Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing "Detective

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Author | Spring Break

The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow had not yet fallen, but the snow scene of the movie "Twinkle Twinkle Star" had already hit the screen. The film pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing "Detective Chinatown 3" to become the first-day pre-sales of Chinese-language films. On December 16, it won the 23rd pre-sales box office champion, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Shining Star" It became the top horse in the Lunar New Year stalls and became an instant hit.

This year’s New Year’s Eve season is really surprisingly lively. The victory of the snow resort has led to a surprising marketing strategy for the movie. The “Beer Field” of “The Party Can’t Stop” and the “Lottery Field” of “Sneak” followed closely behind.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

Yesterday, the official blog of "Twinkle Twinkle Shining Star" took the initiative to make jokes and interacted with films that had special screenings. The three films collaborated to continue to expand their popularity. One company alone is not as good as all the others. Only those who know how to cooperate can Pull the market to stimulate consumption.

This afternoon, "If You Are the One 3" also announced that it will have a special viewing area. There is news that "watching the movie will give you oranges."

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

Filmmakers have used elements in the movie to carry out " ritual marketing ". This method is not new, but many films in the same period have used this marketing strategy to enhance the "ritual sense" of watching movies. , it can be described as unprecedentedly lively.

With the help of this snow, movie marketing has found another point to make a fuss about, completing the evolution together with the theaters, and returning the necessity of theaters.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

Ritual sense marketing works again: pre-sales broke records, spawning scalpers

This is not the first time that movie marketing focuses on the "ritual sense" of watching movies. The marketing fraud milestone "The Last Night on Earth" used the next day The cliff-shattering data of a 96% drop in box office shows the cost of this move. It’s just that this time the “ceremonial sense” is different from before. Not only did the pre-sales break the record, but it also spawned scalpers selling tickets for 200 yuan each. The “snowing resort” also closely follows the content of the film, excluding the original nihilistic New Year’s Eve ritual sense. It turns into a scene of snow.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

"Twinkle Twinkle Star" is adapted from the web drama of the same name. At that time, it broke iQiyi's record with a box office of 68 million during the broadcast period. This IP has a stable fan base. The phrase "Zhang Wansen, it's snowing" is as popular as The internet meme spreads widely. Even in other film and television works, if there is a snowy scene, some netizens will post "Zhang Wansen, it's snowing" in the barrage.

"The Last Night on Earth" is just a spontaneous act of "love with a kiss", providing an opportunity for the audience to indulge in their own fantasies. Many viewers went to the theater for the love element and wanted a movie with stable quality. New Year's Eve romance film, I didn't expect to see a literary suspense movie, and I was instantly dumbfounded; "Twinkle Twinkle Star" directly turns fantasy into reality, linking with important scenes in the series, and has the series as a proof , giving the audience an expectation, while attracting couples, it also provides fans with a romantic snowfall.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

(from the official blog of "Harper's Bazaar")

Fans are emotional, couples are looking for atmosphere, and passers-by are joining in the fun. , with the help of many parties, "Twinkle Twinkle Star" has been promoted to the 2023 Lunar New Year movie even before it is released. It ranks third at the box office, with a total pre-sale box office of 263 million, which is more than the total box office of most movies currently released.

"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" defines itself as a beer comedy. The operation of giving away beer at the screening is a matter of course. It is originally about telling the story of migrant workers. The atmosphere brought by the beer is like working overtime until late at night and finding a small stall. Colleagues get drunk and feel the pleasure. The sense of ceremony here emphasizes refreshment and happiness, the audience gains taste, the film and the brand gain word-of-mouth and publicity, and the triple-win operation truly achieves happiness.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

materialize emotional marketing and convert it into tangible material, which is more practical and effective.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

(Screenshot of the movie "Stealth" event)

No one will refuse the surprise of airborne, especially if it is free. The birth of "Lottery Field" is purely for luck. It aims at the opportunity of blessing at the New Year's Eve and exchanges love for money. It does not compete for the market of romance films, but instead has a wider audience.

The value addition brought by sceneization is far more important than the experience. Beer and lottery tickets are still used as souvenirs, and their use value is relatively fixed. However, for "snow resorts", the biggest enemy of this good idea is also "snow" itself.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

Fire safety issues that may be caused by snow spray cans have caused some theaters to cancel "snow fields". Some movie theater managers have released live videos of snowmaking machines, hoping to make audiences lower their expectations and watch movies with peace of mind. Various issues Getting in the way becomes a hindrance in marketing.

Romance movies aimed at releasing during the New Year period generally have weak stamina, and most of the box office revenue comes from the first day and the holiday period. The box office trend of "Love in Years", which also focuses on love, is also a diving curve, with the box office shrinking by 60% on the second day. The box office of "Embracing You Through the Cold Winter" also dropped by 37% on the second day. For "Twinkle Shine Star", how to avoid this problem is the key to later marketing.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

Putting aside the commercial attributes, will the audience still buy into the lack of ceremonial ceremony? Especially for those who put movie watching as a secondary purpose, the theater manager once mentioned on social media, "It's snowing. The effect of "field" may be different from the audience's expectations. After all, when artificial snow is made indoors, the snow spray machine is noisy, the radiation range of snow spray cans is limited, and there are fire safety hazards. By then, the theater may have problems in its implementation. deviation.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

Watching a movie is actually a pilgrimage to the movie itself. This act itself is full of ritual, especially for those enthusiastic movie fans. It is like going to a museum to worship those sparkling treasures, but movies are not obsolete. , it still exudes new vitality.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

The implementation of movie marketing in theaters has completed a closed loop. It gives a certain added value to movie watching without destroying the movie watching process, which is worthy of encouragement. After all, the marketing techniques used during production and distribution have made the audience a little tired. At this time, we focus on the screening end, which is clever but not obtrusive.

"Snow Field" and "Beer Field" let the public know that theaters can be more than just a place to show movies, they can also create a ceremonial atmosphere and fill it with more content.

Previously, theaters had been forced to complete an evolution during the self-rescue operation due to the epidemic. Many theaters developed "side businesses" such as stage plays, concert live broadcasts, script production, talk shows, magic, etc. Some even directly transformed into catering. The purpose is to survive first and wait for the recovery of the film and television industry.

Diversified entertainment methods and frequent innovations in cultural consumption have enabled theaters to upgrade their movie consumption scenarios and create new effects.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

The magic of vision - making the poster move

Ideas are not enough, and big-character posters are not enough. When creativity comes out, the visual upgrade of the film must also keep up.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

Movies with special events such as "Twinkle Twinkle Star" and "The Annual Party Can't Stop" on the ticket purchasing software are equipped with exclusive frames and become part of the promotion.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

The logos of ski resorts and beer parks are also indispensable. They can be added directly under the time to distinguish them from other ordinary events. They are beautiful and can arouse the curiosity of the audience, and serve as a trigger for secondary communication.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

"Goldfinger" has a name for each special scene, and the screening time is also cleverly matched with the film's promotional theme. The "Get Rich New Year's Eve" picture is a good start, and it is also closely related to the plot of the film. Gold is used as the theme color to highlight wealth and luxury.

"Twinkle Twinkle Star" implements the element of "snow" to the end. The cold blue and white color scheme is like a clear stream among the black and red fonts, making it difficult to ignore; "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" captures It is positioned as a quasi-comedy, where happiness is the most important, and the names of the scenes are all related to laughter. This kind of naming behavior is to cooperate with publicity and add a little tail after more scenes.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

Every marketing point is arranged visually, and the subtle and silent way allows the audience to perceive all changes and the good intentions of the film crew. The ticket purchasing platform provides film studios with perfect supporting services , dynamic posters, red envelope barrages, super large fonts, special borders... There are countless ways to make a movie stand out in the mobile interface. If the publicity expenses are sufficient, then Why not use them all?

The attention grabbed through vision can also be converted into the curiosity of the audience, achieving the purpose of publicity.

When the posters on the ticket purchasing platform become dynamic, they are full of fun and not tacky. When major movies were still making big-character posters, well-made materials with obvious themes were more palatable.

Author | Spring Break The film industry was particularly lively in the first half of December. The snow hadn’t even fallen yet, but the movie “Twinkle Twinkle Star” had already hit the screens. The film's pre-sales broke box office records one after another, surpassing 'Detective - Lujuba

Whether it is big-character posters or dynamic posters, the key publicity channels are all on the ticket purchase platform, and Maotao has become a testing ground. If it works, then spread it. If it doesn't, just quietly change the strategy. Anyway, it won't have much impact. The innovation of film marketing cannot be completed overnight, and there will be new ways to capture the public's attention in the future.

Film marketing is still the icing on the cake. All bonuses will be cleared after the release. It still needs to rely on the quality of the film itself to speak for itself. Whether it will die in the light of day or thrive will all depend on market performance. Everyone has a title in their hearts, which is a standard that has nothing to do with the work.

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