Recently, a short film for the new Transformers animated movie "Transformers: Origins" was released. In the film, Chris Hemsworth, who voices Optimus Prime, and Brian Tyree Henry, who voices Megatron, announced that the film will release its first trailer on April 18, and this tr

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The animated film "Transformers: Origins" announced that it will go to space and released its first trailer Duration: 00:35 Source: Movie Network

The animated film "Transformers: Origins" announced that it will go to space and released its first trailer Collapse

Duration: 00:35 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the new Transformers animated movie "Transformers: Origins" released a short film. In the film, Chris Hemsworth, who voices Optimus Prime, and Brian Tyree Henry, who voices Megatron, announced that the film will release its first trailer on April 18, which will be sent from space.

"Transformers: Origins" tells the story of Optimus Prime and Megatron when they were young, from siblings to enemies. In addition, the dubbing lineup of this film also includes: Scarlett Johansson voices Alita, Keegan-Michael Key voices Bumblebee, Jon Hamm voices Predator, and Laurence Fishburne voices Titanium Master.

The film is directed by Josh Cooley ("Toy Story 4"), written by Andrew Belen and Gabriel Ferrari ("Ant-Man 2"), produced by Michael Bay and others, and executive produced by Steven Spielberg. It will be released in North America on September 13.

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