"City of Museums" Season 2 - The final trip of the season to explore the origins of Chinese civilization. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the origins of Chinese jade civilization

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The twelfth episode of "City of Museums", the second season of "Chinese Civilization Discovery Season", exclusively titled and broadcast by Guojiao 1573, which has been brewing for 450 years, will be with you tonight. In this program, Shan Jixiang and Wang Wei, the instructors of the exploration team, and Wang Yuheng, Li Jie, and Zheng Lu, the members of the exploration team, start from looking for a special piece of jade to explore the relationship between Chinese people and jade that have been carved by each other for nine thousand years. , unique and splendid jade culture. The inheritance of jade culture is an integral part of our Chinese civilization. "Tracing the origin" of Chinese jade civilization is of great significance to the inheritance of ancient Chinese civilization.

Exploring the concept of jade and understanding jade culture

The China Geological Museum, founded in 1916, is the first public natural science museum built by the Chinese. It has a history of more than 100 years and contains 55 specimens. More than 10,000 items. In this program, the exploration team came to the China Geological Museum to have a look at the beautiful stones based on the clues in the exploration box. Since there are a large number of beautiful stones in the museum, including field yellow, jade, Xiu jade, Hotan jade, turquoise, hibiscus..., the members could not identify the types. After the explanation by Xu Liguo, associate research librarian of the China Geological Museum, they learned , Jade belongs to gemstones, and gemstones are not necessarily jade. From the perspective of traditional Chinese culture, gemstones and jade are two overlapping concepts; from the perspective of natural science, gemstones are divided into two categories: gemstones and jade, so gemstones and jade How to distinguish jade? Moreover, China has the concept of four famous jade, Hetian jade, turquoise, Dushan jade and Xiu jade. Among them, Dushan jade is similar to jadeite. How to distinguish it with the naked eye? Emperor Qianlong liked Hetian jade the most. He once used more than two thousand pieces of Hetian jade to decorate Juanqinzhai in Qianlong Garden. Why did Emperor Qianlong prefer Hetian jade? Tonight’s program will answer them all for you!

'City of Museums' Season 2 - The final trip of the season to explore the origins of Chinese civilization. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the origins of Chinese jade civilization - Lujuba

How did a piece of jade spread to different regions of China and build its broad cultural identity and the identity of the Xia Dynasty? With this question in mind, the origin exploration instructors Shan Jixiang and Wang Wei, and the origin exploration team member Li Jie went to the Archaeological Museum of the Chinese Academy of History to find the answer in the Zhaizi China Exhibition Hall. Here, Tanyuan instructor Wang Wei first introduced Yuzhang. Jade Zhang is commonly known as Yazi or Yazhang because of the ribs on both sides of its shape. What is the rationale for the design of the jade Zhang shape? Then, Wang Wei, the instructor of the exploration, explained the second cultural relic, a turquoise dragon-shaped vessel unearthed from the Erlitou site in Henan. The dragon body itself is 64.5 centimeters long and is inlaid with more than 2,000 pieces of turquoise that are only about one millimeter thin. However, no turquoise was found near the Erlitou site where the turquoise dragon-shaped vessel was unearthed. Where did these turquoises come from? A national treasure-level cultural relic related to turquoise and dragons, the bronze medallion inlaid with turquoise and animal masks is the world's earliest gold-inlaid jade. How were bronze and turquoise bonded together in ancient times?

'City of Museums' Season 2 - The final trip of the season to explore the origins of Chinese civilization. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the origins of Chinese jade civilization - Lujuba

Analysis of Jade Craftsmanship Appreciation of Jade National Treasure

How were the miraculous ancient jade articles created? The exploration group tried to find the shadow of traditional craftsmanship in the modern jade treatment that has been passed down to this day, so the exploration group went to Beijing Arts and Crafts Advanced Technical School to visit Wang Xiwei, a Chinese arts and crafts master who had participated in the design and production of national gifts. Teacher Wang Xiwei showed the exploration group the work of national treasure-level workmanship and difficulty - Kowloon Xian Rui Hua Xun, and explained the jade carving process, which includes about five processes, from jade carving, cutting, grinding, fine carving to brightening. , each process is divided into many small processes. But in ancient times, neither the production tools nor the production techniques were as developed as they are now, and there was no mechanized work. How could such exquisite and complex works of art be produced? Under the guidance of teacher Wang Xiwei, the on-site exploration team participated in the two processes of rough stone drawing and jade button drilling. Who performed better?

'City of Museums' Season 2 - The final trip of the season to explore the origins of Chinese civilization. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the origins of Chinese jade civilization - Lujuba

To this day, national treasure-level cultural relics are still constantly innovating and developing. The newly established National 13th Five-Year Cultural Key Project - China Art Museum of Arts and Crafts (also known as: China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum) contains national treasure-level jade carvings. work. This place is mainly used for collection, research, publicity, exhibition and exchange of Chinese arts and crafts treasures and intangible cultural heritage skills. Through the display of these works, we express and convey the aesthetics and socialist core values ​​​​of our Chinese nation since ancient times. .There are currently four jade national treasures in the collection: the wonders of Mount Daiyue, the jade screen, the jade flower basket, and the jade flower fragrance. Why are these four called national treasures? And why is jade used as a national treasure? Lock in tonight’s show and let’s find out the secret together.

'City of Museums' Season 2 - The final trip of the season to explore the origins of Chinese civilization. Shan Jixiang leads a team to explore the origins of Chinese jade civilization - Lujuba

The development of jade runs through the entire history of the development of our Chinese nation. From its initial short-lived use as a production tool to the formation of jade culture and its entry into people's spiritual world, the connotation of jade has also been continuously enriched during its development. "Jade as a gift" , "A good relationship between gold and jade", "A gentleman is like jade, like discussing with each other, like polishing"... Until now, these jade cultures are still closely related to our lives. The development and inheritance of jade culture profoundly reflects the breadth, depth and splendor of Chinese civilization.

With the broadcast of this issue of "Jade View Civilization", the second season of the cultural interactive reality show "City of Museums" - the season of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization has also come to an end. This season's program has been well received by viewers on various platforms since its broadcast.

comes from looking for the source and goes to the source. Today at 21:30, watch the second season of Beijing Satellite TV's "City of Museums" - the final trip of the season of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization, explore the unique and splendid jade culture, and understand that valuable weapons are as old as light.

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