Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic

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Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic - Lujuba

Sammo Hung was proud of the spring breeze from the 1980s to the early 1990s. Bao He under his name made a big splash in the 1980s, and the best films came out in large numbers, and the limelight was unparalleled. The 80-year-old "Ghost Fighting Ghost" was the first of its kind in a ghost action movie, and it was Baohe's nominal entrepreneurial work. When Jiahe Company fully supported the satellite system, Baohe, who had been silent for four years, returned to the world. In 1984, he produced three films in a row: "Brave and Brave Cannons", a police comedy, "Provincial and Hong Kong Flagmen", which was co-operated with McDonald, was a hit. With Debao cooperation, "Waiting for Dawn" directed by Liang Puzhi is also a rare and atmospheric work.

In 1985, Sammo Hung fully explored the potential selling power of ghost action movies. "Time Turns" took fashion ghosts. "Mr. Zombie" promoted Lin Zhengying as the spokesperson of the ghost hunter. It was a smash hit, and Liu Guanwei also stepped into the ranks of selling directors with the help of this film. , "Dragon Heart" is Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung's close family action movie about police and robbers.

Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic - Lujuba

Beginning in 86, Baohe entered a high-yield period. "Train of Fortune" first launched a New Year's Eve movie, "Best Fortune" combined with New Art City, "Zombie Family" continued the zombie comedy, "Brave Double Cannon" and "Law Enforcement Pioneer" continued the police and robbery Action comedy, the two friends' entrepreneurial work "Two In-laws and Eight Hearts" was released at the beginning of the year. In 1987, he implemented the strategy of grabbing ghost actions. The "Eastern Condor" was full of stars and became fierce. Each has its own strengths in "Little Dreams", "Cousin Arrived" and "Mr. In the mid and late 1990s, even if Sammo Hung was gradually replaced by his junior brother Jackie Chan and occupied by Zhou Xingchi, he still had an unshakable position.

Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic - Lujuba

What I want to say today is a masterpiece that everyone can ignore. The box office revenue was 21 million in the top ten at the box office, but the results were average compared to the same period. And until today, many people have mixed praise and criticism for this film. It is the Chinese version of " "Garrison" or "Field Platoon", its name is "Eastern Condor".

First of all, there are several things about Sammo Hung in this drama. Qian Jiale almost died in an explosion scene, and he almost got a boxed lunch in a car jumping scene. And this time it was the thinnest Sammo Hung we have seen since the movie. It is said that he was determined to lose weight for this drama. In addition, Gao Lihong, who made her love and made her debut in the play, later became his second wife until now.

In 1987, Sammo Hung was able to ascend to the heights and respond to the gathering of people. He is not a person who sleeps on top of his grades. It seems that Sammo Hung is not born to eat his old books. It is only until today that Jackie Chan shoots some works of different themes. Because I can't move, Sammo Hung has been making constant attempts. Ghost movies, Kung Fu, martial arts, and literary themes cover a wide range of subjects. And this "Eastern Condor" is particularly different. The reason why

Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic - Lujuba

is unusual is that before this, Hong Kong’s film history basically did not have such a large-scale war theme. Although Zhang Che has filmed "Badaolouzi", although Xu Anhua has also filmed "To the Wrath Sea" related to the Vietnam War, but the type is completely Different. In other words, the soil of Hong Kong is actually unable to grow and control such films.

Later, although Wu Yusen's "Blood on the Street" showed more recognition for the cruelty of war, it was not tepid at the time. Sammo Hung is different. He is willing to try differently. He doesn't like being the director of a certain type of film. So this alternative "Eastern Condor" turned out.

Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic - Lujuba

Today we watched this film again and it was really shocked by the cast. Hong Kong's first line and Luye basically participated in it at that time, and many people are still hot stars today. The movie tells the story of a miscellaneous army composed of criminal felons landing in Vietnam. The goal is to blow up the arsenal left by the US army during the Vietnam War. Afterwards, each person can receive 200,000 bonuses and become American citizens.

Chinese audiences who like old movies should not be unfamiliar with them. The bridge section is copied from the 1967 "Garrison Expendables", which is a 26-episode American war TV series directed by Nicholas Cala Santo, by Ron Habser, Starring Sa Danova, Rudy Solari, Brandon Bonn and others. The play tells a group of young people who have misplaced themselves from the United States. They behave wildly and have a full of evil experiences, but they continue to build meritorious services and become heroes. But Garrison was talking about the late World War II. The war became more and more cruel. Lieutenant Garrison found some murderers, crooks, robbers, and thieves from prison to form an unprecedented death squad.

Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic - Lujuba

Sammo Hung talked about the latter part of the Vietnam War, and there was not such a large layout and content as the addition of films. After all, the space for movies and TV shows to play is different. The plot of "Eastern Condor" is much simpler, there is no puzzling business logic, the main line is clear, and all the information needed to advance the plot is displayed at the beginning. The Vulture Team followed an established route to its destination, eliminating the obstructing Viet Cong in the middle. The conflict is obvious, and people are moved by wonderful action scenes, so there are many fighting scenes in the movie.

Of course, since the mainland introduced "Garrison's Expendables" back then, the older generation of viewers are more familiar with the TV plot.

And many classic movies of Sammo Hung's era were not shown online in mainland theaters. Everyone watched them through VCD, video studios and other channels, and they were only a few years later. But this does not affect the greatness of this film.

Many people criticized the pattern and logic of this movie, but I actually think it is hypocritical. "Everything goes too far, everything is crazy" is David Podwell's evaluation of Hong Kong films in the book "The Secret of Hong Kong Movies". This is precisely the greatest contribution and characteristic of Hong Kong filmmakers that year.

Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic - Lujuba

"Eastern Condor" is a bold attempt by Sammo Hung. When Hong Kong was busy with Jianghu movies and ghost movies in 1987, it was risky for Sammo Hung to shoot such large-scale war movies. Hong Kong movies have been hovering at the level of B-level movies. Investors have no intention of shooting large-scale movies, only to make money quickly. Therefore, Hong Kong films have a single style and rough production. After

experienced the glory of the 1980s, it is normal for Hong Kong films to fall into decline in the mid to late 1990s. Sammo Hung was shooting a movie that Hong Kong was not good at when he was at the best time in Hong Kong films, showing his courage and ambition. Although the movie is not perfect in many details, the biggest selling point is the action. But people who only knew how to make ghost films and hero films were much better. It's a pity that such films did not catch on, and few people were shooting later, and the roads for Hong Kong films slowly became narrow and broken. The departure of Hong Kong film talents is officially due to the short-sightedness of the Hong Kong film market, lack of innovation, and willingness to follow suit and remake.

Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic - Lujuba

This film is played by the seven little blessings, if Jackie Chan was originally (but Jiangyang Gu Liquor here has a mystery that has not been solved for many years. I am actually a guest star in the film because Jackie Chan, if you pass the 8th minute and 6th second of the film. One came to tell them to set off. The shot took about three seconds and gave a close-up. I think this person is Jackie Chan) and joined. Then this film will have a stronger meaning for the action movie world at that time. There are also Qin Xianglin in the Double Qin Dynasty, Tang Zhenye in the Five Tigers, Miao Qiaowei, the gold medal action villains Yasuaki Kurata, Billy Zhou, Gao Fei, Di Wei, and the heroine is played by the elder brother Sammo Hong’s wife and apprentice Gao Lihong. The action and acting skills are that There is nothing to say. The strong lineup of

has also caused the actors’ role to be severely shrunk, but this does not affect the performance of the actors. The director has cleverly grasped their characteristics on the screen, resulting in the characters also have flesh and blood. Uncle’s conscientious work, Yuan Biao’s playful tricks, Yuan Heping’s old and disrespectful, Yuan Kui’s stubborn love...

Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic - Lujuba

is a war theme, and the plot is inevitably a bit heavy. The death of one character after another is undoubtedly affected. It has a sad tone, but the interspersed funny also dilutes the tone to a large extent. The combination of the two makes the plot more attractive.

Although "Eastern Condor" is a less serious Vietnam War movie than "To the Wrath Sea" and "The Story of Hu Yue" and other movies, it has actually done well enough.

First of all, in action, it really achieves the ultimate violent aesthetics. Sammo Hung shoots people with leaves, Yuen Biao takes coconuts, and fights with the warehouse at the end. Yuan Hua once again plays a very sick and hidden master, almost Let Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao take a break. Yuan Baye rarely goes abroad, and the dubbed version of this play has a Shandong accent, which is also quite funny. And the American officer played by the zombie leader Lin Zhengying is upright and looks down on the Americans. It seems that Cao Ying is in his heart.

Sammo Hung filmed an alternative film 32 years ago and almost asked him to receive a box lunch. It is now very classic - Lujuba

This film does not face the cruelty of war, but each of their participants is already a tragedy. The whole movie seems to have no standpoint. There is no righteous party, only the subconscious's likes and dislikes for a certain party. All of them have unknown origins and unclear history. They are like the deserters of the times. They have no way to live a good life after leaving their hometowns. They can only go to death in a foreign country in exchange for legal residence for future generations. From this meaningIn principle, they are all cannon fodder, and if this is a real war, the plane will never come, just like a troop abandoned on a foreign land and lost contact. When their position changes, they can only rely on themselves.

Sammo Hung took a risk in 1987 and almost died, but he left a strong mark in his history of filming. I think it is very worthwhile. Thanks to Sammo Hung and the old filmmakers for the joy they brought. Passion and passion, although life is plain, but you have been accompanied by your light and shadow.

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