It’s not that I’m silently complaining about Dongfeng, just because I’m upset: I feel after reading Nan Huaijin’s "Lao Zi He Said"

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It’s not that I’m silently complaining about Dongfeng, just because I’m upset: I feel after reading Nan Huaijin’s 'Lao Zi He Said' - Lujuba

is not a speechless grudge against the Dongfeng, just because of endless troubles: I feel after reading Nan Huaijin's "Lao Zi He Said"

"Lao Zi" This book has not been read carefully before, but I have just turned it over several times in general. I don’t understand, I have always thought of "fearing the way". Once, the general manager of the Japanese Panasonic Beijing company that we cooperated with us suggested that he wanted someone to chat with him during his leisure time and talk about Lao Tzu and Sun Tzu's art of war. Ancient classics. The task of

fell on my head, so I bought a bunch of books and started to make up for it, and I wrote a lot of notes, but in the end it didn’t make the trip, but fortunately, I was always worried that my oral level was not fluent. Communication, let alone ancient Chinese. However, through these months of study, I have gained some knowledge and it is still very rewarding.

Different age groups have different feelings of reading "Lao Tzu". When we are old and then read "Lao Tzu", my heart is full of tranquility. In the interpretation of "Lao Tzu" that is like a star, my favorite is Nan Huaijin's "Lao Tzu He" "Said", the truth expounded in his plain narrative is easy to understand, especially the philosophy of life reflected in the worldview of "Laozi", which really benefits people a lot.

It’s not that I’m silently complaining about Dongfeng, just because I’m upset: I feel after reading Nan Huaijin’s 'Lao Zi He Said' - Lujuba

"With its light, with its dust" has always been complicated to explain, and even the idiom "with dust with light" appears. I haven't figured out its meaning until now. Master Nan said it very simply. This is actually the art of being a human being. , What is the highest art of being a human being: it is neither high nor low, neither good nor bad, very plain, living a life peacefully, and happiest.

The term "sapo world" is also very confusing to me. I only know that Buddhism calls us the real world we live in. Then what kind of world is this world? The master said: It is actually a flawed world, translated as "tolerable "The Book of Changes also says that the world is flawed. If you have money, you won’t give you knowledge, and if you have knowledge, you won’t have money; if you give you children and grandchildren, you won’t be different, so there are always flaws and unsatisfaction. of.

In the explanation of Chinese culture and history, Master Nan put it best: Buddhism statue department store, if you have money and leisure, you can go shopping, you can go shopping, you can not go shopping at all, but society needs it; Taoism Like a pharmacy, it includes the ideas of military strategists and political strategists, as well as astronomy, geography, and medicine. If a country or a nation is sick, you must go to this pharmacy; the Confucianism of Confucianism is a food shop, which is to be eaten every day.

It’s not that I’m silently complaining about Dongfeng, just because I’m upset: I feel after reading Nan Huaijin’s 'Lao Zi He Said' - Lujuba

In the real world, there is dissatisfaction everywhere, the so-called "great grievances, there must be more grievances". The psychology of complaining is innate. Even at our age when we should be peaceful, we still feel dissatisfied. Why is this? Master Nan told us: No one is content with reality and full of reality. If someone is full of reality, this person is either a saint or a monster. This is "the falling flowers and the red water, all kinds of idle worries, speechless to blame the east wind" when a person has nothing to complain about, still complain about the east wind! Of course, the flowers will have to complain. People of

at this age have a low regard for willingness, so Master Nan said: Lao Tzu tells us further and understands this truth-the importance of life, then "so love will cost a lot, and if you hide too much, you will die." "You are crazy about one thing, and in the end you lose more of what you love, which is "love not to be separated from suffering", which is one of the "eight sufferings" the Buddha said. "If you hide more, you will perish." No matter how much you hide, it will be hidden by others in the end.

It’s not that I’m silently complaining about Dongfeng, just because I’m upset: I feel after reading Nan Huaijin’s 'Lao Zi He Said' - Lujuba

I have thought about collecting stamps for many years, but no one in my family likes them now. It is estimated that no grandchildren want these stuff. I don’t know someday, a large box and a few stamp markets come back, and many years of hard work will be over. , Oh, whatever it is, it is inevitable. This is probably what the master calls "defects". There is nothing to be sad about it.

We, educated youths, are now in old age, which is the so-called "Yearshun Year". Since Ershun, there should be a lot of things to think about. There is a word called "Zhangxiang Year" after the age of 60. "Book of Rites·Gongzhi": "Fifty rods are at home, 60 rods are for township, 70 rods are for country, and 80 rods are for dynasty". It means that people of this age can only walk around on crutches in the township. The life of the ancients was short, which is no longer applicable.

Look at these educated youths in the group. Those who go to Tibet today and Qinghai tomorrow are full of vitality. But, I’m afraid I still feel dissatisfied. It’s not about worrying about children or grandchildren, or working for parents. Which one is better?To enjoy self without resentment, fear can only be: "It's not a speechless complaint to the east wind, just because the troubles are endless, today's Noh music is for the time being, and the Ming Dynasty will send it to the sky", just let it go.

It’s not that I’m silently complaining about Dongfeng, just because I’m upset: I feel after reading Nan Huaijin’s 'Lao Zi He Said' - Lujuba

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