Youth Record Episode 2 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 1719℃

Youth Records Episode 2 Diversity Plot Introduction

Hui Junzhen and Become a Friend Jin Yiying Privately Fights for Haixiao's Opportunity

   was inexplicably knocked down by Pearl, Zhenhe was so wronged, he hid in the corner and cried. She comforted herself that it always pays to live kindly, and when she said that she took out the picture of Si Huijun, a smile appeared on her face immediately. It happened that these words were heard by Si Huijun, Zhenhe was a little bit confuse, denying that he was his fan. Si Huijun refused to give up, and was a little arrogant. To ease the embarrassment, Zhenhe hurriedly said that he was actually a fan of Yuan Haixiao. Unexpectedly, it was even more embarrassing after speaking, Si Huijun became a little serious because of his loss of tone.

   Yuan Haixiao walked through the hall, and a group of fans rushed to take a group photo. After Jin Yiying saw it, she pulled her son aside. Jin Yiying met with director Cui Shixiong privately, and won the opportunity for Yuan Haixiao to appear. This time she came here to tell him this matter. Hearing this news, Yuan Haixiao's performance was a little flat, and he didn't seem to be very happy. Jin Yiying guessed it was related to Si Huijun.

Youth Record Episode 2 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total) - Lujuba

youth record stills

   Zhenhe and Si Hye-jun sat and chatted together, and Hye-jun asked about Zhenhe’s feelings about seeing the idol. Of course Zhenhe is very happy, and has been nervous since last night. Zhenhe spoke very sincerely, and Hye Jun was happy for Yuan Haixiao, because Haixiao is an idol worth chasing. However, Zhenhe knew in her heart that she had just said happily that her idol was actually Hye Joon beside her. Because they are the same age, the two talked more and more harmoniously. When the time came, Huijun got up and prepared to leave. Zhenhe stopped her and asked why he wanted to come here. Huijun didn't answer directly, but instead asked Zhenhe, she was wronged just now, but she actually understood her feelings well. Her idol was still so sunny after so many wrongs, Zhenhe couldn't help looking at Huijun, her eyes filled with admiration and distress. At this moment, Zhenhe strengthened her path to idol because Huijun possessed a super empathy.


   show has begun. Huijun and Haixiao walked confidently on the stage, stepping in Zhenhe's heart with every step. The show went smoothly, and the scene was also thunderous with applause. Kim Jong Woo, who took the photo, joined the two in the backstage, and the three of them were very interesting. Hae-yo and Hye-joon returned to the makeup place to remove their makeup. Because they were already friends with Jung-ho, Hye-joon introduced her to his friends. Several people talked and laughed, as if the pearl beside them didn't exist.

Youth Record Episode 2 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total) - Lujuba

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   Huijun found the person in charge of the show, because he no longer has a brokerage company, he asked the person in charge to transfer today's expenses directly to his account. A man who had a close relationship with Huijun stopped him and asked him if he had nothing to say to himself. Huijun once called this man a teacher. He taught him a lot and treated him very well. It's just that this kind of goodness surpasses friends and also surpasses teachers and students. Huijun didn't want to accept this like, and didn't want to be unspoken, so he had always avoided this teacher. The teacher said that he would be an agent for Huijun and support him whether he is a model or acting. Huijun bluntly refused, but the other party told him that this was the last chance, and he was only given one week to consider.

  Shi Yingnan twisted his shoulder while working, and the old injury recurred and it hurt. After getting the medicine from the hospital, Si Yingnan saw Si Mingji as soon as he went home, and the two quarreled inexplicably. Si Yingnan tried to apply medicine in the room alone, but it was really hard to act on his own. He called Si Mingji in. Seeing his son's shoulders hurt, Si Mingji felt very distressed. But after a few words, the two quarreled again, and Si Mingji had no mood to give his son medicine. Thinking of Si Mingji's words just now, Si Yingnan still doesn't understand why Huijun insists on an impossible dream. When he was sad, Si Mingji returned to give him medicine.

Youth Record Episode 2 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total) - Lujuba

youth record stills

   Passing the audition was originally a very happy thing, but Haixiao couldn't be happy anyhow, instead he was kind and worried. The failure of Huijun's audition this time means that he is going to enlist. Hae-hyo didn't know how to speak, and Jin Jong-woo suggested that it's better to speak up during today's holiday. The three of them played around for a day, and Kim Jong Woo accidentally told about the audition on the way. Huijun's mood was very complicated, and he was released in the singing room. Huijun was walking on the way home alone, feeling empty.

   just arrived home,Seeing the joy of his parents and brother, Hui Jun was still a little happy. He accidentally kicked something outside the house and was scolded by Si Yingnan as soon as he entered the door. Huijun had to tell about her failure in the audition. Although there was no expression on her face, her heart was twisted. Si Yingnan said it was very good, so that he could go to the military with peace of mind, and his brother Si Jingjun was also helping. Huijun was very sad because his dreams were not understood by his family, and even being poured cold water on by his closest relatives. The two sides quarreled, and the angry boss Yingnan was almost about to do something to his son. Simingji came out to speak for his grandson and pulled him back to the room, but he was so angry that he broke the door. Si Mingji felt that he was very useless, and it was useless to give his grandson a condition to pursue his dreams freely. He also blamed himself. His son didn't go to the hospital because he was unwilling to be injured, and he couldn't help him. Huijun couldn't help crying while hugging his grandpa.

   In the middle of the night, Huijun hugged and sat on the ground. For so many years, he has never had his own room, and even the door is crumbling. At this moment of sadness, he didn't even have a room where he could cry as much as he could. Thinking of this, he felt very tight. After covering the quilt for his grandfather, Huijun came to the rooftop and looked at the brightly lit city. He vowed to have a room of his own in the future.

Youth Record Episode 2 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total) - Lujuba

youth record stills

   Li Min took the initiative to come to Huijun and said that he would be his agent, but Huijun said that he was going to perform military service. Huijun came to look for the teacher, and as soon as they met, he said that he would reject his proposal. The teacher was a little angry and ridiculed Huijun, and Huijun fought back, saying that he would remember today. After leaving the office, Li Min was still waiting outside, and insisted on helping him find a job. Huijun is also determined to give it a try, and Li Min is coming to a show abroad with Li Min.


   got off the plane, Haixiao and Huijun came to Zhenwa's shop together. Knowing that Jeongwa is his fan, Hae-hyo is a little proud. But when Huijun was not around, Zhenhe tried to explain that he was not his fan. Hae-xiao was a little confused, and kept asking, before Zhenhe told him that in fact, he was a fan of Huijun, because for some reasons he didn't want him to know. Huijun invited Zhenhe over to be her make-up artist and encouraged her to win Pearl. The shooting of the poster went well, but Huijun suddenly told Zhenhe that he was going to perform military service.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo