk Powder "Three Children Are Here" will Wang Zulan and Li Yanan be able to take good care of the children in a family with three children? What inspirations have their parents and viewers brought to family education? It will be broadcast jointly on Mango TV and MaiCard TV at 8pm on Saturday night.

'Three Children Are Here' Wong Cho Lam and his wife parachuted in to take care of their baby, and they wittyly shared parenting tips, causing the audience to 'copy their homework' - Lujuba

Sun and Moon Star "had conflicts" and the second treasure pushed the third treasure? Wong Cho Lam made the child who made a mistake say sorry with one trick.

When educating children, parents will encounter that their children have obviously made mistakes, but it is very difficult for children to be brave enough to admit their mistakes without hurting their self-esteem. In this episode, when Wang Zulan took over the care of the Sun, Moon and Star triplets, the second baby accidentally pushed down his younger brother Sambo. Faced with this kind of problem, most parents would quickly pick up the fallen Sambo and comfort the injured one. The child loudly accuses the child who made the mistake. However, Wang Zulan first checked whether the child was injured, and then immediately gave emotional comfort quickly. At the same time, he held the second child who made a mistake, and did not let the children make mistakes. Instead, he took care of the second child's self-esteem and guided the second child quietly. Say "I'm sorry" to my brother.

Wang Zulan's education method also won unanimous recognition from the guests in the observation room and parenting experts. Parenting expert Zhang Yalian said: "It is actually easy to make children realize their mistakes, but in fact everyone has to say sorry. It is very difficult for them to speak up. They will consider their own self-esteem and the attitudes of others and thus refuse to express their apologies. Wong Cho Lam’s guidance in whispers is very good, which not only takes care of the children’s self-esteem, but also allows the emotional communication between the two children. Become more straightforward and close."

'Three Children Are Here' Wong Cho Lam and his wife parachuted in to take care of their baby, and they wittyly shared parenting tips, causing the audience to 'copy their homework' - Lujuba

Huhu's sister Zhou Xiwen talks about "growing pains", Li Yanan uses fairy tales to heal children's young minds

In addition to Wang Zulan's guiding education, which is deeply loved by the three children of Sun, Moon and Star, his wife Li Yanan also prepared a special meeting ceremony for the Huhu siblings of the Huhu family - Li Yanan acted as the mermaid princess in the goldfish tank and talked to the children through the air. Li Yanan played the mermaid princess through the microphone in the fish tank and talked to the tiger and brother siblings, asking about the siblings' growing pains. The elder sister said very sincerely: "My hair is too ugly, and I was laughed at by my classmates at school." Li Yanan used the perspective of the mermaid princess Comforting sister Zhou Xiwen: "I am a goldfish with black spots on my body, but I will never feel that I am not beautiful just because of the black spots on my body. I am the mermaid princess. In the eyes of the mermaid princess, Zhou Xiwen, you are the most beautiful." Beautiful little princess, you are kind, sunny and loving with your brother. You are the most beautiful child." Sister Zhou Xiwen has also become more confident and powerful in the fairy tale of the Mermaid Princess. This is why her parents hope that Li Yanan will help Raising children teaches them the power of believing in their own beauty and self-confidence.

In another group of three children, Xiao Taohong's family, Wang Zulan and Xiao Taohong's father took the children to the playground to play the piggy race game. The reward of the game is the coveted last place in the game. Do your homework.Who would have thought that Wong Cho La fell behind in one operation and ended up in last place. Now the important task of making up for the summer homework for primary school students fell on Wong Cho Lam, a "big friend". Will he keep his promise to write homework for his children? Or how to cleverly involve children in the process of writing homework?

'Three Children Are Here' Wong Cho Lam and his wife parachuted in to take care of their baby, and they wittyly shared parenting tips, causing the audience to 'copy their homework' - Lujuba

"Three Children Are Here" is a panoramic display of the happy lives of three groups of families with three children. It shows us that the maintenance of a happy family life cannot be separated from the love and dedication of each member of the family. It also allows parents and children to play a more important role in their daily lives. The meaning of growing up with each other and gradually deepening the relationship between family members in getting along. Wang Zulan and Li Yanan were parachuted in to help raise their children, which also gave growing parents more reference models and methods for family education. This Saturday night at 7pm, Yipin Pure Goat Milk Powder "Three Children Are Coming" will come together with Wang Zulan and Li Yanan to learn tips on raising children and feel the power of growth! It will be broadcast jointly on Mango TV and MaiCard TV at 8pm on Saturday night.

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