September 21, evening, Chengdu. A place where folk songs sound. When the prelude of "The Punishment of Impulse" sounded, the Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Gymnasium was filled with impulse all night long, but this time the impulse brought not punishment, but long-lost

entertainment 7300℃

September 21st, evening, Chengdu. A place where folk songs sound.

When the prelude of "The Punishment of Impulse" sounded, the Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Gymnasium was immersed in impulse all night long, but this time the impulse brought not punishment, but long-lost emotions and tears.

html The 353-year-old Daolang cried, and tears that could not be suppressed several times flowed into the hearts of every fan along with the chorus of the audience. The memories with tears and the tenderness in the singing, who can not be moved by this situation? Daolang's singing, like the Populus euphratica in Kashgar, will never fall and will be immortal.

September 21, evening, Chengdu. A place where folk songs sound.      When the prelude of 'The Punishment of Impulse' sounded, the Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Gymnasium was filled with impulse all night long, but this time the impulse brought not punishment, but long-lost - Lujuba

It is common for celebrities to cry at concerts, but Daolang 's tears must have incorporated more complex elements. has gratitude to his fans, deep affection for his hometown, detachment from returning after half a lifetime, and relief from reconciling with himself.

In many people’s impressions, Daolang is a singer from the Western Region, and he seems to be a singer who grew up in the Gobi Desert of Xinjiang. But in fact, Daolang is an authentic Sichuanese. Daolang has always had a deep and profound nostalgia. In his first online concert after his comeback, the real-life stage was in his hometown of Zizhong County, while the offline concert was arranged in Chengdu.

html After three years, Daolang, who knew his destiny, returned home again, which was another return and resettlement of nostalgia.

September 21, evening, Chengdu. A place where folk songs sound.      When the prelude of 'The Punishment of Impulse' sounded, the Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Gymnasium was filled with impulse all night long, but this time the impulse brought not punishment, but long-lost - Lujuba

Daolang’s music career, some people never tire of hearing about it, while others also sneer at it. Since Daolang was born, it has been full of controversy. His appearance broke the boundaries of traditional pop music and made more people pay attention to those simple and unpretentious sounds from the folk. However, this also exposed him to unprecedented doubts and attacks. Some people accuse his music of being too "rustic" and not in line with modern aesthetics; some people ridicule his lyrics for being simple and straightforward and lacking in depth.

Regarding these doubts, it is impossible for Daolang to stay away from them, nor to face them calmly. He chose to retire at the peak of his career, which is not a confusion and denial of his own music. Fortunately, no matter how the outside world evaluates him, Daolang always sticks to his musical philosophy. He believes that real music can touch people's hearts and resonate with listeners across the boundaries of time and space. It is this persistence and perseverance that allows him to continue to grow amidst controversy and always maintain his sincerity and purity towards music.

During the more than ten years of retirement, Daolang was depressed for a time, but fortunately he had books to accompany him. Over the years, Daolang has read more than 7,000 to 8,000 books. His home has become like a library, with books on philosophy, literature, history, Chinese and Western poetry, and drama. Daolang has always wanted to use his own way to prove that music is not just a combination of melody and lyrics, but also the resonance of emotion and soul.

The return of Chengdu allowed Daolang to truly let go of his inner demons. He knows that the fans understand him, and that's enough.

Therefore, Daolang's tears were not only because of being moved, but also because of an indescribable release and relief. At that moment, he was no longer the lonely singer, but a friend to all of us, telling common stories and emotions through his songs.

September 21, evening, Chengdu. A place where folk songs sound.      When the prelude of 'The Punishment of Impulse' sounded, the Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Gymnasium was filled with impulse all night long, but this time the impulse brought not punishment, but long-lost - Lujuba

It is true that in terms of physical strength and level, Daolang is indeed no longer young. There is still a big gap between him and before, and his voice is much deeper than before. But what's the point? Listening to Daolang is never about the beauty of the voice and the accuracy of the pitch. Just like when you go to an old tavern to drink, the purpose is not to go for the wine, but to miss the tone.

As soon as Daolang's voice opens, he always wants to cry just remembering it, just grabbing a handful of vicissitudes and clinking glasses with the years.This is the charm of music. When a familiar melody and a familiar voice sounds, you will get goosebumps all over your body, and you will feel free and easy that tonight belongs to me and I love someone.

In fact, Dao Lang’s current voice and state are the best feeling and the time that best suits his works. When he was in his 30s, Daolang sang songs, but now, he sings stories.

I always imagine that if Daolang builds a stage in the Taklimakan Desert, or under the Flame Mountain in Turpan, or in a piece of Gobi covered with camel thorns at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, or next to the Populus euphratica forest on the banks of the Tarim River, etc., It would be great to have a concert.

Every note of Daolang will be engraved in the hearts of fans. His music is not only a form of artistic expression, but also a kind of emotional sustenance and release. It allows us to find a moment of tranquility and solace in the busy and noisy life; it allows us to find the direction and motivation to move forward in the midst of confusion and confusion.

September 21st, evening, Chengdu. A place where folk songs sound.

When the prelude of "The Punishment of Impulse" sounded, the Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Gymnasium was immersed in impulse all night long, but this time the impulse brought not punishment, but long-lost emotions and tears.

html The 353-year-old Daolang cried, and tears that could not be suppressed several times flowed into the hearts of every fan along with the chorus of the audience. The memories with tears and the tenderness in the singing, who can not be moved by this situation? Daolang's singing, like the Populus euphratica in Kashgar, will never fall and will be immortal.

September 21, evening, Chengdu. A place where folk songs sound.      When the prelude of 'The Punishment of Impulse' sounded, the Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Gymnasium was filled with impulse all night long, but this time the impulse brought not punishment, but long-lost - Lujuba

It is common for celebrities to cry at concerts, but Daolang 's tears must have incorporated more complex elements. has gratitude to his fans, deep affection for his hometown, detachment from returning after half a lifetime, and relief from reconciling with himself.

In many people’s impressions, Daolang is a singer from the Western Region, and he seems to be a singer who grew up in the Gobi Desert of Xinjiang. But in fact, Daolang is an authentic Sichuanese. Daolang has always had a deep and profound nostalgia. In his first online concert after his comeback, the real-life stage was in his hometown of Zizhong County, while the offline concert was arranged in Chengdu.

html After three years, Daolang, who knew his destiny, returned home again, which was another return and resettlement of nostalgia.

September 21, evening, Chengdu. A place where folk songs sound.      When the prelude of 'The Punishment of Impulse' sounded, the Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Gymnasium was filled with impulse all night long, but this time the impulse brought not punishment, but long-lost - Lujuba

Daolang’s music career, some people never tire of hearing about it, while others also sneer at it. Since Daolang was born, it has been full of controversy. His appearance broke the boundaries of traditional pop music and made more people pay attention to those simple and unpretentious sounds from the folk. However, this also exposed him to unprecedented doubts and attacks. Some people accuse his music of being too "rustic" and not in line with modern aesthetics; some people ridicule his lyrics for being simple and straightforward and lacking in depth.

Regarding these doubts, it is impossible for Daolang to stay away from them, nor to face them calmly. He chose to retire at the peak of his career, which is not a confusion and denial of his own music. Fortunately, no matter how the outside world evaluates him, Daolang always sticks to his musical philosophy. He believes that real music can touch people's hearts and resonate with listeners across the boundaries of time and space. It is this persistence and perseverance that allows him to continue to grow amidst controversy and always maintain his sincerity and purity towards music.

During the more than ten years of retirement, Daolang was depressed for a time, but fortunately he had books to accompany him. Over the years, Daolang has read more than 7,000 to 8,000 books. His home has become like a library, with books on philosophy, literature, history, Chinese and Western poetry, and drama. Daolang has always wanted to use his own way to prove that music is not just a combination of melody and lyrics, but also the resonance of emotion and soul.

The return of Chengdu allowed Daolang to truly let go of his inner demons. He knows that the fans understand him, and that's enough.

Therefore, Daolang's tears were not only because of being moved, but also because of an indescribable release and relief. At that moment, he was no longer the lonely singer, but a friend to all of us, telling common stories and emotions through his songs.

September 21, evening, Chengdu. A place where folk songs sound.      When the prelude of 'The Punishment of Impulse' sounded, the Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Gymnasium was filled with impulse all night long, but this time the impulse brought not punishment, but long-lost - Lujuba

It is true that in terms of physical strength and level, Daolang is indeed no longer young. There is still a big gap between him and before, and his voice is much deeper than before. But what's the point? Listening to Daolang is never about the beauty of the voice and the accuracy of the pitch. Just like when you go to an old tavern to drink, the purpose is not to go for the wine, but to miss the tone.

As soon as Daolang's voice opens, he always wants to cry just remembering it, just grabbing a handful of vicissitudes and clinking glasses with the years.This is the charm of music. When a familiar melody and a familiar voice sounds, you will get goosebumps all over your body, and you will feel free and easy that tonight belongs to me and I love someone.

In fact, Dao Lang’s current voice and state are the best feeling and the time that best suits his works. When he was in his 30s, Daolang sang songs, but now, he sings stories.

I always imagine that if Daolang builds a stage in the Taklimakan Desert, or under the Flame Mountain in Turpan, or in a piece of Gobi covered with camel thorns at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, or next to the Populus euphratica forest on the banks of the Tarim River, etc., It would be great to have a concert.

Every note of Daolang will be engraved in the hearts of fans. His music is not only a form of artistic expression, but also a kind of emotional sustenance and release. It allows us to find a moment of tranquility and solace in the busy and noisy life; it allows us to find the direction and motivation to move forward in the midst of confusion and confusion.

September 21, evening, Chengdu. A place where folk songs sound.      When the prelude of 'The Punishment of Impulse' sounded, the Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Gymnasium was filled with impulse all night long, but this time the impulse brought not punishment, but long-lost - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment