Launched the third episode of the diversity plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 2351℃

Launched the third episode of the diversity plot introduction

Daoshan attended to help Delta, Delta resigned and determined to start a business

   Daoshan came to Damei, and the two exchanged greetings. Yin Zai and her mother suddenly walked towards them. Damei decisively hugged Daoshan and whispered to Daoshan that he hoped he would cooperate with the acting. Nan Daoshan pretends to be Xu Damei's boyfriend and plays a play with Xu Damei.

As soon as Yin came over, he asked a series of sharp questions. When Daoshan saw that Delta was about to tell the truth, he released Delta's hands and told Yin that they were partners at work. After asking for the business card of Daoshan, you have to know that mountain is the representative of Sanshan technology.

   Yin was asking how many rounds of his company's investment had been made. Obviously Daoshan didn't quite understand, so he had to say perfunctorily. The first round started. Yin could see that Daoshan and his company had not been invested. At this time, Zhiping came out to help Daoshan Yuanchang and claimed that the start-up company of Sanshan Technology was very promising. Zhiping pretended to meet Dami for the first time and introduced himself.

After that, Zhiping took away Dosan under the pretext. Yin had an excellent boyfriend in his mother, Quatami. Zhiping thought that Dosan came to the party to get into their company, but Dosan said that he was only here to help, but he didn't know himself. Is there any help? Zhiping said that Daoshan is already a successful person here, because he stood with him and asked Daoshan and him to pretend to be discussing official affairs with him.

Daoshan saw that the task was completed and planned to take the bus home. Zhiping took the initiative to contribute his car and asked Daoshan to drive his car to take Dami home. After Daoshan sent Dami back, he found another excuse to cut off. The relationship between the two.

   Mother and daughter parted, her mother hugged Delta and told her thoughts, but she was pushed away by Delta. Delta admits that she can't match Yinzai now, but bet that if she is not better than Yinzai in three years, she will give Yin 10,000 won, and she will work hard to become a person like Jobs in the future. Yinzai said that she will wait and see. .

Just as Daoshan drove over, Delta was about to leave. His mother picked up the bag on the ground and gave it to Delta. She told Delta to speak vernacular as a liar, and afterwards, after cleaning up the mess, she would become a person like her father. . Delta knew that her mother had seen that she was lying, but she still encouraged her, tears rolled in her eyes, but she held it back and turned and left.

   Zhiping drove the door for Delta. Daoshan asked where Delta was going. Delta cried and let Daoshan drive casually. Zhiping saw Delta hiding his face and weeping, and called a taxi to follow. Daoshan gave Delta paper towels, but he wanted to open the skylight.

In Jae’s stepfather also came to the party. Mother complained about his age and likes to make final appearances. In Jae saw that Won Sang Soo also came, and was curious. Won Jae’s stepfather was the son of In Jae’s stepfather, and her mother told In Jae that he was a stepfather. In order to connect Yuan Sang Suo, and although Yuan Sang Suo is only Yin Zai's secretary now, when the company develops and grows in the future, this son will take away In Zai's position.

   Daoshan stopped the car at a place, Delta and Daoshan chatted, Chiping hid behind the car and listened. Zhiping sent a message to tell Daoshan to send Delta home as planned. Delta thought it was Daoshan's girlfriend who sent a message to Daoshan, so that Daoshan didn't have to send her. Daoshan heard a lot of praise and encouragement from Delta, which could not be obtained from other people, so Daoshan later gave Delta a business card, saying that he had never had a girlfriend, and Delta said that he did not have a boyfriend. The signature ball was also given to Delta.

   After the two separated, Dosan went to Zhiping's house, and Zhiping told Dosan not to contact Delta. Suddenly, Daoshan received a message from Dame. He was proud of receiving a message from a girl for the first time in his life. Zhiping asked Daoshan to tell him the news from Xu Damei, and after the two checked, he would reply to Damei. Daoshan agreed.

   The next day, Yin was working as usual, but the stepfather told her that he planned to hand over the Korean business to her brother Won Sang-soo. Yin was running the US subsidiary. Yin Zai remembered what her mother had said and disagreed. But adding the screenshots and Yuan Shangxiu's shares together, that person can have decision-making power, so Yin Zai had no choice but to agree.

Launched the third episode of the diversity plot (16 episodes in total) - Lujuba

   Delta invited colleagues to eat their last meal and told them that they were going to resign, And then sent a message to Daoshan, saying that he planned to go to Sanshan Technology Company to send potted plants. Daoshan forwarded the message to Zhiping. When Zhiping saw it, he immediately left the office, urgently summoned a few people from Daoshan, and dressed his home as The look of the office.

   As soon as the office was sorted out, Delta came. Delta gave the potted plants to Daoshan, Daoshan thanked him. Delta said that he had resigned. Zhiping was so frightened that he squirted out the water he had just drunk. Delta said that he wanted to start a business like Daoshan.

   Yin was packing her luggage and preparing to go abroad. Just when her mother came back, her mother asked Yin Zai if she wanted to go abroad or to the company, and Yin was answering the company. So her mother took Inzae to the company, and her stepfather was in a meeting. Inzae broke in suddenly and said that she would not go to the United States. It would be better to hand over the American branch to the idiot Won Sang-soo.

   There was a big fight, and the two left. Yin Zai's mother felt that her daughter was too impulsive, but Yin Zai felt that she was much more relaxed. So Yin was planning to start from scratch, cut short hair, and determined to start a business.

In order to thank Daoshan for his help, Zhiping gave Daoshan two million. He also said that Daoshan will not have to cooperate in acting in the future. Today, Damei grandma will tell the truth. Daoshan does not want to make Damei sad, so he proposed that as long as Zhiping agrees They joined the Sandbox and he could continue to help, but Zhiping disagreed.

   At this time, Dosan received the news that his company participated in the first place in the international competition. He told Chiping about the matter, so Zhiping also agreed to Sanshan Technology to join the Sandbox.

The Sandbox project was launched. Everyone wrote down their wishes in front of the wishing wall. Delta wished that he could get on the high-rise elevator. Yin Zai hoped that he would no longer be a chewing gum chewed by others. Daoshan hopes to turn misunderstandings into reality, Zhiping wrote To pay off the debt.

   Zhiping and representative Yin applied to be the mentor of this project. Several people from Sanshan Technology missed the award ceremony of the competition because they did not buy air tickets, so they had to record the video and send it over.

   In order not to disappoint Delta, Dosan decided to continue to act with Zhiping. Rongshan and Zheshan asked Dosan what he wanted, and Dosan admitted that he liked Delta.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo