In daily life, physical examination is essential. During liver function tests, doctors often mention one word, which is transaminase. Transaminase is one of the important indicators of liver function and an indispensable "catalyst" in the human body's metabolic process. When live

entertainment 2014℃

In daily life, physical examination is essential. During liver function tests, doctors often mention one word, that is transaminase. Transaminase is one of the important indicators of liver function and an indispensable "catalyst" in the human body's metabolic process. When liver cells are damaged, inflammation, poisoning or even necrosis occurs, transaminase will be released into the human blood, causing Increase in serum aminotransferase index. Therefore, in liver function tests, transaminase becomes a vanguard, and the level of transaminase index represents the severity of liver cell damage.

In daily life, physical examination is essential. During liver function tests, doctors often mention one word, which is transaminase. Transaminase is one of the important indicators of liver function and an indispensable 'catalyst' in the human body's metabolic process. When live - Lujuba

Ms. Li (pseudonym), 42 years old, has recently lost her appetite for meals, hates greasy food, has dry mouth and bitter taste, has insomnia, feels nauseous and wants to vomit from time to time, and has obvious fatigue. Because Ms. Li had a history of chronic gastritis, she thought she had a gastric problem. She didn't pay attention at first. During this period, she often went out to socialize and drink. After drinking again, Ms. Li woke up the next day and found that her eyes were yellow and her urine was also yellow. She noticed Something was wrong, so I immediately went to Xiangyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for treatment. The blood test results showed that the transaminase index was as high as 900U/L (normal value: 7~40U/L), so I was admitted to the Hepatobiliary Disease Department. After

was admitted to the hospital, hepatobiliary doctor Cai Jing conducted a detailed examination and learned that the patient was under great pressure at work and easily agitated, which led to stagnation of liver qi and difficulty in loosening hair. Therefore, symptomatic and supportive treatment was adopted to protect the stomach and liver, reduce enzymes, and replenish energy. At the same time, it was combined with the special treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine was applied at Qimen and Zhangmen points to soothe the liver and relieve depression. Gua sha at the ear points was added with moxibustion at Yongquan point. The symptoms of insomnia and fatigue were improved. After half a month of treatment, Ms. Li's transaminase dropped to 35U/L and she was discharged. Wu Zhe, director of the Department of Hepatobiliary Diseases at

, said that the liver has no sensory nerves and is a "silent" organ. When the liver damage is not serious, no symptoms of discomfort are felt, so most liver damage is difficult to detect in the early stage. In addition, the liver cells are damaged The symptoms are similar to those of stomach problems. It is easy to confuse the two and miss the best time for diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone conduct liver function tests regularly to nip problems in the bud.

(No reproduction without permission)

Reporter: Wang Quanli | Correspondent: Dai Qiqi Zhou Huajing

Editor: Su Gongping | Proofreader: Liu Binbei

Editor: Li Dan | Reviewer: Zhou Guest

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