"One Thought of Guanshan" set off a wave of controversy in the entertainment industry. The show aroused dissatisfaction among fans because the male protagonist had too many roles, which eventually led to viewers boycotting and even threatening to abandon the show. Faced with this

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'One Thought of Guanshan' set off a wave of controversy in the entertainment industry. The show aroused dissatisfaction among fans because the male protagonist had too many roles, which eventually led to viewers boycotting and even threatening to abandon the show. Faced with this - Lujuba

"One Thought of Guanshan" has set off a wave of controversy in the entertainment industry. The show aroused dissatisfaction among fans because the male protagonist had too many roles, which eventually led to viewers boycotting and even threatening to abandon the show. Faced with this situation, the production company and broadcast platform chose to compromise and adjust in an attempt to quell the dispute. After the adjustment, they released the personal photos of the male and female protagonists and promised to return to the style of group dramas and avoid going on the road of over-prominence of the male protagonists.

This move has indeed produced results. After the series was re-broadcast, the popularity has increased significantly. The focus of the heated discussion has shifted to what Liu Shishi's fans are focusing on: mainly focusing on the emotional entanglement between Liu Shishi's character Ren Ruyi and the male love triangle. The special relationship between master and apprentice, emotional entanglement and character creation have become the core of the discussion.

'One Thought of Guanshan' set off a wave of controversy in the entertainment industry. The show aroused dissatisfaction among fans because the male protagonist had too many roles, which eventually led to viewers boycotting and even threatening to abandon the show. Faced with this - Lujuba

This shift in focus also highlights some of the sad current situations in the entertainment industry. The plot content is empty, mainly relying on the character settings and lines, and lacks a plot that truly touches people's hearts. Audiences tend to pay more attention to the emotional expressions of the characters rather than the development of the plot. The aesthetic evaluation of the male protagonist and the third male character in the play also showed completely different views, making the audience's discussion more diverse.

In addition, the close relationship between celebrities and fans has become increasingly prominent. The power of fans is becoming more and more powerful, and their influence on stars and works cannot be underestimated. In the case of "One Thought of Guanshan", Liu Shishi's fans fought for more roles and attention for her. This highlights the complexity of the interaction between stars and fans in the entertainment industry, and the influence fans have on the fate of stars and works.

'One Thought of Guanshan' set off a wave of controversy in the entertainment industry. The show aroused dissatisfaction among fans because the male protagonist had too many roles, which eventually led to viewers boycotting and even threatening to abandon the show. Faced with this - Lujuba

The various controversies caused by the adjustment of drama series call on the entertainment industry to pay more attention to the richness and depth of the plot, and avoid over-reliance on character settings and simple lines to promote the plot. At the same time, the relationship between celebrities and fans also needs to be more rational and balanced to ensure the healthy development of the industry. The

drama series was re-broadcast after adjustments, triggering audience discussions on character creation and emotional entanglements. Especially between Ren Ruyi and her apprentice, the moral betrayal of the master-apprentice relationship becomes the focus of attention. The audience pays more attention to this special relationship than to the male protagonist, reflecting their desire for complex and in-depth character relationships.

'One Thought of Guanshan' set off a wave of controversy in the entertainment industry. The show aroused dissatisfaction among fans because the male protagonist had too many roles, which eventually led to viewers boycotting and even threatening to abandon the show. Faced with this - Lujuba

In the plot, the emotional entanglements of the characters are mainly expressed through lines and character settings. This limitation makes the plot seem a bit hollow, lacking the realism and tension of the plot. The audience hopes to show the emotional entanglement between characters through richer plot development, rather than just relying on the superposition of dialogue and settings.

It is worth noting that in the later stage of the plot, there was a scene similar to the scene of nightshade jumping into the fire in "Legend of Sword and Fairy 3". The emotional expression that is as moving as nightshade jumping into the fire is not fully displayed. The play can only supplement emotions through lines, but lacks real and touching performances, unable to touch the emotional resonance deep in the audience's hearts.

'One Thought of Guanshan' set off a wave of controversy in the entertainment industry. The show aroused dissatisfaction among fans because the male protagonist had too many roles, which eventually led to viewers boycotting and even threatening to abandon the show. Faced with this - Lujuba

In addition, the audience has different aesthetic evaluations of the male protagonist and the third male character in the play. The images of the two characters do not have obvious differences in appearance, but instead show mediocre characteristics. Audiences reacted differently to this aesthetic choice, further emphasizing their expectations for character depth and plot development.

The interaction between stars and fans became part of the controversy in the series. Fans have a significant impact on the fate of the series and its stars through their unwavering support and voices. The re-adjustment of the series and winning more scenes are inseparable from the active struggle of fans, which highlights the important position of fans in the modern entertainment industry.

'One Thought of Guanshan' set off a wave of controversy in the entertainment industry. The show aroused dissatisfaction among fans because the male protagonist had too many roles, which eventually led to viewers boycotting and even threatening to abandon the show. Faced with this - Lujuba

This series of discussions and controversies has highlighted the concerns in the entertainment industry about the quality of works and the emotional display of characters. The audience hopes to see richer, more real, and more engaging plot developments, as well as true portrayals of the emotional entanglements of the characters. At the same time, the interaction and relationship between stars and fans also need to be more rational and balanced to avoid excessive impact on the creation of works and the development of stars.

Overall, after the readjustment of the drama series "One Thought Guanshan", it triggered extensive discussions among the audience about the plot, character creation and the relationship between stars and fans. The audience's expectations for emotional entanglements and in-depth presentation of characters further highlight the pursuit of work quality. This also reminds the entertainment industry that the authenticity, emotional resonance and character depth of the work are the fundamentals of attracting audiences.

'One Thought of Guanshan' set off a wave of controversy in the entertainment industry. The show aroused dissatisfaction among fans because the male protagonist had too many roles, which eventually led to viewers boycotting and even threatening to abandon the show. Faced with this - Lujuba

At the same time, this drama incident also calls on fans and audiences to remain rational when treating the work, and should not rely too much on the power of fans to influence the direction of the drama, so as not to cause imbalance in the work itself and unhealthy industry. The interaction between stars and fans needs to be more balanced and reasonable to ensure that the work can maintain its original creative direction.

When watching entertainment works, we should also look at the character image and plot development rationally instead of relying too much on superficial external factors. The focus on plot and the pursuit of work quality will drive the entertainment industry to develop in a more mature and high-quality direction.

'One Thought of Guanshan' set off a wave of controversy in the entertainment industry. The show aroused dissatisfaction among fans because the male protagonist had too many roles, which eventually led to viewers boycotting and even threatening to abandon the show. Faced with this - Lujuba
Tags: shows