Recently, the trailer and poster of the suspense comedy film "Let's Talk about Somi" were released. The film is directed by Yuki Mitani, starring Masami Nagasawa, and co-stars Hidetoshi Nishijima, Tori Matsuzaka, Kenichi Endo, Takashi Kobayashi, and Yajuro Bando. It will be relea

movie 1207℃
The pilot trailer of Mitani Yuki's new suspense comedy "Let's Talk about Somi" Duration: 00:30 Source: Movie Network

The pilot trailer of Mitani Yuuki's new suspense comedy "Let's Talk about Somi" Close Starts

Duration: 00:30 It is recommended to open

1905 Movie News under WIFI. Recently, the trailer and poster of the suspense comedy movie "Let's Talk about Somi" were revealed. The film is directed by Yuki Mitani, starring Masami Nagasawa, and co-stars Hidetoshi Nishijima, Tori Matsuzaka, Kenichi Endo, Takashi Kobayashi, and Yajuro Bando. It will be released in Japan on September 13.

Recently, the trailer and poster of the suspense comedy film 'Let's Talk about Somi' were released. The film is directed by Yuki Mitani, starring Masami Nagasawa, and co-stars Hidetoshi Nishijima, Tori Matsuzaka, Kenichi Endo, Takashi Kobayashi, and Yajuro Bando. It will be relea - Lujuba

The film tells the story of the sudden disappearance of the millionaire's wife Somi (played by Masami Nagasawa). Five men who love her gathered at her husband's mansion. However, the Somi they said was completely different in appearance and personality. What is Somi's true identity?

Recently, the trailer and poster of the suspense comedy film 'Let's Talk about Somi' were released. The film is directed by Yuki Mitani, starring Masami Nagasawa, and co-stars Hidetoshi Nishijima, Tori Matsuzaka, Kenichi Endo, Takashi Kobayashi, and Yajuro Bando. It will be relea - Lujuba

Tags: movie