Convenience Store Rising Star Episode 10 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 846℃

Convenience Store Rising Star Episode 10 Diversity Plot Introduction

Daehyun was in pain because of Yuanzhu's breaking up, Rising Star tells Daehyun what he likes about him

   Daxian broke up with Yuanzhu. He was in a terrible mood, but the unsuspecting mother was still nagging to find someone to calculate his birth date with Yuanzhu. Daxian did not tell the truth, but just urged his mother. come home early. Xinxing suddenly found out that the group leader who had been carrying her own promotion had changed someone else. She didn't understand why she didn't find herself. After asking, she knew that it was Zhao Chengjun's instruction. She said that she could understand the other party's difficulties. The new star in a bad mood immediately thought of Daxian. She sneaked to the door of the convenience store and looked very sad when she saw Daxian. She couldn’t help feeling a little distressed, but she didn’t notice that An Zhixu behind her was also concerned. she was.

   Daxian learned from his former colleague that Yuanzhu’s mother is actually the second largest shareholder of the company. Yuanzhu became an executive of the company after inheriting his mother’s shares. He recalled that he had agreed that they would not have any secrets. , So Daxian found Yuanzhu's home and wanted to ask more. After Daxian and Yuanzhu met, they both thought that the other party had deceived themselves first. At the time of the stalemate, Daxian’s father drove Yuanzhu’s mother back. Daxian realized that his father’s high-paying job was actually for Yuanzhu. Mother Zhu drove. Daxian's father thought it was a kind of fate. Only then did he realize that he was being mocked. All the people present did not notice. One person was hiding behind the car, that is Daxian’s mother who came to contract with Yuanzhu’s mother. She saw what was happening in front of her and finally understood why Yuanzhu’s mother had to tell herself that day. Those words, she felt like a fool.

   In order to make a living, Daxian’s mother still sent the insurance documents to Yuanzhu’s mother. After Yuanzhu’s mother signed and sealed, Daxian’s mother plucked up the courage to bring up the topic of the day, saying that Yuanzhu’s mother felt not good. In the eyes of the child’s parents, it may be the same as a baby’s love, so don’t break up when it’s inappropriate, and don’t laugh at others easily, but even she feels a little pale and weak in these words, which is even more for Yuanzhu’s mother. It is not a bit offensive. Although Daxian's mother, who returned to the insurance company, was warmly welcomed by her colleagues, she only felt the pain in her heart. At the same time, Daxian’s father sitting in the limousine was also thinking about what happened. Finally, he put the car key in the car and turned around and left. After coming out of the garage, he saw a phone call in the yard. Mama Yuanzhu, he turned on the faucet for watering the lawn for a while, and directly poured Mama Yuanzhu soaked. Daxian's father breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of Yuanzhu's house like a winner.

   Daxian’s father and mother thought that each other had no knowledge. They both deliberately concealed what was good today. They simply drank and drank with cooked food, because they couldn’t let their son be teased like this. Sorry Daxian, after experiencing this incident, the two people's love for their son has deepened, and their relationship has gradually deepened. Xin Xing found Eun Xing according to the address provided by An Zhixu. Although she vowed to teach her a lesson after finding her sister, Xin Xing became angry immediately after hearing her sister said she was her only relative and missed her very much. It dissipated completely. Looking at the resolute Blessing Star, Xinxing instantly felt that her sister had grown up, and she could comfort her father's spirit in heaven.

   Early the next morning, Xinxing who had just woke up was startled by An Zhixu’s agent in front of her. The recorder hoped that she would not ruin An Zhixu because of various scandals. Xinxing immediately woke up. She knew of an artist’s Difficulties, decided to leave here. Just when Xin Xing was dragging a suitcase out of An Zhi Wook’s house, she received a call from Da Xian. Da Xian bluntly blamed her for not coming home for a long time, which made her mother very worried, but listen to these reproaching words. In Xinxing's mind, it felt unusually warm. Xinxing came to Daxian’s house and walked into her room, only to find that Daxian’s mother had waited for her all night. Although she was scolded by her, Xinxing enjoyed the scolding for caring very much. She had been scolded for a long time. She didn't feel the concern from her family anymore, she shed tears unknowingly.

   Daxian has not yet come out of the pain of breaking up with Yuanzhu. He came to the beach where he used to stay with Yuanzhu alone. Thinking back to the sweet words of two people holding hands at the beach, Daxian was even more sad, but compared with Yuanzhu Break up and shame your familyHumiliation made him feel more painful. Xinxing knows where Daxian is going from Da Shik's mouth, and she rushes over to comfort him. Xinxing stayed with Daxian all the time, listened to him a lot, and drank a lot of wine with him, until Daxian fell drunk on the beach, she laboriously carried him back home. Looking at Daxian who was drunk on the bed, Xinxing said all the things she had hidden in her heart over the years. When she was a little girl, in her father's Taekwondo gym, it was Daxian who dropped her from a sandbag. Baoxia was rescued. It was at that time that Xinxing began to fall in love with this handsome big boy. It has been ten years since he liked it. Maybe Daxian no longer remembers the events of that year, but Xinxing often thinks of that scene. More than once, she doubted whether her original decision was correct, but after spending time with Daxian, she firmly believed that her choice was correct. Just when Xinxing turned around and was about to leave, Daxian grabbed Xinxing’s hand and directly Taking her into her arms, this move made Xinxing feel a little at a loss.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo