My Most Beautiful Moment Episode 4 Diversity Plot (16)

hanguo 2037℃

My Most Beautiful Moment Episode 4 Diversity Plot Introduction

Xu Huan embraces Wu Yizhi Xu Jin is forced to marry by the chairman


   learned that Xu Huan was doing work for himself, Wu Yizhi was very touched, so he left a bunch of sunflower flowers in the field, thanked Xu Huan and gave him the bunch of flowers.


   received the flowers from Wu Yizhi, Xu Huan was very excited. He suddenly embraced Wu Yizhi. Wu Yizhi hurriedly pushed him away and told him that it was a teacher-student relationship. This behavior was inappropriate, and hoped that he would not be an example.

   Xu Zhen went to meet the chairman. The chairman bluntly said that Xu Zhen should be getting married now, and Kaili is now the oldest, and he hopes that they will get married as soon as possible.

   Seeing Xu Zhen hesitated, the chairman said rudely, he now gives Xu Zhen two choices, either marrying Kaili, or taking his racing team to get out. If you don’t marry Kaili, he won’t Will give them another cent to sponsor the team.

   Hearing what the chairman said, Xu Zhen was very speechless to him, what kind of person Kelly is, and what is the relationship between him and Kelly, we all knew each other well, Xu Zhen never thought that this old shameless person would be shameless At this level, I forced myself to cuckold.

   Xu Zhen unceremoniously told the chairman that he would not marry Kaili even if he had to pay the penalty, and left the chairman's office angrily after speaking.

   Kaili was at the door of the president’s office, waiting for good news. Seeing Xu Zhen coming out of the president’s office, she hurriedly greeted Kaili. Xu Zhen pushed Kaili away and told her straightforwardly that he would not pick it up. Others wear the remaining broken shoes.

   Katie asked Xu Zhen angrily if he knew what she was talking about. She is so old now, and she finally asked the president to open the door to let them get married. Does he really want to get married?

   Xu Zhen clearly told Kaili that of course he wanted to get married, but she would never get married. The thought of Kaili and the old man of the president made him feel sick.

   After Xu Zhen finished speaking, he went to the elevator and left. Kaili slapped the elevator and asked him desperately how he could do this. When he slept with her, didn't he think about his relationship with the president?

   Xu Zhen went to see his mother, hoping that his mother’s company would support their racing team. The mother promised to support them, but offered him a condition that he must leave the racing team. Since her husband and son were injured when climbing a mountain, the mother I don't want them to do any dangerous sports.

   Seeing that his son was still hesitating, Xu's mother reminded her son that if he did not come to the company to do things, the company established by his father would most likely fall into the hands of his uncle in the future.

   Motorsports has always been Xu Zhen’s favorite, and in this field, he is also favored by his peers, but for the sponsorship of the racing team, in order to stay away from the woman who makes him sick, and in order not to let his father. He didn't waste his efforts. After listening to his mother, he agreed to her mother's request.

   Wu Yizhi wanted to go back to Seoul, Xu Zhen told her not to go back to the aunt's house, who could only bring him nightmares, and wanted to take him to a place. Wu Yizhi hesitated and got into Xu Zhen's car.

   Xu Huan learned that Wu Yizhi was leaving, so he prepared a gift and waited on the way she must pass. But he waited for a long time and didn’t see Wu Yizhi’s shadow, so he texted her and called her, but Wu Yi Zhi left the phone at Fu Mei's house.

   Cloudy Hearing Wu Yizhi’s cell phone ringing, he came over and looked at it. Seeing the message from Xu Huanfa, he deleted the message.

   Until night fell, Xu Huan did not wait for Wu Yizhi. At this time, Xu Zhen took Wu Yizhi to the beach and lighted a bonfire. Wu Yizhi discovered that the moon tonight is so full.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo