Korean drama SF8 episode 4 diversity plot (8 episodes in total)

hanguo 177℃

Korean drama SF8 episode 4 diversity plot introduction

Tu is kind to find out the truth about his sister's death, panacea upgrade software epiphany life

Seven years ago, a South Korean company developed a software called Wanshen. This is a software that can predict people’s fortunes, but it has slowly developed into a software that can predict people’s good fortune and bad luck. It is used by all Koreans. People slowly become very dependent on this software, which causes many social problems. The government asked people not to use this application, but it couldn't stop it at all. More and more users are slowly forming a church-like organization.

   This day, a woman named Tao Shanhao wanted to break into the Pantheon Church to find a person named Jin Renhao. The church members were afraid that she would interfere with everyone listening to the doctrine and quickly stopped her and said to help her find someone. After inquiring about it, I found that Jin Renhao had not come today. Tu Shan is disappointed to leave. Zheng Jialan, who was talking on the podium at this moment, saw Tu Shanhao through the glass door. He was very curious about this woman.

Korean drama SF8 episode 4 diversity plot (8 episodes in total) - Lujuba

   Zheng Jialan helped Xun Shanhao get the computer for registering congregational information, and she found Jin Renhao's name on it. Xun Shanhao sighed that a software developer became a slave to the software she developed. She couldn't help but sneer. Zheng Jialan is also very curious and wants to meet the developers of the Pantheon application with Tu Shanhao. So the two went to an upscale hotel to look for Jin Renhao.

  菟 Shanhao lied that Jin Inho was her uncle, she went to the front desk to inquire about Jin Inho's room number. The front desk didn't want to tell, so Tu Shanhao moved out of the prophecy of the gods and so on, so the front desk quickly called Jin Renhao. Tu Shan had a good heart. He and Zheng Jialan were sitting in the hotel lobby. She didn't believe that she couldn't wait for Jin Renhao to come out.

   It wasn't until the evening that Shanhao Jian saw Jin Renhao go to the hotel lobby to dine. She and Zheng Jialan chased after him. Jin Renhao suddenly ran away, Tu Shanhao and Zheng Jialan desperately chased him, Jin Renhao fled back to the room desperately. Across the door, Jin Renhao said that he predicted through Pantheon software today that he would accidentally meet two people who came to him today, and these two people would bring bad things to him, so he couldn't see them. Zheng Jialan asked curiously, is this the reason why he didn't go to church today.

   After hearing the word for church, Jin Renhao, he realized that Zheng Jialan was a congregation, and he opened the door. Su Shanhao suddenly rushed up and kicked Jin Renhao to the ground. She said that she was going to find the server of the gods. She wanted to know what predictions the gods had made with her sister. Jin Renhao asked her incomprehensibly why she didn’t ask the person. Soon Sun said in grief that her sister is dead because of the gods. She relies on and believes in the gods more than anyone else. She will do whatever the gods ask her to do. . She must know what the gods said to her sister.

Jin Renhao had to tell the truth in the face of the threat of Jun Shanhao. He said that he was not a developer of all gods. He only did the initial work and was later taken away at a high price. He was responsible for daily maintenance and other tasks. The developer of has never appeared. When Su Shanhao was very frustrated, Jin Renhao suddenly said that he would receive parts from different addresses every month, and he would remind him to upgrade once he used the Pantheon software. This time he received another postal message, the postal location is Switzerland. Jin Renhao decided to go with them to find a developer, the so-called pantheon.

   Just as Jin Inho packed up and went to the bathroom, he was suddenly slipped on the soapy floor, and the back of his head was heavily bleeding out. At this moment, the prophecies of the gods on his mobile phone showed that today is the day of his life and death, and also reminded him that one of the goods has passed customs. Tu Shan was shocked by the good looks. Soon the ambulance pulled Jin Inho away, and Zheng Jialan became more convinced that the predictions of the gods were accurate.

   Shanhao decided to continue searching for the gods, but was told that her sister's phone had been repaired. Tu Shanhao left Zheng Jialan alone to find the person who repaired the phone. The repairer told Tu Shanhao that according to the phone repair record, her sister had uninstalled the Pantheon software a week before her death, that is, her sister's death had nothing to do with Pantheon, it was just an accident. My sister has a lot of voices on her mobile phone. When she heard her sister ordering a cake for herself before she was alive, she wanted to leave a message for her birthday, and she burst into tears. The repairer's insights about life also made Tu Shanhao rethink the influence of the gods on life. He said that although the gods have predictions, the choices of life care about him.

   Shanhao decided to go to Zheng Jialan. At this time, Zheng Jialan saw the courier. He thought of what Jin Renhao said that day. He checked the courier Jin Renhao received. It was sent from Switzerland, but there was still an address on the express. Tu Shanhao couldn't find him around Zheng Jialan's residential area. Tu Shanhao downloaded Wanshen Software. Wanshen Software reminded that she would be the closest person to the person she was looking for when she reached a dead end. Tu Shanhao had a clear direction. She rode her motorcycle through the cobweb-like alley, and finally found a dead end with nowhere. At the end of the alley, she found a big room.

   Shanhao walked in, and a kind middle-aged man greeted him. The man seemed to know she would come. Zheng Jialan also walked over at this time. He said happily that the gods had known that they would both find it. The middle-aged man turned out to be the developer of the gods. He said that the gods would be upgraded at 12 o'clock in the evening, and he might not know what the gods would become. Zheng Jialan hurriedly tried to persuade him. He said that the current gods are already very divine, and they are very content and do not want to upgrade. But the Wanshen server was upgraded as usual at twelve o'clock. After a brief pause, the Wanshen server restarted, and the staff told the middle-aged man in frustration that the upgrade seemed to have failed. The man laughed suddenly after seeing the situation after the upgrade. He didn't fail, he had his own choice after the upgrade, and the gods wanted to accept the uncertainty of the future like human beings.

   Soon government news reported that the accuracy rate of Wanshen software dropped below 50%, and people had to choose whether to believe it or not when using it. More and more people complain about software, but some of the country's economic indicators have unexpectedly appeared higher-level trends.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo