Secret Forest 2 Episode 9 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 2124℃

Secret Forest 2 Episode 9 Diversity Plot Introduction

Murderer sends strange photos The disappearance case leads to Park Kwang-soo's case

   If Xu Dongzai's body is found, but it was the work of the police, but if the government insists on handing over the search power to the police, then the police will be fighting on both sides. In this way, the war between the police and the two sides becomes a total war between the prosecutor and the government. As Jin Sixian thought this way, Huang Shimu looked at him a little puzzled. Jin Sixian also said that Minister Yu's reaction seemed unreasonable when something like this happened to his subordinates.

   Is Minister Yu’s reaction now considered worried? But Huang Shimu didn't know what it was like to be worried. Faced with the inexplicable problem of Huang Shimu, Jin Sixian was a little puzzled. At this moment, my colleague bought lunch and came back. But Huang Shimu, who had just started his hand, received a call and hurriedly went out. It turned out that Han Ruzhen called and said that a text message came from the police station.

   Two hours ago, someone sent a blood-stained photo. People in the police station gathered around to discuss the clues of the photo. Everyone has their own opinions and disputes are endless. It happened that Huang Shimu rushed over when he received the call. Looking at the photo, he always felt that something was hidden inside. For an instant, he seemed to have entered the world of prisoners. Suspicious, Huang Shimu didn't have a clue at once.

   On the other side, Minister Yu also got the picture, and he hurriedly let people hear the whereabouts of the deputy chief. Later, he also asked people to immediately call out all the work places Xu Dongzai had been in. Officer Cui checked the phone call records of Xu Dongzai's wife. When questioning Xu Dongzai's wife, Huang Shimu asked why the prisoner did not ask her for a ransom. A police officer guessed that if the lover is a prisoner, it is impossible to ask for a ransom. This may be to get rid of suspicion and to be clever. However, Officer Cui believed that he would generally not do all this just pretending to be for money. I have seen that the person who shouted at his wife’s funeral was a prisoner, but the photo was delivered today. After Xu Dongzai’s wife was interrogated yesterday, the prisoner pretended to be no, whether he was playing such a mindset, the police officers felt a little bit doubt.

The members of

   Hosotani police station wrote a self-report, and Huang Shimu felt that he was investigating the matter. Regarding whether Xu Dongzai has a sponsor, Xu Dongzai's assistants said no. The assistant hesitated to tell Huang Shimu that Xu Dongzai seemed to have a lot of private life disputes. Huang Shimu hurried to ask Jiang Yuanche, but the other party said that he had never heard of it. Facing Huang Shimu's questioning, Jiang Yuanche finally let go. The Western District Attorney contacted him, and the general prosecutor issued a large instruction. During the re-inspection, Xu Dongzai selected all the cases in which he had quarreled with the defendant, and re-examined it carefully. The current local attorney does not even know who Xu Dongzai is. If Xu Dongzai's private life in the past is revealed, there is only one thing left to comment on sweeping the floor. Which local inspector will like him in the future. But Jiang Yuanche said that the top priority now is to get the other person back. It doesn't matter if he loses it later. After thinking about it, Jiang Yuanche still told Huang Shimu that Xu Dong had come over to find himself, but he refused. After listening to Jiang Yuanche's words, Huang Shimu suddenly remembered that Li Yan's assistant, Executive Park, once claimed to ask Xu Dongjae to find out the handle of the eastern geological survey. Jiang Yuanche was also suspected in this case, and Huang Shimu casually said a few words and got up and left.

   Officer Zhang Jian took the photo and found Xu Dongjae's wife. The other party behaved very sadly. Please ask Officer Cui to find his husband. Zhang Jian didn't know how to comfort him. He accidentally caught a glimpse of the calendar on the desk. It was written by Xu Dongzai's wife, all of which said why you haven't come back. Just as Zhang Jian walked out the door, a voice came from inside. Who of Xu Dongzai seemed to be talking to, Zhang Jian hurriedly wrote down what he heard. On the other hand, surveillance showed that Xu Dongzai’s wife accompanied her son into the apartment at 7 o’clock on the night of the incident. At 7:30, the son went out to a cram school and did not go home until more than 10 o’clock. In other words, Xu Dongzai's wife had no alibi for more than three hours, but the surveillance did not capture her trace during this period.

   An unspoken picture with a hidden conspiracy made the entire police station restless, Han Ruzhen carefully analyzed every clue. At this time, Huang Shimu appeared silently behind him, shocking Han Ruzhen. Later, Team Leader Cui also came in and the three discussed the case together. It is not an easy task to quickly transfer Xu Dongzai in the alleys of the community where passers-by may appear at any time. And the hiding place should not be away from the crime sceneIf it is too far away, then the person must have a private garage. The prisoner may live alone or his family may be an accomplice. But according to the clues they have so far, they still don't have any thoughts.

   In 2017, the statement written by the members of the Hosotani police station and the statement of Xu Dongzai’s wife were compared with the handwriting on the photo. The person with the most similar handwriting has also emigrated, and the clue is once again interrupted. When Huang Shimu carefully observed the photos, he always felt that there was something in the reflective part of the floor, but it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. On the second day, Han Ruzhen held a press conference in the capacity of searching for the minister to present the investigation to the public on the disappearance of Xu Dongzai. After the press conference, someone revealed that Xu Dongzai had been investigated for bribery two years ago and posted on the Internet. For a time, there was a lot of discussion online, and the public extended their anger to the prosecutors. Although the current public opinion on the prosecution is not very good, this is not a long-term happy event for the police. The case is convoluted and involved too much. If the police fails to investigate the results in time, they will eventually be condemned.

   The current investigation is at a deadlock, and Han Ruzhen, as an investigator, is also very worried. Just when she was at a loss, Zhang Jian's investigation report gave her some thoughts. After Jin Yuhang was released from prison, his working place was only a few hundred meters from the scene of the crime, and the shop owner was his uncle, who was the former Dongducheon police chief Quan Shengbiao. Looking back on Han Ruzhen now, only Jin Yuhang’s alibi can be confirmed, and the record of overtime work in the All-Winner Watch can be forged.

   Huang Shimu received an email from Xu Dongzai's secretary, and the attachment lists the website records Xu Dongzai visited before his disappearance. Huang Shimu noticed that on the evening of March 18, Xu Dongzai browsed several news reports about the former prosecutor's office Park Kwang-soo. The report time was April 6, 2018. Huang Shimu learned that the accident was in charge of the first criminal division in charge of the traffic case. Park Guangxiu's driving record was only missing the record on the day of the incident. The strange thing is that the same thing happened in Xu Dongzai's disappearance. Xu Dongzai's driving recorder showed that he had been to the location of the incident at around 1 pm on March 18. Huang Simu, who went out to investigate, happened to meet Minister Yu, and Minister Yu seemed a little uneasy when he heard Park Guangxiu's name.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo