Convenience Store Rising Star Episode 15 Diversity Plot (16 episodes)

hanguo 925℃

Convenience Store Rising Star Episode 15 Diversity Plot Introduction

Yuanzhu wants to curve and save the country starting with Daxian’s mother Rising Star decides to leave his life for Daxian’s future

Although the new star of

   was very excited, she knew that it was not the time to agree to Daxian. She said that she would wait for the results of this examination before giving Daxian a clear answer, and Daxian readily agreed. Daxian’s father, Amy, his first love when he was young, came to the convenience store. She told Daxian’s father that he would return to China tomorrow. She would like to meet his high school friend Fenxi. The Fenxi that Amy said was Daxian’s mother. In order not to make trouble, Daxian’s father vowed to tell Amy that he hadn’t seen Finxi for more than 40 years. When Daxian and Xinxing walked into the store, he was very puzzled by his father’s attitude. Daxian's father tried to ask but was stopped by his father. Daxian's father then gave Amy away with excuses.

   Although Daxian's father has repeatedly explained his innocence to Daxian, Daxian still does not trust him, but Xinxing seems to understand the mystery. Daxian came home and saw her mother’s swollen feet from running around all day. He started to feel bad for her mother. He helped her lift her feet while chatting with her. Xinxing also helped Daxian’s mother rub her feet sensibly. Raising their shoulders, Daxian's mother was flattered by their actions. While lamenting that her son was sensible, she wondered if her son had other purposes.

   Yuanzhu wanted to save the country through the curve to save the relationship with Daxian, so taking the opportunity of signing the contract, she gave Daxian’s mother a beautiful handbag. Xinxing felt very uncomfortable after seeing the valuable gift. A person hid outside the store, Yuanzhu still found her and said that she was very grateful for her help, which made her realize the value of Daxian again, but Xinxing felt that these words were ironic. In order to find her friend, Fenxi, Amy postponed her trip for one day. She came to the convenience store and hoped that Daxian's father could help her fulfill this wish. She happened to be locked in the warehouse, and Daxian's mother inquired about it from a friend. After Amy lived, he immediately realized why Daxian's father had to travel before, in fact, he wanted to see Amy. Daxian’s mother thought that she was busy for this family all day long, but Daxian’s father was always thinking about his first love. Her mood became very bad, so she went to the bar to borrow a drink to seduce her sorrow. After the phone call, Yuanzhu finally sent Daxian's mother who was so drunk back home. Daxian's mother repeatedly told Daxian to thank Yuanzhu. Xinxing felt very unhappy after hearing it. Daxian sent Yuanzhu out, while Xinxing helped Daxian’s mother into the room. She was mistaken for Yuanzhu by Daxian’s mother. Daxian’s mother kept talking about it, hoping that she didn’t have a happy life and that her son could do it. In the past, please beg Yuanzhu to treat Daxian well. When Xinxing heard Daxian's mother say such words, he couldn't help worrying about her and Daxian's future.

   Woke up the next day, Daxian’s mother tried her best to persuade Daxian and Yuanzhu to get back together, because she didn’t know Daxian and Xinxing were dating, Daxian was reluctant to listen to her mother’s advice, he smashed her for the first time and fell. After the door left, Xinxing was very sad after hearing the conversation between the two people, and had no idea for a while. The new star who had just arrived at the convenience store discovered that Team Leader Bae took the new employee and moved the desk that Daxian had designed for her outside the store. The new employee who claimed to be the second stage of Muay Thai took the initiative to show his strength to the new star, but was pinched by the new star. With a straight grin, Team Leader Pei also secretly said that it was not good. Xinxing saw that the furnishings in the warehouse had changed, and he couldn't help but think of her happy days with Daxian, but now it's nothing but a thing. After Xin Xing returned to Da Xian’s house, Da Xian’s mother was still lying on the bed depressed, she hurried forward to persuade, Da Xian’s mother tearfully said that she did not want her son to live a lifeless life like her, Xin Xing’s heart also began to shake She knew that Daxian's mother was also for Daxian's good, and that Daxian could only live the kind of life Daxian's mother called Daxian when he was with Yuanzhu.

   Xinxing persuaded him to apologize to his mother during dinner with Daxian, but Daxian insisted on his point of view. He felt that he was right on this matter. He followed his heart and was unwilling to listen to his mother's advice. The owner of Wanfu Real Estate who cheated Xinxing and their rents was caught by the police. Most of all the rent he had defrauded was chased back. When they heard that the cheated rent might be refunded, Xinxing and several neighbors were very happy. Everyone When they all told each other about the inconveniences of living in other people’s homes, Xinxing felt that it was a very pleasant stay at the store manager’s house, but the neighbors thought that staying at other people’s homes was not a long-term solution. Hearing this, Xinxing began to struggle.Do you want to tell Daxian about moving out?

   After seeing Daxian and her mother quarreling fiercely, Xinxing finally made up her mind. In order for Daxian to have a better future, she decided to leave Daxian and her life. Taking advantage of Daxian’s family sleeping soundly, Xin Xing was about to leave. She looked around here again and looked at the room that she had arranged for herself like a family. Tears appeared in Xin Xing’s eyes. In the hardest time of her life, she gave it here. The warmth of her home, now she has to leave. When passing by Daxian’s room, Xinxing looked affectionately at Daxian who was sleeping. By this step of the field, she seemed to have predicted it from the beginning, and the facts also confirmed her initial guess, although the ending was for her. The words are not beautiful, but the experience of this period of time has brought her beautiful feelings, allowing her to spend a happy time, and the imprint is unforgettable in her life.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo