The popular animated theatrical version of "Demon Slayer: Blade Infinite Train", released in Japan on October 16, announced today (October 19) that the number of attendances during the three days of the movie's release exceeded 3.42 million, and the box office revenue has exceeded 4.6 billion yen, breaking Japan’s weekday and weekend attendance and box office records. The
works will be shown in 403 movie theaters nationwide from October 16. The number of screenings in each theater is as many as 20 to 30. Among them, TOHO Cinemas Shinjuku has used 11 of the 12 theaters for screenings, and the number of screenings throughout the day is as many as 42 times.
"The Blade of Ghost Slayer: Infinite Train" is far more popular than previous works. "Frozen 2", which was released in Japan in November 2019, broke the record of attendance and box office during the first three days of screening, but at that time the box office reached only 1.9 billion yen and the number of attendance was only 1.45 million . The animated film "Weather Children", released in July of the same year, had only 1.6 billion box office and 1.16 million attendees within three days of its screening.
theatrical version of "Infinite Trains" tells Tanjiro and others go to the new mission location "Infinite Train", and "Ryan Pillar Purgatory Anjujuro" will merge with the upper "lower string one" to start a fierce and tragic battle. The theme song is also the first song of TV anime LiSA sings "Yan". This song was co-created by LiSA and Kajiura Yuki. The song clips can be heard in the latest trailer. Taiwan will be released on October 30, and Hong Kong will be released on November 12.