Number of Circumstances Episode 15 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 1037℃

Number of Circumstances Episode 15 Diversity Plot Introduction

Yeonghee's mother dies, Yuyan Li Xiu breaks up

   Li Xiu and Yuyan are separated from each other because of work. After a long time, because they don’t communicate with each other much, Yuyan feels that their relationship has faded. One day, Li Xiu came to Yuyan’s house. Yuyan told Li Xiu that if this goes on, she can't afford to wait, she can't continue to spend time with Li Xiu, and she doesn't want to go on like this anymore. Li Xiu didn't know how to explain, and didn't say anything.

Number of Circumstances Episode 15 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total) - Lujuba

   Soon, Junsu came to Yuyan’s house to find Yuyan, so Yuyan asked Li Xiu to leave first. You said that you could not defend yourself, so you had to leave first. Junsu sat next to Yuyan. He came this time to give Yuyan something. But in fact, he can send someone over, but he still wants to come in person, whether it's for the sake of ending their relationship or not. Yuyan said that she had designed a character for a movie, Junsu smiled and said that he would go to watch the movie that Yuyan participated in. Yuyan also smiled heartily.

   Later, Li Xiu received a call from Junsu. Junsu explained that he came to find Yuyan because of work, and there was no other personal reason. Li Xiu reminds Jun-Su that he can take the opportunity to pursue Yu-Yeon, and Jun-Su disdains to do such things at risk. The dialogue is gone.

   Young Hee's boyfriend always cares about Young Hee's affairs, so he went to the hospital to visit Young Hee's mother. Although the two broke up, he still regards Young Hee's mother as a relative. Young Hee’s mother didn’t know that Young Hee had broken up with her boyfriend, and Young Hee’s boyfriend didn’t mention the breakup. Instead, he mentioned the plan of marriage between the two families. He planned to invite relatives and friends of both parties when he married Young Hee. In order not to irritate Young Hee's mother, Young Hee's boyfriend did not tell about the breakup of the two.

   At night, Yuyan chatted with Pearl and Yingxi. The three sat under the night sky. Pearl talked about her parents saying that Pearl can marry her boyfriend. The condition is that the dog in the family accepts Pearl’s boyfriend. In his arms, his parents would agree to their marriage, but what they didn't expect was that the dog in Pearl’s family actually jumped into the arms of Pearl’s boyfriend. The two sisters were happy for Pearl, anyway, her parents had passed the test.

   The next day, the hospital heard from the hospital that Yingxi's mother was seriously ill. Yingxi rushed to the hospital. The doctor told her that her mother was going to die, and Yingxi said goodbye to her sadly. After the death of her mother, Yingxi took care of the funeral, and Yuyan and Pearl rushed over. Yingxi couldn't help it anymore and threw herself into Yuyan's arms and wept bitterly.

   Young Hee's boyfriend also came to attend the funeral of Young Hee's mother. Young Hee did not exclude her boyfriend any more. Now that her mother has passed away, she also put aside her worries and rested beside her boyfriend.

   Li Xiu and Yuyan also met. The two talked about relationship problems. Yuyan felt that she was too tired to be with Li Xiu. She didn't want to go back to the time when she was always trapped by love. Li Xiu saw that Yuyan was suffering from feelings, and for a while, he didn't know what to say. He knew that with his current situation, he couldn't make promises to Yuyan. If the promises could not be fulfilled, he would be hurting Yuyan. Yuyan looked at Li Xiu, who was not speaking and looked disappointed. Although she couldn't bear it, she left.

   Later, Li Xiu returned home in a frustrated mood. Mother was preparing to eat at home. Seeing that his son Li Xiu entered the house with tears in his eyes, he hurried over to see what happened. Li Xiu told his mother that he thought he was doing it again. Wrong, he didn't explain why he said he was wrong, and he stood on the spot and shed tears. Seeing Li Xiu's sadness, Li's mother hurriedly walked to Li Xiu and put her arms around Li Xiu. At this moment, only the mother can give comfort. Li Xiu's mother is holding him, Li Xiu is very depressed, but still does not say a word.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo