According to China Overseas Chinese Network citing Thai headline news, multiple Thai media reported that on the morning of the 19th, the Thai Royal 50R Group (50R group) formally submitted a lawsuit to the court, requesting the court to rule that China Luckin Coffee should compen

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According to China Overseas Chinese Network, citing Thai headline news, multiple Thai media reported that on the morning of the 19th, the Thai Royal 50R Group (50R group) formally submitted a lawsuit to the court, requesting the court to order China's Luckin Coffee to compensate for economic losses of 10 billion baht. The court A case has been filed for acceptance.

Thai Royal 50R Group stated in documents submitted to the court that it had legally registered the Luckin trademark with the Thai Ministry of Commerce in 2020, and everything was handled in accordance with Thai legal rules and procedures, and it was allowed to use the trademark for business sales. Coffee shop business with tea and coffee and other beverages. However, China’s Luckin Coffee later filed a lawsuit against the truth with the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court, accusing 50R Group of maliciously registering a trademark. The lower court ruled that the defendant lost the case. However, the 50R Group believed that the verdict was unfair, submitted a rebuttal to the court, and won the case on December 1 this year.

The Thai Royal 50R Group’s indictment also stated that in the early days, before the court made a final judgment, China’s Luckin had repeatedly forced the plaintiff to stop using the trademark, and had repeatedly forcibly seized the other party’s property, causing it to suffer severe economic losses. loss. The 50R Group also spent a lot of money fighting the lawsuit and asked the court to award China Luckin Coffee a total compensation of 10 billion baht (approximately 2 billion yuan).

According to China Overseas Chinese Network citing Thai headline news, multiple Thai media reported that on the morning of the 19th, the Thai Royal 50R Group (50R group) formally submitted a lawsuit to the court, requesting the court to rule that China Luckin Coffee should compen - Lujuba

[Source: China Overseas Chinese Network]

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