Secret Forest 2 Episode 10 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 1813℃

Secret Forest 2 Episode 10 Diversity Plot Introduction

Huang Shimu's third document, someone claiming to be a witness

   Xu Dongzai once mentioned to Minister Yu that there was a will in the investigation book he got, which omitted the objection raised by the will. This matter, he heard Park Guangxiu's wife say when he went to express his condolences. Therefore, Minister Yu hurriedly went to Park Guangxiu's house and obtained the receipt of the submission from his wife that year. It is strange why the police have to cover up a case of death that often occurs on the road. Minister Yu felt that Huang Shimu was a guy who didn't know the importance, so he planned to hide it from him.

   At this time, Huang Shimu was looking through the investigation report of the year in Xu Dongzai's office. The report recorded that Park Guangxiu died of a heart attack while driving on the remote National Highway No. 45 at night. He didn't notice the police until a vehicle passed by. But what is strange is that there is no relevant complete record in the investigation report. No matter how common deaths are, there is no driving record that day. This is very strange, but why Xu Dongzai closed the case in such a hurry. Facing Huang Shimu's questioning, prosecutor Zheng said that he handled the case by himself. People who asked the office one after another did not get any effective information. Huang Shimu was closing the folder depressedly, but suddenly found an abnormality. At that time, Xu Dongzai asked his subordinates to find three documents, together with the documents of the director of Dongducheon. And that day happened to be March 14. Three-part documents, one in the office and one in Huang Shimu's hands, but there is no definite number of where the other document about the director of Dongducheon is now.

   Huang Shimu asked the assistants why they hadn't told him this before, and they were all a little embarrassed. Prosecutor Zheng suddenly got up and went out and quietly called the Transportation Bureau. On the other side, Han Ruzhen came to the restaurant of Uncle Jin Yuhang's house and went to the back of the restaurant under the pretence of going to the toilet. Han Ruzhen found a locked storage room in the backyard, and found a mess here after entering, but there was no clue to Xu Dongzai.

   Huang Shimu was about to leave, Zheng Minxia suddenly stopped him and said that he had gone to inquire about the relevant matters again, but the other party said that too long time passed and he could not be found. Park Kwang-soo's moving route, driving device and mobile phone communication records have also passed the storage period. She also remembered that Xu Dongjae almost took Piao Guangxiu's affairs as his own. But as far as she knows, Seo Dongjae regrets Park Guangxiu's death. He also lamented that the predecessors of Pu were so stressed that drinking alcohol caused a heart attack.

   Huang Shimu then called Minister Yu and asked him how many documents Xu Dong had provided on the day when he arrived at the prosecutor's office, except for those from the Hosotani police station. Minister Yu stated that there are no other documents, but his performance has betrayed himself. Huang Shimu vaguely remembered that Xu Dongzai had mentioned that in addition to the documents from the Hosotani police station, he also gave Minister Yu another document. Therefore, I have to suspect that the other of the three documents is with Minister Yu.

On the way to

  , Huang Shimu recalled every detail in the report. Then he went to the Traffic Division of the South Yangzhou Police Station and presented his views to the investigation team leader. He believes that the driver stopped suddenly because of heart pain, and most of them parked diagonally on the side of the road instead of stopping upright as shown in the photo. In addition, there should be an emergency brake when an illness occurs, but no brake marks were found on the scene. Facing Huang Shimu's question, the investigation team leader was somewhat perfunctory. But Huang Shimu's repeated questioning, he turned out the alarm record, which indicated that Park Guangxiu first called the emergency number by himself, but there was no sound when the call was connected. The team leader explained that if this is the case, Park Kwang-soo does not need an emergency brake.

   After Huang Shimu left, the team leader called and reported to Cui Bing. Minister Yu learned of this from Cui Bing, and in order to prevent Huang Shimu from finding out the truth, he decided to let him leave the investigation team. At this time, Huang Shimu had rushed to Park Guangxiu's house and asked him about the case. But Park Guangxiu's wife seemed to have something unspeakable, but she just dealt with it casually. But when asked if Park Guangxiu often went to South Yangzhou, Park Guangxiu's wife quickly denied it. Following the advice of Park Guangxiu's wife, Huang Shimu made an appointment with Park Guangxiu's secretary. Huang Shimu learned from the secretary that Park Guangxiu was on vacation on the day of the incident, and he was not clear about his itinerary. She also mentioned that sometimes some clients would ask the lawyer to turn off the driving device before the meeting, and he also drank a little alcohol that day, the secretary felt that Park Guangxiu should have gone to see an important client that day. After the incident, there were rumors in the office that Park Kwang-soo picked up clients privately behind everyone’s back.Because some of their brothers urgently need funds.

   Along the way, Huang Shimu has been recalling all the clues. After integrating all the clues, he seems to have found new ideas. As soon as he returned to the office, Minister Yu came over to look for him in a hurry. But when he heard that he planned to give up investigating Park Kwang-soo's case, Minister Yu was relieved. Then he pretended to be angry and accused Huang Shimu of doing things badly. Judging from Minister Yu's reaction, it seemed that he wanted to hide something, and he wanted to focus his attention on the Hosotani police station. Huang Shimu asked Minister Yu if Xu Dong had not submitted another document when he arrived at the Supreme Procuratorate. Minister Yu knew that he couldn't keep the secret, so he took out the third document, which was the archive of the full list.

   Quansheng table angrily rushed into the office of the innovation group, trying to vent his sister who opened the restaurant. Seeing Cui Bing, he remembered his glory as the director at that time, but now he has to be looked down at by Cui Bing, he was very unconvinced. And Cui Bing has already investigated that Quansheng Form not only falsely worked overtime and falsely received wages, but on March 26, he left the police department at 7:15 in the evening but returned at 10:30. Quansheng Table was about to defend, Han Ruzhen continued to launch an offensive, and raised the suspicion of Quansheng Table committing the crime. At this point, Jeon Sung-biao admitted that he did meet with Xu Dong-jae. At the time, the two talked about Song Ki-hyun, but he would never kidnap and kill. At this time, a message popped up on the phone, and Han Ruzhen hurriedly left after receiving Cui Bing's look.

   Some netizens left a message saying that they saw the murderer's face when the crime was committed. After investigation, the witness was named Tian Jihe and had a history of gambling and fraud. The technical department analyzes and confirms the light reflections in the photos by zooming in and scanning. It can be vaguely distinguished from the blurred image that it is the reflection of a watch with three flower-like decorations. Officer Cui was a little shocked, and couldn't help but lower his head and glance at the watch in his hand. It was similar to the one in the photo, and this watch was issued by the police. It can be speculated that Xu Dongzai’s disappearance may have something to do with the police.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo