On December 17, the National Health Commission held a press conference to introduce the prevention and control of respiratory diseases in winter. At the meeting, Lu Gen, director of the Respiratory Department of Guangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Guangdong Province,

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On December 17, the National Health Commission held a press conference to introduce the prevention and control of respiratory diseases in winter. At the meeting, Lu Gen, director of the Respiratory Department of Guangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Guangdong Province, explained what should be paid attention to in clinical medication for respiratory tract infections in children, and how to provide home care for sick children.

On December 17, the National Health Commission held a press conference to introduce the prevention and control of respiratory diseases in winter. At the meeting, Lu Gen, director of the Respiratory Department of Guangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Guangdong Province,  - Lujuba

Lu Gen, director of the Respiratory Department of Guangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Guangdong Province,

Lu Gen said that children’s medication is different from that of adults, and parents should pay special attention to several points:

First, do not give your children antibiotics on your own without the guidance of a doctor. drug.

Secondly, after respiratory infection, especially after fever and high fever subside, cough symptoms will last for several days or weeks. This is a function of the body’s self-recovery and self-protection. Most of them can resolve on their own without intervention. recovery, therefore routine use of antitussive medications is not recommended.

Third, pay attention to drug interactions. Do not take antipyretics and compound cold medicines containing antipyretic and analgesic ingredients at the same time. Also avoid the combined use of proprietary Chinese medicines with the same functions and overlapping ingredients. This will increase the risk of adverse drug reactions. .

At the same time, Lugen said that after children become sick, they should rest at home or seek medical treatment in time according to their condition. It is not recommended to enter kindergartens or classes to avoid cross-infection. There are several points to pay attention to in home care:

First, when you have a fever, you should appropriately reduce the intake of seafood, eggs and other proteins that may cause allergies, avoid eating fried, roasted or spicy foods, and try to eat more cabbage, tomatoes, apples, Vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables such as citrus.

Second, teach children good hygiene habits. Especially for families with many children, we should try our best to isolate sick children from healthy children to avoid cross-infection within the family.

Third, if the child's condition changes, such as severe coughing or shortness of breath, high fever that persists, etc., he needs to seek medical treatment in time.

Red Star News reporter Hu Yiwen Beijing report

Editor Guo Zhuang Editor-in-Chief Li Binbin

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On December 17, the National Health Commission held a press conference to introduce the prevention and control of respiratory diseases in winter. At the meeting, Lu Gen, director of the Respiratory Department of Guangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Guangdong Province,  - Lujuba

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