Follow me to record the voice of witnesses at the scene, but the medical staff did not arrive in time, Huang Jingyu shouted for help

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On the morning of November 27th, actor Gao Yixiang died of sudden cardiac death when he was recording "Chasing Me". That night, witnesses at the recording site of the program released a piece of audio, stating to netizens the specific situation when the accident happened. Witnesses at the scene said that Gao Yixiang’s accident occurred at about 1:30 in the morning. At that time, Gao Yixiang had been leading during the run and did not see that he felt physically weak, but when he entered a certain level, he did not. See him out.

Follow me to record the voice of witnesses at the scene, but the medical staff did not arrive in time, Huang Jingyu shouted for help - Lujuba

Before Gao Yixiang fell to the ground, witnesses at the scene also said that they heard him shouting "I can't do it, I can't do it", and then fell to the ground. After falling to the ground, no ambulance personnel arrived in time, so everyone at the scene Thought it was a script.

Follow me to record the voice of witnesses at the scene, but the medical staff did not arrive in time, Huang Jingyu shouted for help - Lujuba

Later, the same guest Huang Jingyu called the doctor after discovering the accident. About 5 or 6 minutes later, medical staff came forward and performed CPR.

Follow me to record the voice of witnesses at the scene, but the medical staff did not arrive in time, Huang Jingyu shouted for help - Lujuba

After 10 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Gao Yixiang was sent to the ambulance. Witnesses also stated that there were too many roadblocks due to program installations, and ambulances were unable to travel to and from the scene in time.

Follow me to record the voice of witnesses at the scene, but the medical staff did not arrive in time, Huang Jingyu shouted for help - Lujuba

However, eyewitnesses also said that although medical staff were on the sidelines during each episode of the program recording, the medical staff did not arrive in time every time because of the effect of the program, and even said that a certain channel always does this.

Follow me to record the voice of witnesses at the scene, but the medical staff did not arrive in time, Huang Jingyu shouted for help - Lujuba

After the witness uttered the voice, some netizens also posted Gao Yixiang’s live recorded video to the Internet. It can also be seen in the video that Gao Yixiang was very relaxed in the first half of the run, but after climbing midway, he was obviously weak and he was lying on the side of the railing. Take a rest.

Follow me to record the voice of witnesses at the scene, but the medical staff did not arrive in time, Huang Jingyu shouted for help - Lujuba

was also on the evening of the 27th, Zhejiang Satellite TV also issued a statement on Gao Yixiang’s accidental recording of the program, saying that it would be treated as soon as the accident occurred and sent to the hospital in time. The

Follow me to record the voice of witnesses at the scene, but the medical staff did not arrive in time, Huang Jingyu shouted for help - Lujuba

statement was obviously inconsistent with the opinions expressed by the witnesses on the spot, and it also made netizens questioned. And the whole article did not apologize and made netizens very dissatisfied. Currently, the show has stopped recording.

Follow me to record the voice of witnesses at the scene, but the medical staff did not arrive in time, Huang Jingyu shouted for help - Lujuba

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