On August 12, the comedy action film "Crash" based on the true events of the Chongqing Dockers rugby team went to Chengdu Pacific Cinemas (Wangfujing Branch) for a road show. Director Jiang Jiachen, screenwriter Wu Tao, actors Wang Qianyuan, Pan Binlong, Liang Chao and Audiences

entertainment 3769℃
htmlOn August 12, the comedy action movie " rush·collision " based on the true events of the Chongqing Dockers rugby team went to Chengdu Pacific Cinemas (Wangfujing store) for a road show. Director Jiang Jiachen, screenwriter Wu Tao, actor Wang Qianyuan, Pan Binlong and Liang Chao met and interacted with the audience. It is reported that the movie will be released nationwide on August 23.

On August 12, the comedy action film 'Crash' based on the true events of the Chongqing Dockers rugby team went to Chengdu Pacific Cinemas (Wangfujing Branch) for a road show. Director Jiang Jiachen, screenwriter Wu Tao, actors Wang Qianyuan, Pan Binlong, Liang Chao and Audiences  - Lujuba

Road show scene

"Crash" tells the story of Liu Yongyong, a delivery boy known as "Shapingba Bolt", who gathered thirty brothers to form a rugby team called "The Dockers" and work together to win the million-dollar prize. story. The prototype character of Liu Yongyong played by Li Jiuxiao is Liu Yuanfeng, who is the founder of the Chongqing Dockers rugby team. In 2012, Liu Yuanfeng founded the team with his love and passion and began to recruit members. In 2014, the team won the first aflc championship "Eternal Bowl".

At the previous premiere in Chongqing, the prototype character Liu Yuanfeng said after watching the movie that many plots in the movie, such as the conflict between Brother Yan (played by Wang Qianyuan) and his wife due to football practice, highly restored their real-life experiences.

On August 12, the comedy action film 'Crash' based on the true events of the Chongqing Dockers rugby team went to Chengdu Pacific Cinemas (Wangfujing Branch) for a road show. Director Jiang Jiachen, screenwriter Wu Tao, actors Wang Qianyuan, Pan Binlong, Liang Chao and Audiences  - Lujuba

Director Jiang Jiachen said that he was deeply moved by this story, especially after getting in touch with the prototype characters. "People from Sichuan and Chongqing have distinctive characters. They are very fiery and passionate. This story reflects the spiritual outlook of people from Sichuan and Chongqing." "

Wang Qianyuan revealed that by starring in this movie, he had a deeper understanding of the sport of rugby, "Through studying rugby, I know that the members of the Dockers rugby team have their own responsibilities in each position. They have a kind of brotherhood. A strong team was formed.”

Pan Binlong said that when he first got the script, he didn’t believe that the story was true. “Later, the director told me that it was a true story, and I said, Oh my god, he is running a takeaway. , a group of people who drove a big car formed a rugby team and won a championship. I was really moved after reading the script. "

On August 12, the comedy action film 'Crash' based on the true events of the Chongqing Dockers rugby team went to Chengdu Pacific Cinemas (Wangfujing Branch) for a road show. Director Jiang Jiachen, screenwriter Wu Tao, actors Wang Qianyuan, Pan Binlong, Liang Chao and Audiences  - Lujuba

It is reported that "Crash" was not only filmed in Chongqing, but the actors also spoke Chongqing dialect, which made it very popular. The film is full of Chongqing flavor. After watching the movie, some viewers said that the movie uses a documentary approach to describe the loyalty and morality between brothers, and "has the passionate emotions and sportsmanship of brothers who refuse to admit defeat."

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao Intern Li Jinjie Editor Su Jing

Tags: entertainment