Secret Forest 2 episode 13 diversity plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 128℃

Secret Forest 2 Episode 13 Diversity plot introduction

disappearance case has new progress Jiang Yuanche decided to cooperate with Han Qiao

   Although Park Kwang-soo and Li Yan had been cooperating during his lifetime, she did not know the details of what Park Kwang-soo did. Minister Yu and Cui Bing only knew that Park Kwang-soo was probably the broker of the Han Qiao Group, but they suffered from no substantive evidence. The two sides tried to test each other. Minister Yu bluntly stated that he was invited by Park Guangxiu to a villa near the South Yangzhou National Highway. Long Li Yunfan's lawsuit. As soon as Minister Yu went out, he saw Cui Bing.

   Because Li Yunfan’s lawsuit is of great importance, Minister Yu and Cui Bing will be implicated if someone knows that the prosecutor is here, so the two of them jointly conceal the matter. Li Yan listened to Minister Yu's explanation, and did not ask any more. She said that she had read Park Guangxiu's death report and knew that something went wrong without success. Originally, the time was short, and it was normal to fail to get things done, but now that Xu Dongzai's case is involved again, we cannot help but focus on it. As for Wu Zhushan to find Cui Bing instead of Minister Yu, Li Yan was explaining that, Xu Dongzai repeatedly emphasized that it was Cui Bing's hastily closing the case that caused such consequences, so Wu Zhushan went to Cui Bing.

   Jiang Yuanche can see from the report provided by Wu Zhushan that Lee Sung-jae’s Han Qiao inflated his operating income. If he had all the information, he would be able to expose a big case and add a lot of color to his career. But he also hesitated. Wu Zhushan is Li Yan's person over there. If it is revealed that he obtained the information from Li Yan, it will undoubtedly confirm that the report of Chengwen Daily is untrue. Jiang Yuanche thought about it and decided to leave. Seeing Jiang Yuanche leaving the hotel without looking back, and the conversation with Minister Yu and Cui Bing tonight did not get the information he expected, Li Yan looked a little tired. However, Director Park was very optimistic. Since Jiang Yuanche did not explicitly refuse, he said there was hope.

   Tian Kehe was finally released, but Huang Shimu always felt that this person appeared very strange, and now he was released easily, which made him suspicious. Huang Shimu suddenly remembered that Tian Jihe had a criminal record and that two fraud cases were prosecuted by Chengnan District Prosecutors, and that place was in the jurisdiction where Jin Sixian came to the legal group. Huang Shimu came to the office and there was no one inside. He saw a photo on Jin Sixian's desk, which looked like Jin Sixian's mother's house. Before Huang Shimu could check the photos carefully, Jin Sixian returned to the office. Huang Shimu was very calm in the face of Jin Sixian's scolding, which made Jin Sixian feel a little embarrassed. He didn't know what this guy was investigating, and what he found out.

   Cui Bing also suspects that there is someone behind Tian Jihe, but if he investigates the matter blatantly, he will definitely be stunned. She had to let Han Ruzhen investigate the matter secretly, and as soon as she found something abnormal, she immediately took Tian Jihe to the police station. Han Ruzhen also gladly took over this task. She felt that this matter could be investigated together with Xu Dongzai's disappearance, but was blocked by Cui Bing.

   Afterwards, Jiang Yuanche discussed with others and decided to cooperate with Li Yan. Soon after, the news that Han Qiao Project was investigated by the Eastern Procuratorate for fraudulent accounting came overwhelmingly. After Minister Yu learned of this, he immediately asked Huang Shimu to find Jiang Yuanche. At this time, a large number of reporters gathered outside the Eastern Procuratorate Building, and Huang Shimu also saw Wu Zhushan who was secretly proud of him. Seeing Huang Shimu coming in, Jiang Yuanche hurriedly collected the investigation materials he had just received. Huang Shimu asked Jiang Yuanche about Park Guangxiu. The other party's statement was basically the same as that of the secretary. Park Guangxiu didn't drink much during his lifetime, and he was dragged down by his brother and needed money. Jiang Yuanche also said that he had mentioned these things to Wu Zhushan.

   Hearing this name, Huang Shimu was a little incredulous. Since the Tongyeong student drowning case, this name has always appeared by his side. Huang Shimu had to doubt that the Han Qiao project was inseparable from Wu Zhushan. Huang Shimu and Secretary Kim confirmed that she had learned about Park Guangxiu’s lack of money from Wu Zhushan. At that time, Wu Zhushan claimed to be acquainted with Park Kwang-soo and talked about this, which made her say a lot about Park Kwang-soo without reservation. However, Secretary Kim also stated that Park Kwang-soo's clients had not lost during his lifetime, and the firm has never received a lawsuit from Han Qiao Group.

   all kinds of clues point to one point. Wu Zhushan is likely to be Park Guangxiu's successor to the Han Qiao Group, so he wants to try his best to explore what Park Guangxiu did before his death. But Huang ShimuI also thought that Park Guangxiu might also be colluding with officials of the judiciary to solve problems for the Han Qiao Group, and it is also possible that the Han Qiao Group wanted to connect with higher-level officials through his connections, including figures like Jiang Yuanche. Huang Shimu learned from Zheng Minxia that there are no high-end restaurants or golf courses near the national highway, only residential villas.

   The last case before Xu Dongzai’s disappearance was about campus bullying. Three students attacked classmates from behind and put them in the toilet. Zheng Minxia tracked down the movement of the three students and found that on the day of the disappearance, they had haunted Itaewon at 8pm. And Itaewon happened to be only ten minutes away from the crime scene. But Huang Shimu felt that Xu Dongzai had an appointment with Minister Yu, and it was impossible to meet the three students halfway. But the photos in the case really caught his attention. The four people in the photos had only one classmate, and although they were smiling, they looked very painful. In the Tongying drowning case, the three students took a group photo, Jin Houzheng also had a similar look on his face. Jin Houzheng once said that Xu Dongzai called him to confirm whether the police had said bad things about the prosecutor during the investigation, but that was only Jin Houzheng's words. Huang Shimu couldn't figure out whether Jin Houzheng had something to do with Xu Dongzai's disappearance.

   Huang Shimu told Han Ruzhen of his thoughts. After investigating Jin Houzheng's household registration information, Han Ruzhen discovered that Jin Houzheng had lived in Puguangdong for a period of time before, and there was a self-built garage there. On this day, Huang Shimu and Han Ruzhen were waiting near the garage and saw Jin Houzheng driving into the garage. When he saw Huang Shimu who had appeared on the beach, his expression became extremely nervous, and he ran out. Huang Shimu hurried to catch up, while Han Ruzhen stayed and opened the secret room in the garage.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo