Why can't a boss who is too smart and capable do a big business?

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Why can't a boss who is too smart and capable do a big business? - Lujuba

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Consulting work has brought me into contact with many companies, some of which have been in business for 10 or 20 years and have seized the industry’s attention. The boss is also quite smart and capable, but unfortunately, companies have been unable to do so. Big.

It can be said that in the forty years of reform and opening up, China’s economic and social development has made great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. On the macro level, it has moved from a planned economy to a market economy. On the micro level, the private economy has grown from scratch and grown from small to large. Some world-class excellent companies such as Tencent and Ali, private enterprises have become the mainstay of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Proportionally, the number of private enterprises in has exceeded 95% and has become the largest subject of the micro-foundation of China’s economy. also plays an increasingly important role in various industries of people’s livelihood: private enterprises contribute more than 50% in taxation, It is the largest contributor to government taxation and national financial resources; private enterprises have solved nearly 300 million jobs, accounting for more than 80% of China's urban employment population, accounting for more than 90% of newly-increased employment population, is the biggest guarantee for urban employment; private enterprises Not only did they make great contributions to the high-speed and high-quality development of China's economy, they also took the initiative to take on more social responsibilities. In 1998, when they faced the catastrophic floods, in 2003, in the fight against SARS, and in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake disaster relief, there were always private enterprises. Facing the sudden test of the new crown pneumonia epidemic at the end of the year, private enterprises across the country took the first action to ensure the supply of materials, assist in prevention and control isolation, actively donate medicines, resume work and production in an orderly manner, and actively prevent and control the epidemic Contribute to the vitality of China's economy. It can be said that private enterprises are the source of future innovation and the future of China's economy. All the big bosses of

started as small bosses. Some small bosses became big bosses, and some small bosses remain small bosses all their lives. Why? The small bosses of these companies have these two characteristics: too smart and too capable.

1. Too smart

According to reason, the smarter the boss should be, the bigger and more successful his career. Indeed, entrepreneurship is a difficult job, and those who can succeed are smart people. They have the foresight, keenly identify opportunities that have not yet become climatic, and seize the opportunity to seize the opportunity in time; they can assess the situation, follow the trend, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and get away perfectly. Isn't this the perfect candidate for entrepreneurship? No, people who are too smart have inherent defects.

Why can't a boss who is too smart and capable do a big business? - Lujuba

Smart people are easy to be winners in life

First, because they are too smart, they are naturally good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, so they will find risks earlier than ordinary people and get out of their bodies earlier. However, those who do big things are all persistent, and It is difficult for a person who is too smart to look down on a fool like Forrest Gump-stick to the end; second, because he is too smart, he can't bear to suffer losses, and he is more unwilling to suffer hardships, showing that he is particularly good at camping, but the truth of the world There is gain only when there is sacrifice, and there is no gain that comes from paying. Too many successful practices prove that the secret of success is simple persistence. The third is that because you are too smart, you will naturally be overconfident, dependent and dependent on your own intelligence, instead of being down-to-earth. Of course, it is rare to be down-to-earth.

I have coached a small company. The boss is really smart. If you look at his growth history after graduating from college, he is a standard winner in life. I started my business in the early 1990s. In 1997, I caught up with the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, and wittily seized the opportunity to acquire a small-scale engineering installation team of a collective economic system in the street. Since then, the business has become brilliant, and the company has achieved 8,000 operating income in 2005. Million. However, since then it has never exceeded 80 million, and in recent years it has gone from bad to worse, sometimes not even reaching 50 million a year. You must know that in this industry, it is not uncommon for them to have revenues of tens of billions. State-owned enterprise peers, only local peers who started at the same time or later, can throw the company out of the company in terms of scale, volume, or profitability, and are not at the same level. This boss also often counts his glorious past. I have to say that he is extremely smart. In recent years, he has almost nothing he has not foreseen. He has rarely missed his entry into the field, like when the Internet is hot. At that time, he worked on the Internet, and when the education and training were lively, he had a lesson to train the company, and even when the Internet of Things began to emerge, he immediately launched aFor Internet of Things companies, in short, on average, he will have a new business launched in two to three years. However, these businesses have not been completed. Except for the current main business of engineering installation, none of the other businesses can be regarded as successful. The investment in these years is two or three million, and the investment in the four is more. , Five million, the cumulative investment in front and back, after a rough calculation, is not less than two to thirty million. The boss himself often sighed, why is he so smart, sharp-eyed, and quick to act, but he still doesn't make a big difference? The boss

is really smart, even if he is just chatting with him sometimes, he can see the aura and maneuver in his eyes from time to time. As a bystander, I carefully sorted out most of the boss’s life, and came to the conclusion that he started with being smart, and finally was smart. Because he is smart, he can see the first opportunity and act immediately; and because he is too smart. Smart, he can sniff out the signs immediately when there is a turmoil, and react quickly-quickly calculate how to retreat from the whole body and act immediately after avoiding risks. In other words, for these smart people, they don't appreciate a fool like Forrest Gump. The ancients often said "with the dust and the light", which meant that the leader should not be too smart. Too smart will speculate, go into the camp, and lose patience. To be a business, be silly and dull.

In short, too smart bosses often have a common problem: insufficient concentration, easy to be arrogant, impetuous, eager to achieve success, and even speculation. Especially for the bosses who made the first pot of gold at the beginning of China's reform and opening up, once they taste the benefits of speculation, cleverness will allow them to quickly form their own successful models and continue to replicate them quickly. However, as the market-oriented economy becomes more and more mature, the good days of speculative drilling are long gone. Their past successful experience will not be effective, but may also become an obstacle to business development.

2. Too capable

Entrepreneurship is a difficult job, especially in the early stages of entrepreneurship, there is no market, no funds, no talents, in order to survive, it is necessary to become a very capable boss, especially before the venture capital has been found. There is no income, only expenditure. Often, you have to save while saving. Those who don’t have to pay don’t pay. This forces the boss to do everything and everything, the customer has to pick it up, the market has to run, and the plan has to be done. , The equipment has to be adjusted by itself, it is really the first to take the lead in everything. I have to say that starting a business is a life of nine deaths. Therefore, many successful entrepreneurs are really capable.

Business success is inseparable from the boss’s ability, but once the problem of survival is solved and the company is on the right track of development, no matter how capable the boss is, he must learn to step back in time, and he can’t charge ahead with everything, because only slow When you retreat, employees will try to rush up; because you have retired from the front line and freed up time and energy, you will calm down and think about the longer-term development plan; because you will not be fine-tuned If you worry about it, you will reflect on the successful experience of the company and figure out how to sort it out, solidify it, and continuously optimize it.

Why can't a boss who is too smart and capable do a big business? - Lujuba

is the first to charge

, but in contrast to reality, many small bosses are worrying. Even if the organization is no longer small, they are still reluctant to let employees do it. They have to worry about big and small things. If there is a problem, as long as they know it, they must catch it to the end. When persuading them to let go, they will always say with worry. : Otherwise, it won't work, I don't worry; if the employees are not capable, let them do it. What if they fail?

There is a military term called "strong generals have no weak soldiers", but the reality of management is very face-to-face. What we expect is that strong generals have no weak soldiers, but the results we can get always verify that "the strong are stronger, The Matthew effect of "the weak gets weaker". Such a boss himself is very busy and tired, exhausted, dealing with everything, without any breathing effort, but the company is slow to grow; on the other hand, employees are becoming less motivated, less responsible, and unable to keep up.

A boss I know is a super capable type. He succeeded in his middle-aged business. He started from scratch and worked hard. He worked at the company for no less than ten hours a day. Except for necessary outings, he spent most of his time in the company. Although the company pays great attention to details and has no details, due to its strong ability and energy, the company's business has been thriving for more than a decade. However, due to business expansion, scale expansion, and uncertainty in the external environment, the company's growth has stagnated in recent years. Taking into account various factors, the boss decided to retreat and support the second generation. But here comes the problem. First of all, the second generation is a young man. It is not possible to start from scratch and it is impossible to work hard like Lao Tzu. The new leader pays attention to the art of work-life balance. The professional argument is to do more authorization, and a group of officials who can confine territory and expand territory are needed. Secondly, the second generation is not a super-capable leader. At least it takes time to establish authority. A strong management team is required to undertake his strategy; but the contradiction is that although the strong ability of the first generation brings out a comparison A loyal team, but it shows more obedience, compliance and step-by-step; the second generation of thinking jumps and builds up, and it needs a combat team that dares to think, fight, and dash.

We often say that "strong generals have no weak soldiers", but the reality is very face-saving, too capable bosses, if they can’t step back in time, give them back to the employees, train them, train them, and make them successful, even if they get The immediate efficiency is lost in the long-term efficiency. As the so-called boss is "omnipotent", the employees are mediocre and incompetent, and the capable boss often charges ahead by himself, but the back-up is delayed.

Many companies in China have a very smart and capable boss. However, as the company is on the right track and the company has developed to a certain level, if the boss does not know how to step back, the smarter and capable the boss is, the more it will hinder the company's development. The smarter and capable you are, the more you care about efficiency. Therefore, if you don't worry about everything, you have to do it yourself, while complaining about the rare talents and lamenting that no one can share the worries for him. The employees are both helpless and happy to obey orders. The result is that either the capable employees are gone, or they are left behind and just do nothing. A truly wise boss knows how to constrain his own edge, be willing to lose necessary, and build a platform for employees to take up and grow up.

Lei Jun said that entrepreneurship is not a human matter. why? This means that entrepreneurship is actually a process of continuous self-cultivation. As a boss, you can't let it go for a day. You have to improve yourself every day, and achieve yourself while achieving others. Therefore, as a boss, you must not let your intelligence and ability become an obstacle to the development of the enterprise.

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