Today’s weather ● Today is September 23, 2024, the 21st day of the eighth lunar month, Monday. It is sunny and the temperature is 13~29℃. Today’s Highlights: Collection Notice for Charity Sale Items at Zhushan County’s First Charity Gala Dear Zhushan entrepreneurs and caring peop

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Today’s weather ● Today is September 23, 2024, the 21st day of the eighth lunar month, Monday. It is sunny and the temperature is 13~29℃. Today’s Highlights: Collection Notice for Charity Sale Items at Zhushan County’s First Charity Gala Dear Zhushan entrepreneurs and caring peop - Lujuba

Today’s weather ● Today is September 23, 2024, the 21st day of the eighth lunar month, Monday. It is sunny and the temperature is 13~29℃. Today’s Highlights: Collection Notice for Charity Sale Items at Zhushan County’s First Charity Gala Dear Zhushan entrepreneurs and caring peop - Lujuba

Today’s weather

●Today is September 23, 2024, the twenty-first day of the eighth lunar month, Monday, sunny, with a temperature of 13~29℃.

Today’s highlights

Zhushan County’s first charity gala

Collection of charity items

Dear Zhushan entrepreneurs and caring people from all walks of life:

The Zhushan County Charity Association will join hands with the Zhushan County Civil Affairs Bureau to hold "Let Zhushan Be Full of Love" on October 10 Theme charity party. This evening party aims to gather the strength of Zhushan, promote the spirit of charity, and through a series of activities, show the beautiful style of Zhushan people's unity, mutual help, and upward kindness.

1. Theme and vision of the party

We sincerely invite entrepreneurs from Zhushan, local enterprises and all people from all walks of life who are enthusiastic about public welfare to participate in the event and jointly create the significance of the first event in Zhushan by understanding charity, advocating charity and participating in practical actions of charity. Extraordinary charity event. The party will focus on the core concepts of "charity, love, and responsibility" to showcase Zhushan's unique regional culture and humanistic charm.

2. Collection of items

In order to enrich the content of the party and enhance the influence of the event, a charity sale will be added to the party. We hope to raise funds and materials extensively through collecting items for on-site auctions, free donations, etc., and carefully implement charity projects. Sending warmth and hope to groups in urgent need of help. Vigorously promote charity culture, enthusiastically call on caring people from all walks of life to participate in charity activities, and strive to create a warm charity pattern in which "everyone is kind, does good in everything, can do good at all times, and does good everywhere". We are now collecting items in the following categories from the whole society:

Cultural artworks: including but not limited to artworks, collectibles, handicrafts, antiques, calligraphy and paintings and other items with certain collection value.

entrepreneurial achievements: Whether it is the first product prototype of a start-up company or the iconic product of an established enterprise, as long as they carry the sweat and dreams of the entrepreneur, they will become the highlight of the party.

Agricultural and sideline products: Zhushan’s unique geographical environment has given birth to many high-quality agricultural and sideline products. We look forward to these green, healthy and story-rich agricultural products being able to appear at the party and tell the story of getting rich among the golden mountains and green waters.

Turquoise jewelry: As a treasure of Zhushan, every piece of turquoise jewelry contains the beauty of nature and the heart of the craftsman, and is the perfect carrier to convey love and hope.

Zhushan-made products: shows the achievements of Zhushan's industrial development and embodies the perfect combination of modern technology and environmental protection concepts, allowing more people to understand and fall in love with "Made in Zhushan".

Ten Star Black Tea and Holy Water Tea: Use tea to make friends and express love with tea. These two representative Zhushan tea products will tell the long history of Zhushan tea culture with their unique charm.

Zhushan's characteristic landscape products: Zhushan has rich and high-quality aquatic resources, and has bred a number of high-quality fish such as cockroaches, silver carp and bighead carp. They are not only delicious, but also a testimony to the ecological environment of Zhushan.

3. Collection requirements

All collected items are regarded as free donations. The Zhushan County Charity Association will provide donors with donation certificates to express their sincere gratitude. collection items must have clear origins and stories, and can reflect positive values ​​such as entrepreneurial endeavors, local characteristics, or cultural heritage. When submitting items, please attach a brief text description to introduce the story and meaning behind it.

All collected items will be screened and selected for on-site auction and charity sale. All proceeds will be used to support charitable causes in Zhushan County. Zhushan County Charity Association will provide donation certificates and special donation notes to successful bidders. Sincere thanks.

4. Submission method

Please send your item information and contact information to the designated email address, or contact the Zhushan County Charity Association directly.

Address: Room 807, East District, Former Government Service Center, Zongheng Avenue, Chengguan Town, Zhushan County

5. Deadline

The deadline for collecting items is September 29, 2024. Prospective participants are requested to submit relevant information before this time.

Let us join hands and build a better tomorrow for Zhushan in the name of love. We look forward to your enthusiastic participation and making Zhushan warmer and more brilliant because of your kind deeds!

Zhushan County Charity Association

September 19, 2024

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Zhushan County Integrated Media Center official video number

"Today's Zhushan"

Editor/Wang Zekun

First instance/He Rongjing second instance/Dong Qian final instance/Chen Biming

Source/Zhushan County Integrated Media center

Tags: entertainment