Breaking through the prison of fate, Wang Baoqiang’s new box office dark horse "The Octagon" will be launched on iQiyi on September 8

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"I hope you will always be full of courage and break out of your own prison."

Breaking through the prison of fate, Wang Baoqiang’s new box office dark horse 'The Octagon' will be launched on iQiyi on September 8 - Lujuba

html Directed by Wang Baoqiang on September 8, starring Wang Baoqiang, Chen Yongsheng, Shi Pengyuan, Wang Xun, Zhang Yirong, Hu Haofan, Ma Hu, Zhou Debowen, Xiao The sports inspirational movie "The Octagon" starring Yang Yang and Li Chen is officially launched on iQiyi. As another box office dark horse in this summer's summer, "The Octagon" currently has a box office of over 2.2 billion yuan. Before its launch, the number of reservations on the iQiyi platform exceeded 2.25 million, making it the TOP3 of iQiyi's new film expectations list. After its launch, It immediately topped the iQiyi movie soaring list.

Many iQiyi members commented emotionally after watching it: "Who is not the kid who is trying so hard to run out of the mountain? Those who really understand have really suffered!" "The most unmissable movie this year, after watching it "It's all full of power and touching" "Surprise! Sincere! Baoqiang's new film is so exciting and makes me cry."

Breaking through the prison of fate, Wang Baoqiang’s new box office dark horse 'The Octagon' will be launched on iQiyi on September 8 - Lujuba

"The Octagonal Cage" is adapted from real events, focusing on the lives of poor people at the bottom, and telling the story of frustrated middle-aged people. The story is about a young man, Xiang Tenghui (played by Wang Baoqiang), who leads a group of children to break through the siege of fate and explore a way out of life. Xiang Tenghui was once a fighting champion. He was disqualified from the championship because he was deceived by his coach into taking illegal drugs. In anger, he beat up the coach and was imprisoned. After he was released from prison, he made a living by running a battlefield. One time while driving, he encountered several children who blocked the road and robbed him. This led to the fetters of fate...

The young actors who played the "fighting orphans" in "The Octagon" were Wang Baoqiang. Amateur children selected from the impoverished mountainous areas of Liangshan, Sichuan, without professional training, can be said to act in their true colors, impressing the audience with their youthful, simple and natural performances.

Breaking through the prison of fate, Wang Baoqiang’s new box office dark horse 'The Octagon' will be launched on iQiyi on September 8 - Lujuba

Since its release, the film has received praise and recognition from many media and audiences. With a box office performance of over 2.2 billion yuan, "The Octagon" successfully ranked fourth on the 2023 summer box office list and sixth on the 2023 Chinese movie box office list; more than 250,000 people gave the film a 7.5 rating on Douban In addition, the film also won the Golden Deer Award for Best Screenplay and the Jury Prize at the 18th China Changchun Film Festival.

Wang Baoqiang, the director of "The Octagonal Cage", said that through this movie, he was able to "break out of the cage" and hoped that the audience could see the "light" in the movie: "Everyone has an 'Octagonal Cage' in their hearts. We all try to break free and break through it, and we must believe that the difficulties are only temporary and that hope is always ahead."

Breaking through the prison of fate, Wang Baoqiang’s new box office dark horse 'The Octagon' will be launched on iQiyi on September 8 - Lujuba

No matter what environment you are in, don't be defeated by difficulties. On September 8, lock in the iQiyi movie channel, walk into the fighting stage of "The Octagonal Cage" with Wang Baoqiang and the children of Dashan, and see the "cage" and the light of hope in your heart.

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