The storyboard creation process of the movie "Song for the Country"

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The storyboard creation process of the movie "Anthem for the National Anthem"

————Simulator Du Siping

The storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba

The storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba

Growing up and creating the movie "The March of the Volunteers", I was fortunate to be able to participate as a storyboard creator in this epic movie.

The production of a movie requires the cooperation of many teams and types of work, and storyboards are an important part of it. As the Chinese film industry system becomes more and more perfect, the role of storyboards has become more and more prominent, because it is for the film The design of the screen and the blueprint for the conception actually provide the visual prototype of the future film and are the basis for the discussion and research plans of various departments before shooting.

Mr. Nie Er died young, at the age of only 23. This film begins when Mr. Nie Er was 17 years old, and it also involves his former comrades who participated in the War of Resistance, and even came to Nie Er’s tomb to condolences in the old age. , Spanning decades, can be said to have undergone tremendous changes in the Chinese nation.

is based on the temperament of the story itself, the storyboard design of the whole movie, I closely follow the two keywords of "epic" and "temperature" proposed by the director Aoyama, that is to say, is , ​​it is to express the big era Against the background of the magnificent struggle of the entire Chinese nation, the audience must also be able to make the audience feel the lively temperature of each character, especially the protagonist Mr. Nie Er.

Therefore, in the design of the lens, I pay attention to distinguishing these two points through different lens languages, especially scenes. In the performance of war, there are often large scenes such as distant scenes and large panoramas, as well as large close-ups. Small scenes, that is, "to the vastness, to the finest" .

The two extreme scenes cooperate, on the one hand each brings a completely different visual experience, on the other hand the collision of and produces a wonderful chemical reaction .

In the performance of daily life, depending on the specific situation, more long shots are used, and there are a few scenes, and it is almost done to the end.

In terms of rhythm and war scenes, before the war begins, the focus is to render the quiet to suffocating atmosphere before the war begins. Therefore, the lenses are mostly long shots, and tighter scenes are adopted, with little change in scenes. Efforts to create a depressive atmosphere, that is, to slow down the rhythm as much as possible. Once the battle starts, both large and small scenes are used. At the same time, the fast cut greatly speeds up the rhythm of the film, fully expressing the fierce and cruel battle.

The storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba

The storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba

The storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba

(Before the start of the war , the soldiers ambushing on the grass to catch the grasshopper, the grasshopper jumped away, the tiny movements reflect the tranquility to the suffocating atmosphere )

The storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba

(partial view from zThe storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba

) Achieve a big change in one shot )

The movie "Anthem for the National" involves many historical figures, but the length of the movie is limited. How to complete the characterization in a limited time to make the characters as full and vivid as possible , Is exactly what the creator has to consider.

When drawing the storyboard of each scene, I usually read through the script multiple times to find out the "core" of each scene, and then repeatedly study the scene, design the movement of the lens, and strive to maximize the movement of the lens The service of the story and the characters.

takes the scene in which Nie Er returned from the army to his hometown and attended a book club at the teacher's house as an example. In this scene, many important figures appeared for the first time, such as Ai Siqi, Li Guozhu, and Wu Cheng. Especially Li GuozhuThere are only two scenes in the whole play with Wu Cheng, a revolutionary couple. In addition to this scene, they are justified on the execution ground when they appear again. Therefore, this scene is the key to shaping the image of the two. When designing this scene, director

Aoyama pointed out that it is important to work hard on the “warmth” of . If the bravery and awe-inspiring righteousness of the two are expressed righteously, the husband and wife should be shown here as teachers, and the love and intimacy of the students. Corresponding to the lens design, I still try to focus on the long lens as much as possible. Through the positioning of the characters and the on-site scheduling, the characters and the scene are organically connected. Of course, there are also tight reaction shots interspersed in the middle, so that the audience can fully feel the emotion of the character.

, ​​especially the handling of the last shot, everyone gathered together and sang "Marseillaise" excitedly. Director Aoyama clearly mentioned , ​​and must fall outside of the crowd, who was packing Wu Cheng's smile on —— Let the audience remember this gentle smiling face in the passionate and generous music.

The storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba

and it is this gentle and even somewhat weak smile that forms a strong contrast with the firm smile at the time of righteousness, and has a huge appeal.

The storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba Generally, you need to draw a sketch. At the sketch stage, you don’t need to draw very finely. It can explain the problem and facilitate the understanding of the relevant creators. )

The storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba

(After the sketch has no problem, the draft is drawn. A movie is probably drawn 2000. )

The storyboard creation process of the movie 'Song for the Country' - Lujuba

(After the line draft on the paper is completed, I usually run the black and white tone on the computer, plus cut the head, and add the text, so that a complete lens can be completed 5z


The working hours are intense and fulfilling. The harvest is very unforgettable. I am also very grateful to all the teachers for their inspiration. In addition to Mr. Qingshan, the co-director Bai Haibin, the director of photography, Mr. Li Wei, the art director, Mr. Xie Yong, including the action director Teacher Fu Xiaojie had a direct connection and communication with me, which helped me a lot, especially the photography instructor, Mr. Li Wei, who gave me a lot of instructive suggestions, such as the use of more subjective lenses, panoramic applications, and several Combination of shots and so on.

This year marks the anniversary of the founding of New China 70. The great motherland has gone through ups and downs and has achieved world-renowned achievements today. As the national anthem, "March of the Volunteers" has inspired generations of Chinese people. I am honored to participate in this film about the birth of the national anthem. I believe that whenever the exciting and majestic national anthem is played again, I will be happy to think of - There is also a story between me and the national anthem.


; Du Siping

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