My Most Beautiful Moment Episode 5 Diversity Plot (16)

hanguo 1498℃

My Most Beautiful Moment Episode 5 Diversity Plot Introduction

Xu Huan injured Wu Ruizhi when Xu Zhen and Wu Ruizhi were kissing, they were bumped by Xu Huan

   Xu Zhen told Wu Ruizhi that if he stood in the sea and looked at it, the moon would be bigger, so he took off his shirt and went down to the sea, standing in the sea and beckoning to Wu Ruizhi.

   Encouraged by Xu Zhen, Wu Ruizhi wore clothes and walked into the sea. As she walked, she told Xu Zhen that she could not swim. When she walked to Xu Zhen's side, Xu Zhen hugged her and continued deep into the sea. Go everywhere.

   After coming up from the sea, Xu Zhen took Wu Ruizhi to the beach for a bonfire. Wu Ruizhi discovered that Xu Huan brother was very good at creating a warm and romantic atmosphere. Hearing Wu Ruizhi calling herself like this, Xu Zhen told her seriously that he didn't like it. She called him that, and his name was Xu Zhen.

   After returning from the beach, Xu Zhen took Wu Ruizhi to a villa, asked her to take a shower first, and prepared a set of clothes for her to change. The suit fits Wu Ruizhi and fits perfectly.

   Wu Ruizhi therefore believed that Xu Zhen must have read countless people. Xu Zhen explained to her that the waiter in the mall helped him pick the dress, and he just told the waiter about her height.

   But Wu Ruizhi did not believe Xu Zhen's words, and asked him if there were many women around him. Xu Zhen assured Wu Ruizhi that he is absolutely single now, and guessed that Wu Ruizhi is also single, because no man would let his girlfriend be treated like her. Of suffering.

   Xu Zhen’s words made Wu Ruizhi feel warm again, but he told Xu Zhen that if he really understood her, he would not say that, but Xu Zhen firmly told her that even if she was a murderer, He still likes it.

When the two of

   were talking, Yunyun walked in in a panic and told them that Xu Huan had a fight with others, and the fight was very vicious. He knocked out one of the other’s teeth. As for the reason for the fight, it was because The boy secretly photographed Wu Ruizhi's chest.

   Cloudy took the initiative to review Wu Ruizhi. She deleted the text messages on Wu Ruizhi's phone, which made Xu Huan wait there for a long time, or Xu Huan would not meet those people.

   Old Xu came to the hospital to visit the injured. The parents of the injured were very excited and told him that Xu Huan must be tied to the law.

  The school wanted Xu Huan to admit his mistakes and write a review to strive for leniency, but Xu Huan insisted that he was not wrong, and the school asked Wu Ruizhi to do his work.

   Wu Ruizhi thanked Xu Huan for taking her lead, but Xu Huan was most concerned about where Wu Ruizhi went yesterday. Wu Ruizhi confessed to him that she followed Xu Zhen to the beach last night.

   Xu Huan’s mother came to the ward and asked how much money the injured person wanted. In order to prevent his son from being wronged, he raised the compensation price from 3,000 to 30,000. Seeing that the family members of the injured did not agree, she Warn them, this is her bottom line;

   If they want to fight a lawsuit, then she will stay with her to the end. Don’t think that if the content of the mobile phone is formatted, there will be no evidence of the injured person taking photos. The police will definitely have a way. It doesn’t matter if her son is fired, she You can get him to go to a better school in America.

The words of

  's mother made Xu Zhen feel particularly relieved. Her mother told him bluntly that she would never allow others to bully her children. The purpose of her hard work to make money was to make her children live better.

   Wu Ruizhi learned that Xu's family had paid a lot of money to the injured, and felt very sorry. Old Xu told her not to care about this, and asked her if she still wanted to study pottery. After hearing this, Wu Ruizhi decided immediately, worshiping old Xu as a teacher, wholeheartedly. Learn ceramic technology.

   When Wu Ruizhi was making pottery, Xu Zhen watched quietly, and suddenly walked forward and kissed her. Wu Ruizhi was covered in mud and did not resist. When Xu Huan came to Wu Ruizhi, he happened to see this scene and was very sad. The ground turned and ran away.

   Xu Huan kicked an earthen jar when he left. Wu Ruizhi was afraid that he would be injured, and wanted to catch up to explain to him, but Xu Zhen was held back by Xu Zhen. Xu Zhen believed that Ruizhi had no need to explain, and he could not explain clearly. It is best for Xu Huan to accept this kind of thing slowly.

   Wu Ruizhi could not help but call Xu Huan when he saw the sky getting late. Xu Huan walked aimlessly on the street. He hung up the phone when he saw Wu Ruizhi's call, and then turned it off.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo