8 kinds of confinement soup recipes, high nutrition for lactation and milk, mothers love to drink a big bowl every day

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8 kinds of confinement soup recipes, high nutrition for lactation and milk, mothers love to drink a big bowl every day - Lujuba

Daylily, kelp, lotus root, eggs, meat, fish and other ingredients have the effect of promoting lactation and breastfeeding, suitable for parturient women to eat during confinement. Recommend the following 8 confinement soup recipes, which are highly nutritious for prolactin and milk, change different patterns every day, and mothers love to drink a big bowl every day.

1, yellow lily sliced ​​pork soup

8 kinds of confinement soup recipes, high nutrition for lactation and milk, mothers love to drink a big bowl every day - Lujuba


25 grams of day lily, 100 grams of lean pork, lard, salt, onion, MSG, sesame oil each appropriate amount


  1. Soak the day lily with cold water, remove the stem, wash Squeeze out the water and cut into inch pieces.
  2. Wash the pork and cut it into thin slices. Grab the water starch. Cut the
  3. spring onions into inch sections and put them in the soup bowl. Heat the lard in the
  4. pan, pour the meat slices into the pan, quickly slice it, and fry it until the meat changes color and it will come out of the pan. Wash the
  5. wok and put it back on the heat. Add lard and cook until it is 60% hot. Add the broth, add refined salt, and boil the day lily.
  6. After the soup is boiling, put the meat slices, add MSG, pour a little sesame oil, and put it into the soup bowl.

2, tomato fresh mushrooms pork ribs soup


pork ribs 100 grams, fresh mushrooms 20 grams, tomato 20 grams, salt and rice wine each appropriate amount


  1. wash the ribs, pat loose with a knife back, and break the bone marrow. Cut into 5 cm long pieces, add rice wine in a bowl, and salt for 15 minutes.
  2. Wash the fresh mushrooms to remove the roots, cut them into small pieces, blanch them in boiling water, and cut them off. Drain the water after cooling.
  3. Wash tomatoes, blanch them in boiling water, peel them and cut into small pieces. Add a proper amount of water to the
  4. pot and boil, add the ribs and rice wine and cook for a while, skim off the foam, cook the ribs until cooked, add fresh mushrooms, tomato cubes, and cook until cooked and add salt.

3, Astragalus black chicken soup

8 kinds of confinement soup recipes, high nutrition for lactation and milk, mothers love to drink a big bowl every day - Lujuba


silky chicken 6 00g, astragalus 10g, carrot 30g, green onion 10g, ginger 10g, salt 5g, pepper 2g


  1. processed silky chicken , Go guts and clean. Wash and slice astragalus
  2. . Wash and slice carrots. Wash the ginger and shallots, shred and set aside.
  3. Blanch the black-bone chicken with boiling water to remove the bloody and greasy taste.
  4. black-bone chicken in a large soup bowl, with astragalus and carrots.
  5. Dissolve salt and pepper with water.
  6. Pour the salt and pepper water on the astragalus and black-bone chicken, and steam it for half an hour.

4, rice white carrot crucian carp soup


crucian carp 400g, 1 carrot, 2 rice white roots, appropriate amount of oil, salt, ginger, dried chilies, shallots

Method: Wash

  1. crucian carp.
  2. Wash the wild rice, carrots and shallots.
  3. Cut rice white and carrot with a hob, and cut shallots into small sections.
  4. From the frying pan, saute the ginger and dried chili.
  5. Fry the crucian carp and fill it with boiling water over the fish.
  6. Boil on high heat for 5 minutes, then add carrots and water chestnuts and continue to simmer for 15 minutes. Add appropriate amount of salt to season with
  7. , and finally sprinkle in shallots to increase the fragrance.

5, soy pork knuckle soup

8 kinds of confinement soup recipes, high nutrition for lactation and milk, mothers love to drink a big bowl every day - Lujuba


700 grams of pig front hoof, 120 grams of soybeans, 3 slices of ginger, 1 candied date, and a small amount of salt


  1. remove the hair from the pig's hands and chop them into large pieces (let the store make it).
  2. Wash soybeans, prepare ginger slices and candied dates.
  3. Put the pig's knuckles in warm water and boil until the water is boiled to remove blood, and rinse off.
  4. Put the pork knuckles, ginger slices, candied dates and soybeans into the electric pot , add an appropriate amount of water (the amount of water should cover the food about 2CM deep)
  5. press the electric pot button (beans) until the electric pot button jumps to (Insulation), add salt to taste.

6, seaweed soup

on stick bones Ingredients:

2 catties of stick bones, 1 ginger, kelp, cooking wine, green onion, vinegar


  1. boil the blood in boiling water, remove and wash.
  2. Soak the seaweed and wash, cut into small squares, and pat the ginger to crack.
  3. Restart the pot with water, put in the cob bones and ginger.
  4. Put an appropriate amount of vinegar (vinegar is to help the stick bone absorb calcium), cooking wine, and two scallions. When the
  5. soup is boiled, add kelp and cook, and finally add a little salt.

7, lotus root keel soup

8 kinds of confinement soup recipes, high nutrition for lactation and milk, mothers love to drink a big bowl every day - Lujuba

Ingredients: 200 grams of

keel, 100 grams of lotus root, 5 grams of ginger, appropriate amount of salt and monosodium glutamate,

Method: Wash

  1. keel, chop into small pieces, and put in boiling water to remove blood. Wash the lotus root
  2. and cut into pieces with a hob.
  3. Put the keel, lotus root, and ginger slices into the stewing pot, add appropriate amount of boiling water, and steam for 1 hour on medium heat.
  4. Add salt and MSG to taste.

8, glutinous rice and egg soup


glutinous rice, eggs, a little brown sugar


  1. put the right amount of water and glutinous rice into the pot and boil.
  2. Beat the eggs directly into the boiling water and cook until the eggs are cooked.
  3. is filled with mashed eggs, just add a little brown sugar.

8 kinds of confinement soup recipes, high nutrition for lactation and milk, mothers love to drink a big bowl every day - Lujuba

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