On April 16, the animated movie "Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action" released the promotional song MV. The familiar melody paired with the new movie scenes is eye-catching. The musical elements in the movie and the scenes of the Five Spirits' daily interactions are in harmony

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"Pig Man: The Movie: Interstellar Action" releases promotional song MV "The Gang" is in full swing Duration: 01:40 Source: Movie Network

"Pig Man: The Movie: Interstellar Action" releases and promotes The song MV "Everyone" is fully open Collapse

Duration: 01:40 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News On April 16, the animated movie "Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar" released the promotion song MV, with a familiar melody The new movie scenes are eye-catching. The music elements in the movie and the scenes of the Five Spirits' daily interactions perfectly match the lyrics of the MV. The joyful atmosphere makes people look forward to the hilarious story between Pig Man and his friends in the movie.

On April 16, the animated movie 'Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action' released the promotional song MV. The familiar melody paired with the new movie scenes is eye-catching. The musical elements in the movie and the scenes of the Five Spirits' daily interactions are in harmony - Lujuba

The movie "Pig Man: The Movie Interstellar" chose the popular "Pig Man" as the promotion song. The moment the melody sounded, it reminded people of the smart, brave and powerful Pig Man, and instantly awakened the memories of the whole people. . The movie scenes in the MV are not only very suitable for the lyrics, but also reveal the tip of the iceberg of the new adventure story of Pigman and his friends. There is no shortage of music elements in the MV. All the members of the Five Spirits and the Earth Girls formed a new band. The exciting scene of their concert on Earth also shines in the MV. People can’t wait for the official release of the movie. One vote to enter the Pig Man singing Will be on site.

On April 16, the animated movie 'Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action' released the promotional song MV. The familiar melody paired with the new movie scenes is eye-catching. The musical elements in the movie and the scenes of the Five Spirits' daily interactions are in harmony - Lujuba

At the same time, the MV as a whole is full of dynamic and happy factors, and also shows the team spirit and personal charm of the Five Spirit Heroes. Among them, Pigman performs hot-mouthed raps and thrilling leaps, Superman shows off his powerful dancing skills, and the partners go shopping and take photos together, and fight passionately together, which proves the saying that good friends are the happiest thing when they are together. Although the adventure of Pig Man and his friends is full of crises, it is also full of laughter and slapstick. I believe that their friendship in the movie will bring different happiness and touch to the audience.

On April 16, the animated movie 'Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action' released the promotional song MV. The familiar melody paired with the new movie scenes is eye-catching. The musical elements in the movie and the scenes of the Five Spirits' daily interactions are in harmony - Lujuba

The film tells the story of the Holy Grail, a sacred object that has been lost for hundreds of years on the Pig Planet. Now it appears on the earth. In order to defeat the space invaders and protect the peace of the Pig Planet and the universe, the Five Spirit Heroes have to go to the earth to find the lost instrument. The Holy Grail of Notes, and following the arrival of the Five Spirits, there are villains who try to prevent them from finding the Holy Grail's guardian planet, and a vigorous adventure begins.

On April 16, the animated movie 'Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action' released the promotional song MV. The familiar melody paired with the new movie scenes is eye-catching. The musical elements in the movie and the scenes of the Five Spirits' daily interactions are in harmony - Lujuba

"The Pig Man Movie: Interstellar" will be released nationwide on May 1.

On April 16, the animated movie 'Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action' released the promotional song MV. The familiar melody paired with the new movie scenes is eye-catching. The musical elements in the movie and the scenes of the Five Spirits' daily interactions are in harmony - Lujuba

On April 16, the animated movie 'Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action' released the promotional song MV. The familiar melody paired with the new movie scenes is eye-catching. The musical elements in the movie and the scenes of the Five Spirits' daily interactions are in harmony - Lujuba

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