The "Beijing 2022" expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held

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htmlOn September 8, the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series of events hosted by the Beijing Film Festival Organizing Committee and Cultural Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. - the expert seminar on the official Winter Olympics documentary film "Beijing 2022" was successfully held at Beijing Radio and Television Station. Tan Zheng, editor-in-chief of "Film Art" and researcher at the Film Art Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, served as the host of this seminar. Rao Shuguang, President of the China Film Critics Society, Hu Zhifeng, Director of the Academic Committee of the China University Film and Television Society, Li Daoxin, Vice Dean of the School of Arts of Peking University, He Suliu, associate director of the Department of Journalism and Communication at Communication University of China, Zhang Wei, executive vice president of the China Film Critics Society, and Cui Yan, director of the Beijing International Film Festival Operations Center of Beijing Radio and Television Station, attended this event as exchange guests. This seminar also invited Lin Lingsi, director of the General Department of the Press and Publicity Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, Zhang Jing, deputy director of the Film and Television Department of the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Hao Jie, deputy director of the Beijing International Film Festival Operation Center of Beijing Radio and Television Station, and "Beijing" Representatives of the 2022 publicity team, Gao Qi, Cai Min and Wang Jingyi, attended.

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

"Beijing 2022", the official documentary film of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the opening film of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival, took three years of planning and production and will be released in mainland China on May 19, 2023. The film shows the shining moments and touching stories of "Winter Olympics people" fighting for their dreams and cheering for friendship inside and outside the stadium. It also records the wonderful Winter Olympics chapter of "Together toward the future". More than a year has passed since the Beijing Winter Olympics. Faced with the declining popularity of the topic, the market and commercial limitations of documentaries, and the frequent appearances of excellent films in the fully recovered Chinese film market, how can more audiences watch it? This excellent documentary film really made the publicity and development team use all their strength. So far, the film's box office has exceeded 30 million yuan, and it has also ranked among the top ten box office lists of Chinese film documentaries. The spirit of the Beijing Winter Olympics runs throughout the entire film "Beijing 2022" and is reflected in all aspects of film production, publicity and distribution. The publicity and distribution of the film will not stop, and the dissemination of the spirit of the Beijing Winter Olympics will not stop.

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

Chief Director Lu Chuan, who is currently in Hangzhou preparing for the opening ceremony of the Asian Games, communicated with the guests online. When talking about this movie, he said very movingly: "This is a much-anticipated project. For this movie, we overcame many difficulties and persisted for three years. As a film director and professional filmmaker, I feel very proud for us." I am proud to have such a work, and I believe that the coming years and time will prove its value. Thank you to the publicity team for supporting it with the Winter Olympics spirit and insisting on being on the front line, fighting city by city, school by school, relying on I love to work hard to achieve today's results. I hope that by spreading this film overseas, I can contribute to the dissemination and promotion of Chinese culture and telling Chinese stories to the world."

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

Rao Rao, President, Researcher and Doctoral Supervisor of the Chinese Film Critics Society Shuguang

Rao Shuguang, president, researcher and doctoral supervisor of the China Film Critics Society, fully affirmed director Lu Chuan and the creative team. He pointed out: "The most popular thing about sports-themed films is the movement itself, the beauty brought by movement and the 'peak experience' it brings. This film captures the movement and beauty of movement, as well as the tension that movement brings to people. It is very full in terms of feeling, pressure, breakthrough, and achievement. This is also the state that official Olympic movies or sports-themed movies should achieve. Movies themselves are the art of sports, and only through movies can this kind of sports be fully realized. To the extreme. At the same time, director Lu Chuan is good at capturing characters, and his character design is extremely tense. International communication narrative strategy is a grand proposition, and its real implementation must be implemented on 'people', and it must be implemented on small characters. To truly write about the characters Well, well-created characters are the core thing in all movies. I hope that through the continuous promotion of this official movie, the Olympic legacy can continue to penetrate into people's daily lives, change some of their ideas about future life, and let People's pursuit of a better life is more fulfilling."

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

Hu Zhifeng, Director of the Academic Committee of the China Universities Film and Television Society and Professor at the School of Art and Media of Beijing Normal University

Hu Zhifeng, Director of the Academic Committee of the China University Film and Television Society and Professor at the School of Art and Media of Beijing Normal University, said: "The movie "Beijing 2022" has brought great joy to the audience. There are three most prominent feelings. The first is 'difficulty', which relies on the accumulation of real materials, and historically we have never promoted a movie with this theme to theaters and the market, so the difficulty can be imagined; the second is 'heavy', which also It's its weight and importance; the third is 'accuracy'. Director Lu Chuan took great pains in every detail in the film, even down to the subtle expressions of each actor. At the same time, the film also shows three styles, namely Chinese style, Beijing style, and Olympic style. Throughout the preparations for the Winter Olympics, the overcoming of many difficulties reflected our Chinese wisdom; from the national leaders' personal visit to the scene, to the opening ceremony of the chief director Zhang Yimou, to ordinary people such as couriers, we felt that Beijing The ancient capital embraces the enthusiasm of the Winter Olympics; the efforts made by participants from various countries, including organizers of Olympic activities, to pursue a faster, higher, and stronger Olympic spirit are the Olympic style. Whether it is used as a collection of the Olympic Games, as an education for young people, or for communication and publicity, "Beijing 2022" is a very special and meaningful practice that deserves to be summarized and sorted out. "

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

Li Daoxin, deputy dean of the School of Arts at Peking University and a distinguished professor of the "Changjiang Scholars" of the Ministry of Education

Li Daoxin, deputy dean of the School of Arts of Peking University and a distinguished professor of the "Changjiang Scholars" of the Ministry of Education, believes: "In terms of audiovisuals, the film has achieved a visual feast and The perfect combination of auditory feast, with high production level and exquisite artistic quality; in terms of content, it is not only about the Olympics itself, but about the transformation of time and space, the twist between heaven and earth, When talking about the various scenery and related people in various countries, especially China and the capital Beijing; in terms of character creation, it can be said that every word, line, figure, and detail has a unique character and information; finally, in terms of value In terms of point development, the entire film is very careful, sophisticated and exquisite, conveying concepts about the future and realizing the value combination of the Beijing Winter Olympics, city memory and the image of a great country. ”

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

He Suliu, Associate Dean of the Department of Journalism and Communication, Communication University of China, Director, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of the China Documentary Research Center

He Suliu, Deputy Dean of the Department of Journalism and Communication, Communication University of China, Director, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of the China Documentary Research Center Liu talked about his views on this film and said: "I can feel the director's consciousness from this film. He is able to capture people's relationships and hearts with many details. At the same time, the sound presentation effect is particularly good. I think the process of realizing dreams is very beautiful. This spirit of striving for ideals is incomparable to sports people. Each of them is full of light. Documentaries must respect human nature and the subjects, and then provide high sincerity, dedication, recording and dissemination. Therefore, the dissemination work should indeed return to the basics and let the common people enjoy it. I hope that more people will watch this movie in the future, and I look forward to more achievements in the subsequent announcements. "

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

Zhang Wei, executive vice president and researcher of the China Film Critics Society

Zhang Wei, executive vice president and researcher of the China Film Critics Society, pointed out: "The workload of this film is very ambitious, and the time is tight, the number of people is small, and the task is heavy. On the basis of retaining the spirit of patriotism in the past, it further highlights the position and height of a community with a shared future for mankind, and realizes the simultaneous advancement of patriotism and human values. At the same time, although the film uses the basic shooting methods of a documentary, it also uses more on-site original sounds and interview sounds, which not only shows strong objectivity but also enhances the viewing quality of the film, achieving a symbiosis between documentary style and artistic expression. . Watching this film from the perspective of philosophy and art, you can clearly feel that the Taoist dualistic thinking runs through it, and it has achieved comprehensive efforts in artistic expression, very objectively and truly showing the grandeur of Chinese-style sports blockbusters. state."

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

Cui Yan, Director of Beijing International Film Festival Operations Center of Beijing Radio and Television Station and Executive Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee Office

Cui Yan, Director of Beijing International Film Festival Operation Center of Beijing Radio and Television Station and Executive Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee Office said: "This year's Beijing International Film Festival At the festival, adhering to our responsibility and responsibility for history, we are particularly determined to invite "Beijing 2022" as the opening film, and are willing to use all departmental resources to support the promotion of this film and mobilize all media reports. We all know that the promotion work of "Beijing 2022" faces many objective difficulties and challenges, but we see that the promotion team continues to insist on promoting targeted movie viewing activities, campus screenings, etc., and the possibility of accumulating box office . From their work, I feel their enthusiasm and persistence in spreading the spirit of the Winter Olympics and their own work. The Beijing Film Festival will continue to promote "Beijing 2022" together with Cultural Investment Holdings, and will make this festival's opening film a top priority in overseas promotion. By then, we must let the world see that our Chinese sports-themed documentaries have reached reached such a height. We will unswervingly support "Beijing 2022" and we will definitely be able to do better in the future! "

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

Tan Zheng, editor-in-chief of "Film Art" and researcher at the Film Art Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Tan Zheng, editor-in-chief of "Film Art" and researcher at the Film Art Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said in his speech: ""Beijing 2022" is an international event humanities documentary. It far exceeds the status of official documentaries, and it goes far beyond sports-themed documentaries. Director Lu Chuan's creative concept is very clear. He uses the technique of feature films to integrate the content, achieves great breakthroughs in structure, and achieves excellent production quality. It has a poetic beauty in the presentation of the picture. The film is filled with a lot of wonderful moments, and there are also many clever expressions, such as landing, failure, happiness, etc. These expressions reflect the fireworks and ingenious traditional culture of China, and Beijing's urban cultural symbols such as lanterns and paper-cuts skillfully spread the complete microcosm of Chinese social reality to the society. From the perspective of the Olympic spirit, the creation and distribution of this film are all in line with the Olympic spirit. Great practice. "

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

Lin Lingsi, Director of the General Department of the Press and Publicity Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee

Lin Lingsi, Director of the General Department of the Press and Publicity Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, was very moved when talking about this movie. She said excitedly: "This is the most popular film in my opinion. It is a beautiful official Olympic film. I am very proud of it because it not only records the process of unity, collaboration and hard work in the preparation and hosting of the Winter Olympics, but also shows the many difficulties that the entire team overcame in the process. This film fulfills our commitment to the Olympics and our Winter Olympics team, and helps everyone record this period of history and share it with more people through continuous publicity. I am honored to be able to participate in it. I would like to thank all the teachers for their guidance and help during the process, and I would also like to thank the publicity and development team for their joint efforts. "Cai Min, executive deputy general manager of

Cultural Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., said: "The release of "Beijing 2022" is to return to the value of high-quality works themselves, so that more people who need to watch this classic work can continue to enjoy it. obtained. In the process of continuous output, continuous integration, continuous search for direction and crowds, and continuous adjustment of work focus in the past six months, the publicity and development team has always upheld the practice of the spirit of the Beijing Winter Olympics. I don’t know when the end point will be for this distribution work, and I don’t know what the score will be when it reaches the end point, but I want more young people and more Winter Olympics people to continue to inherit and more concretely convey the spirit of sports. , to pass on the Olympic spirit and the spirit of the Beijing Winter Olympics. "

The 'Beijing 2022' expert seminar of the never-ending Beijing Film Festival series was successfully held - Lujuba

Group photo of participants

Through the in-depth exchanges between the guests at this seminar, more professional opinions and directions were provided for the subsequent publicity and distribution work of "Beijing 2022".It is the responsibility of every filmmaker to inherit Chinese culture and carry forward the spirit of the Winter Olympics. I wish "Beijing 2022" achieve better results in the future, and hope that "Beijing 2022" can spread the image of China as a responsible big country to the wider world. On stage, tell China’s story to the world.

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