On April 12, the 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honors Night was grandly held in Jingzhou, Hubei. Looking back at the annual history of light and shadow, looking forward to the bright future of movies, using big data to draw the grand scene of Chinese movi

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On April 12, the 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honors Night was grandly held in Jingzhou, Hubei. Looking back at the annual history of light and shadow, looking forward to the bright future of movies, using big data to draw the grand scene of Chinese movi - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News On April 12, the 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honors Night was grandly held in Jingzhou, Hubei. Looking back at the annual history of light and shadow, looking forward to the bright future of film, using big data to draw the grand scene of Chinese film, and igniting the bright glory of the Night of Honor, hundreds of filmmakers gathered in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, one session at a time, to attend the Spring Festival of Chinese Film.

During the event, Chen Zhongwei, chairman and general manager of Hengyuanxiang Group, was a guest in the live broadcast room of Rong Media, reviewing the starry journey of Stars and Seas, and sending messages to the new generation of young actors in Stars and Seas, looking forward to their growth and better performance. During the period, Director Chen also introduced in detail the newly upgraded Stars and Sea series of four-season team uniforms. In addition, Director Chen fully demonstrated the profound and unique cultural heritage of the century-old brand by introducing the Hengyuanxiang brand's deep cultivation practice in the field of art and aesthetics.

On April 12, the 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honors Night was grandly held in Jingzhou, Hubei. Looking back at the annual history of light and shadow, looking forward to the bright future of movies, using big data to draw the grand scene of Chinese movi - Lujuba

Stars and Sea young actor representatives Jiang Yiyi and Hu Lianxin appeared in the media live broadcast room wearing the 2024 Stars and Sea spring team uniforms newly created by Hengyuanxiang. The live interview was hosted by the movie channel host Kanazawa.

Director Chen first reviewed the cooperation process between Hengyuanxiang and the Movie Channel Integrated Media Center and the Stars and Sea Project since 2020. Hengyuanxiang has gone from customizing hand-knitted sweaters for the first-generation movie stars Zhou Xuan, Shangguan Yunzhu, Wang Danfeng, etc., to Young actors design and create Stars and Sea team uniforms and dresses, which not only empowers Chinese film fashion culture, but also hopes that through their interpretation of Chinese costumes, the world can better understand China's costume culture. Director Chen believes that New Chinese style can graft Chinese elements and international clothing trends together and become a new Shanghai-style culture. While having an impact on world clothing fashion, it also better shows the image of Chinese modernization to the world.

Director Chen said that foreign designers are paying more and more attention to Chinese clothing and elements. As a Chinese enterprise, it must have a sense of mission. Clothing is not only a function of keeping warm, but also expresses culture and ideas. Later, Director Chen introduced the new four-season uniforms of the 2024 Stars and Seas. As the frequency of the film festival increases, it basically covers all four seasons of the year. Hengyuanxiang will provide different clothing according to different seasons to better demonstrate the vitality of young people. Vibrant image. Hengyuanxiang tries to combine design and art, bring design to life, and make products have richer expressions, and the Xingchenhai Fashion Project is part of it.

On April 12, the 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honors Night was grandly held in Jingzhou, Hubei. Looking back at the annual history of light and shadow, looking forward to the bright future of movies, using big data to draw the grand scene of Chinese movi - Lujuba

During the live broadcast, young actors Jiang Yiyi and Hu Lianxin shared their unforgettable experiences in participating in the three-day and three-night event, and said that the collection uniforms and team uniforms provided by Hengyuanxiang were very comfortable to wear, and the wool material was light and warm.

On April 12, the 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honors Night was grandly held in Jingzhou, Hubei. Looking back at the annual history of light and shadow, looking forward to the bright future of movies, using big data to draw the grand scene of Chinese movi - Lujuba

live broadcast, the 2024 Stars and Sea Fashion Plan jointly launched by Hengyuanxiang and the Film Channel Media Center was officially launched. Wang Cheng, deputy general manager of the movie channel 1905 Movie Network, on behalf of the movie channel, awarded Hengyuanxiang the certificate of co-sponsor of the fashion plan of the Stars and Sea Young Actor Selection Program. At the same time, Chairman Chen Zhongwei also extended a sincere invitation to the young actors who will soon become the new echelon of Stars and Seas, to keep the stars and shine in the future.

On April 12, the 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honors Night was grandly held in Jingzhou, Hubei. Looking back at the annual history of light and shadow, looking forward to the bright future of movies, using big data to draw the grand scene of Chinese movi - Lujuba

During the live recording, Chen Lu, deputy general manager of Hengyuanxiang Group, Luo Zhenxin, deputy general manager of apparel industry and executive deputy general manager of wool industry, Lei Liuyi, president of Hengyuanxiang Central China Region, Liang Haibin, Zhang Linfei, Hengyuanxiangtian, Hubei men's clothing dealers of Hengyuanxiang Cat flagship store operators Chen Yuqiu and Wang Qiongxiao, and Hengyuanxiang Hubei men's and women's clothing dealer Lei Lei witnessed this shining moment together.

On April 12, the 2023-2024 China Film Big Data and Movie Channel M List Honors Night was grandly held in Jingzhou, Hubei. Looking back at the annual history of light and shadow, looking forward to the bright future of movies, using big data to draw the grand scene of Chinese movi - Lujuba

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