The movie "The Long Days", produced by Rao Xiaozhi, with Liang Lin as the chief producer, and Wang Zichuan as the director and screenwriter, was officially renamed "Zhu Tong Lost His Super Powers in the Third Grade" and released the "Big Move" version. According to the trailer, i

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"Zhu Tong lost his superpower in the third grade" is scheduled for release on 5.25. Childhood Dream Core takes you back to childhood Duration: 02:10 Source: Movie Network

"Zhu Tong lost his superpower in the third grade" "Ability" is scheduled for release on 5.25. Childhood Dream Core takes you back to your childhood Close

Duration: 02:10 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News Produced by Rao Xiaozhi, Liang Lin serves as the chief producer, and Wang Zichuan directs and serves as screenwriter The movie "The Long Days" was officially renamed "Zhu Tong Lost His Super Powers in the Third Grade", and a final trailer for the big move version was released, announcing that it will be released nationwide on May 25. The movie unfolds from the perspective of Zhu Tong, a third-grade primary school student, vividly showing all kinds of wild imagination and lively and lovely childishness. Behind the childlike superpowers is the old childhood time that cannot be returned.

The movie 'The Long Days', produced by Rao Xiaozhi, with Liang Lin as the chief producer, and Wang Zichuan as the director and screenwriter, was officially renamed 'Zhu Tong Lost His Super Powers in the Third Grade' and released the 'Big Move' version. According to the trailer, i - Lujuba

Zhu Tong is my childhood self

Three weird super powers, three consecutive moves that strike a chord

The final trailer visually presents primary school student Zhu Tong’s innocent superpowers in the form of three small unit segments. In the first scene of

, he was caught by the teacher while running around in the corridor. Facing soul torture, Zhu Tong changed his name to Li Qiang, just like many people who trembled and tried to cover up after making mistakes as children and being caught.

In the second scene, the teacher invited the parents. Zhu Tong immediately summoned the ET corridor to meet Teacher Niu. Unexpectedly, Teacher Niu went all out to fight against the aliens. Which class are you in? You don’t wear the school uniform anymore. Do you know that every sentence seems to be... It is a nationally unified version of the childhood curse.

In the third scene, Zhu Tong directly transformed into the king of radio exercises and used the big move Chinese Kung Fu. The exercises were like practicing martial arts. The movements were self-contained and successfully attracted the attention of the teacher. Many netizens instantly recalled the happy and wanton exercises in the class when they were children. High-visibility bag.

Zhu Tong's super power made the audience laugh and suddenly discovered that Zhu Tong was his childhood self, possessing the simplest happiness and the most valuable super power. This kind of super power not only represents wonderful imagination, but also represents the fresh vitality that has not been disciplined. It represents seeing the world with simple and pure eyes and embracing everything around you with a sincere and warm heart. It represents the talent of making boring things lively and interesting. It represents that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, they always stumble, but they always move forward bravely.

The movie 'The Long Days', produced by Rao Xiaozhi, with Liang Lin as the chief producer, and Wang Zichuan as the director and screenwriter, was officially renamed 'Zhu Tong Lost His Super Powers in the Third Grade' and released the 'Big Move' version. According to the trailer, i - Lujuba

The movie starring the 11-year-old actor is scheduled to be released.

The masterpiece of spiritual energy has received praise from word of mouth and continues to release healing energy.

The film participated in many domestic film festivals in 2023 and received excellent word-of-mouth performance, won recognition in the industry, and attracted much attention from the audience. The film is the opening film of the 2023 China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival's domestic new film exhibition. The young actor Yue Hao, who plays Zhu Tong, also won the Best Actor in the Asian Newcomer Section of the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Goblet Award, becoming The youngest actor. Director and screenwriter Wang Zichuan also won the 19th China-US Film Festival Golden Angel Award for Best New Screenwriter of the Year for this film.

As a children's movie, "Zhu Tong Lost His Super Powers in the Third Grade" is not a children's movie in the complete sense, but a childhood time machine for adults. All the elements that appear in the movie are from the post-8090s generation. The childhood memories of the movie seemed to open the door to the core of childhood dreams. It seemed that it could really allow people to escape from the adult world for a short time in a movie, reward themselves for being a child again, salvage the beautiful past that had been lost, and retrieve The precious super power that was once lost can be touched and healed while being happy and relieved.

The movie 'The Long Days', produced by Rao Xiaozhi, with Liang Lin as the chief producer, and Wang Zichuan as the director and screenwriter, was officially renamed 'Zhu Tong Lost His Super Powers in the Third Grade' and released the 'Big Move' version. According to the trailer, i - Lujuba

The movie "Zhu Tong Lost His Super Powers in the Third Grade" is supervised by Rao Xiaozhi, with Liang Lin as the chief producer, Wang Zichuan as screenwriter and director, Rong Xueying and Wang Xueyin as producers, Yue Hao, Ma Qianyi, Xu Yixuan, Starring Fang Donghai, Wang Haoyu, and Zhang Hangcheng, starring Li Qinqin, Guo Yiqian, Guo Xiao, and Wu Song, with special appearances by Wang Luodan, Huang Xiaolei, and Rao Xiaozhi, Jin Shijia, Zhang Benyu, Fan Tantan, Xie Bo, Ye Liu, Ou Jianyu, Zhou Ke, Song Bo, and Deng Shurong , Jia Ziqian, and Chen Yitian friendly starring, it will be released nationwide on May 25.

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