Should "Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an" apologize for "tampering with historical facts"? "Today's Film Review" reviews for you

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Should 'Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an' apologize for 'tampering with historical facts'? 'Today's Film Review' reviews for you - Lujuba

The film "Chang'an 30,000 Miles" performed well at the box office and word of mouth after its release, but recently it became a "defendant"! The Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society issued a statement on its official WeChat account on August 16, stating that some plot descriptions in the film are inconsistent with real history, and the stories that happened to some characters are inconsistent with real history, which can easily mislead audiences, especially teenagers. The audience, which affects the feelings of compatriots in the birthplace of historical figures and the place where the incident occurred, demands that the producer, director, screenwriter, etc. of the movie "Chang'an 30,000 Miles" issue a corrective apology statement.

html On August 19, commentator Wang Jian was invited to be a guest on the film channel's "Today's Film Review" program. Combining multiple viewpoints, he and the audience focused on the hot event of the Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society's questioning of "Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an" for tampering with historical facts.

Should 'Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an' apologize for 'tampering with historical facts'? 'Today's Film Review' reviews for you - Lujuba

The literary and art circles are hotly discussing the "tampering" controversy

The big controversy may help public awareness

As soon as the news came out, it immediately aroused public opinion, and workers in the literary and art circles also expressed their opinions on "Today's Film Critic" - Professor Ishikawa Minami of Shanghai Theater Academy I don’t think this is “tampering”. I believe that film creators have the freedom and right to imagine history. The legal proceedings are actually an infringement of creative rights. Film critic Li Xingwen said sharply that ordinary audiences understand that the truth of art is not the same as the truth of life, and that dramatic fiction has its legitimacy, and historians must also respect this common sense. Cheng Bo, professor and deputy dean of the Shanghai Film Academy of Shanghai University and executive dean of the Shanghai Vancouver Film School, pointed out that artistic creations involving history must be "true to the big picture and not limited to the small details". Historical facts such as Chang'an and Luoyang are only "the basis of this film". "Small place" has a certain space for fiction, which is the freedom of artistic creation.

Should 'Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an' apologize for 'tampering with historical facts'? 'Today's Film Review' reviews for you - Lujuba

Regarding this incident, Wang Jian, a guest on "Today's Film Critic", responded with the word "regret". In his view, it is indeed a pity that such an excellent film caused a lawyer to send a letter asking for an apology, but there are also "good things" through regret: First, the film and the subsequent controversy gave the public a more complete "jigsaw puzzle". It will help the public better understand that period of history; secondly, it will also allow us to explore more about the extent to which literary and artistic creations must respect facts and ensure facts.

Should 'Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an' apologize for 'tampering with historical facts'? 'Today's Film Review' reviews for you - Lujuba

Many parties discuss the significance of the adaptation

Put aside disputes and cooperate for win-win results

In previous programs of "Today's Film Review", the creators of "Chang'an 30,000 Miles" and other parties also gave their opinions on the adaptation of the film's historical facts. Xie Junwei, one of the film's directors, said that adaptation was a particularly difficult aspect of the film, and a strategy of combining fiction and reality was adopted to make the story more attractive. Professor Zhao Dongmei of Peking University pointed out that the connection between "Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an" and history is the "meaning" of history. It is a window that leads the audience to the great era of poetry. Liushen Leilei, a self-media person, affirmed the role of the movie in popularizing cultural and historical knowledge. The little carp from Weiminghu, a history blogger at Station B, also bluntly said that the acceptance of science popularization cannot keep up with public opinion. The reasonable adaptation of "Chang'an Thirty Thousand Miles" has successfully made serious people The historical theme has gained popularity across the Internet.

Should 'Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an' apologize for 'tampering with historical facts'? 'Today's Film Review' reviews for you - Lujuba

In line with the appeals of people in the film industry, Wang Jian continued to tell "Film Critic Today" that everyone should give more room for tolerance to non-documentary film creations. He also expressed his understanding of the so-called "battle for the protagonist's halo" between Luoyang and Xi'an, because Luoyang is also a famous Chinese historical and cultural city with profound heritage, and local scholars and people have some emotions that they can understand. However, he also suggested that the tourism departments of the two places could take advantage of the situation and launch a cross-border event from Chang'an to Luoyang to jointly create an atmosphere for historical and cultural cities to join hands instead of "back to back".

Should 'Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an' apologize for 'tampering with historical facts'? 'Today's Film Review' reviews for you - Lujuba

It is reported that the daily film and culture review column "Today's Film Review" is broadcast on CCTV-6 movie channel at 19:45 every night, during prime time from Monday to Sunday, lighting up every night of light and shadow.

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