Top floor episode 8 diversity plot (21 episodes in total)

hanguo 2794℃

The eighth episode of the top floor of

Diversity plot introduction

Zhou Dantai and Qian Shuzhen are found to be affair, Shen Xiulian uses Wu Yunxi to implement the plan

   Pei Luona was rescued by a new physical education teacher. In physical education class, the physical education teacher asked everyone to run around the playground. If they did not run, they would deduct points. Soon, Zhou Xijing pretended to faint, Zhou Xixun pretended to be worried, and made the physical education teacher responsible. With that said, Zhou Xixun immediately took Zhou Xijing away. After Qian Shuzhen learned of the situation, she gave her physical education teacher a lesson and asked him to cancel the deduction.

   Ma Douji is criticizing Pei Luona, asking her to explain what has just happened. Wu Yunxi came, recognizing that Ma Douji was the liar sent by Qian Shuzhen to make a ghost, and asked him angrily why he could be a teacher. Wu Yunxi brought Ma Douji to Qian Shuzhen to reason, and asked her to explain why the liar would be a teacher here. But she had forgotten what kind of person the other party was. Wu Yunxi yelled in the office anxiously, and finally swallowed helplessly.

   This incident made Xia Enxing suddenly emboldened. She told Pei Luona that Wu Yunxi was the student who cut his throat with a trophy and was finally expelled from Qingya Yigao. Pei Luona was shocked and couldn't believe what she had heard. Ma Douji took out a list to the physical education teacher, saying that these students were the objects of special management, so that he would not offend him easily.

Top floor episode 8 diversity plot (21 episodes in total) - Lujuba

top floor stills

   Qian Shuzhen was packing her clothes at home. Seeing Zhou Dantai's call, she couldn't help expressing the attitude of a little woman, which was totally different from what she looked like in the office today. Dr. Xia hid at the door and heard their conversation, but he didn't know who was on the other end of the phone. Dr. Xia stepped forward to test Qian Shuzhen, who was annoyed and broke the pearl necklace with anger. Qian Shuzhen left in despair, and Dr. Xia also found out where they were dating.

   Xia Enxing was doing homework at home, and she kept thinking of today's conversation with Pei Luona in her mind, and she couldn't help being upset. At this moment, she seemed to see Min Xueya approaching her, she rushed to hide in the corner. Qian Shuzhen woke her up, dragged her to Guan Minxueya's place, let her stay here to overcome her fear, and if she didn't let her, there would be no way to stand on the elegant stage. Qian Shuzhen left without looking back, turning off all the lights in the machinery room. Xia Enxing was terrified and could only sing in it according to Qian Shuzhen's instructions.

   Pei Luona never came back, so Wu Yunxi was anxious and had to ask Shen Xiulian for help. At this time, Pei Luona was sitting on the swing in a daze, regretting that she had made Qian Shuzhen hate. A puppy rushed over, and Pei Luona also met Shen Xiulian who was passing by. Shen Xiulian found that the puppy was Min Xueya's pet during his lifetime, so she sent Pei Luona home and asked her to take good care of the puppy. When Pei Luona returned home, she questioned Wu Yunxi about cutting her throat. Wu Yunxi repeatedly denied it. Pei Luona chose to believe and promised to Wu Yunxi that she would definitely get the trophy back for her.

Top floor episode 8 diversity plot (21 episodes in total) - Lujuba

top floor stills


   vocal music class, Ma Douji deliberately made things difficult for Pei Luo Na and asked her to sing a high pitch that had not been taught. Pei Luona completed the task very well, and even made everyone present could not help but clap their hands and applaud. Ma Douji was a little shaken and was scolded by Qian Shuzhen. Qian Shuzhen warned Ma Douji that his task was to make things difficult for Pei Luona, and never forget this task. When Qian Shuzhen went downstairs, she met a physical education teacher, but she didn't take it seriously. The physical education teacher looked at Qian Shuzhen's back and felt that things were getting more and more interesting.

   Shen Xiulian monitored Zhou Dantai's investment plan, so she called Wu Yunxi and asked her to help invest in the business. Shen Xiulian asked Wu Yunxi's mother and daughter to move into the Hera Palace and asked her to go to the movies with her. On the other side, Dr. Xia followed Qian Shuzhen out, wanting to check the other party with whom he had a private meeting, but he still didn't have the courage to continue watching. Wu Yunxi came to the agreed cinema, and Shen Xiulian sent a text message saying that she would be late and let her go in first. As soon as Wu Yunxi sat down, he saw Qian Shuzhen and Zhou Dantai pulling in. Wu Yunxi hurried out of the theater and wanted Shen Xiulian not to enter. But Wu Yunxi's hesitation made Shen Xiulian even more suspicious. When she walked to the entrance of the theater, she saw Qian Shuzhen and Zhou Dantai kissing each other. Shen Xiulian pretended to be wronged, which made Wu Yunxi willing to help.

   Dr. Xia went to the bar alone to calm down his sorrows, and asked Wu Yunxi to accompany him. Dr. Xia used Jiujin to tell Wu Yunxi not to cruel herself. Wu Yunxi wanted to turn around and leave, but the other party was already drunk and unconscious, She had to send him back to the apartment. Unexpectedly, I met Lawyer Li in the parking lot, and Wu Yunxi asked Dr. Xia to him. From Lawyer Li's mouth, Wu Yunxi learned that Dr. Xia was behind the scenes in the last reconciliation. After Qian Shuzhen arrived, she was very annoyed when she heard Dr. Xia's name chanting Wu Yunxi's name.

   Shen Xiulian used Wu Yunxi to take pictures of the house Zhou Dantai and the others planned. Zhou Dantai was very angry when they learned of the situation, and the three had a big fight about it. It was not until Zhou Dantai promised that it would be resolved before Dr. Xia and Lawyer Li stopped. Wu Yunxi and Shen Xiulian went outside to have a drink to celebrate. Wu Yunxi also bought a lot of new clothes for Pei Luona. The mother and daughter were very happy. But at night, Wu Yunxi dreamed of Min Xueya again, and dumbly remembered that she was asking for help. Wu Yunxi found a tag on the neck of the puppy Baitang, and knew that it was Min Xueya's puppy.

This article is the original Lu Opera, please do not reprint it without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo