My Most Beautiful Moment Episode 6 Diversity Plot (16 in total)

hanguo 2128℃

My Most Beautiful Moment Episode 6 Diversity Plot Introduction

Xu Zhen helped Wu Ruizhi get rid of his aunt, Aunt said bad things about Ruizhi to Xu Zhen’s mother

   After walking on the street enough, Xu Huan wanted to go to his mother for the night, but when he came to her mother’s door, he hesitated, and finally he gave up looking for her mother and returned to the street.

   Xu Zhen was also worried about Xu Huan, so he sent him a text message, telling him to go home as soon as possible, and let him go home if something happened. When Xu Huan turned on his phone, he just received this text message.

   After Xu Huan returned home, Xu Zhen asked him if he liked Wu Ruizhi. Xu Huan nodded and hoped that his brother would be farther away from Wu Ruizhi, but Xu Zhen told him that what Wu Ruizhi needed was someone who could give her a sense of security and can The mature man who protects her, therefore, Xu Huan is not suitable for her.

   After repeated consideration, Wu Ruizhi decided to abandon his position as a teacher and study ceramics whole-heartedly, and plan to live in a cloudy home for a long time. In order to make her residence more warm, Xu Huan also made elaborate decorations to her room.

   When Wu Ruizhi went home to pick up things, her aunt suddenly grabbed her, said nothing to let her go, and accused Wu Ruizhi of ungratefulness and lack of conscience.

   Wu Ruizhi clearly told her aunt that even though her aunt raised her to support her school, she helped her aunt clean the rented houses and collect the bills since she was in elementary school. Therefore, she thinks she no longer owes her. Aunt's.

   Wu Ruizhi's cousin wanted to come and help her, but she was pushed aside by her aunt. Her aunt's strength was so strong that Wu Ruizhi was dragged by her and was unable to get out. Xu Zhen suddenly drove over.

   After Xu Zhen got out of the car, he dragged Wu Ruizhi into the car and gave his aunt a business card, asking her to ask him if she had anything to do, and then pulled Wu Ruizhi away.

   Xu Zhen pulled Wu Ruizhi to Yuyue's house. He stopped the car and Xu Huan walked over. Xu Huan took the luggage into the house for Wu Ruizhi and asked her if she really fell in love with Xu Zhen.

  Wu Ruizhi was seen by Xu Zhen at the most embarrassing time twice in succession. She felt very inferior. So she told Xu Huan that she never hoped to be loved by others, or to love someone, because she didn’t want to suffer from it. hurt.

   Wu Ruizhi hoped that she and Xu Huan would maintain a pure friendship between teachers and students as before. In this way, they could at least be friends, but Xu Huan was unwilling, and their relationship with her was limited to this.

  According to her mother's instructions, Xu Zhen began to intervene in the company's real estate and other affairs. He also personally visited the construction site with a helmet and presided over meetings. Mom was very satisfied with her performance.

   Xu Zhen, a kid who doesn’t know the current affairs, keeps the chairman in his heart. When he learns that Xu Zhen has begun to manage the company’s affairs, he finds Mr. Xu Zhen’s uncle Jin, and tries to provoke him. He wants Mr. Jin to stumble him. child.

   Xu Zhen came back from the construction site and was about to report the company's situation to his mother when he suddenly saw Wu Ruizhi's aunt walking out of her mother's office.


   came to the company for the purpose of asking Xu Zhen to send Wu Ruizhi back. Not only did she tell Wu Ruizhi's secret, but she also added a lot of energy and jealousy to say bad things about Wu Ruizhi.

   Therefore, when his mother saw Xu Zhen, she reminded him that there are so many girls in the world, not to mention that their family's current conditions are good, even if their family's conditions are poor, he is not allowed to find trash women like Wu Ruizhi.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo