Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) As a repertoire for the 2024 performance season of "Watching Beijing in a Big Show", the large-scale stage play "I Love Beijing Tiananmen" created by the China Puppet Theater will premiere on September 28 at the Kaku Theater of the China Puppet Th

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Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) As a repertoire in the 2024 performance season of "Watch Beijing", the large-scale stage play "I Love Beijing Tiananmen" created by the China Puppet Theater will be held at the Kaku Theater of the China Puppet Theater on September 28. Premiere.

Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) As a repertoire for the 2024 performance season of 'Watching Beijing in a Big Show', the large-scale stage play 'I Love Beijing Tiananmen' created by the China Puppet Theater will premiere on September 28 at the Kaku Theater of the China Puppet Th - Lujuba

The large-scale stage play "I Love Beijing Tiananmen" will premiere on September 28 at the China Puppet Theater Kaku Theater.

According to reports, the play is a work that embodies the national spirit and the style of the times. The whole play is divided into six chapters. Among them, "Peace Messenger" shows the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, "Ordinary Heroes" presents the simple patriotic feelings of ordinary people, "China's Eyes in the Sky" reproduces the contributions of scientific researchers to a technologically powerful country, "The Dragon Goes Down to the Sea" "records the brilliant achievements of deep-sea exploration, "Rural Revitalization" interprets the arduous journey of farmers in mountainous areas to get rich together, and "Heroes of Mine Clearance" uses the deeds of Du Fuguo to show the heroic feats of contemporary soldiers who sacrifice for the country. The six stories in the play are based on real events. Through artistic processing, they present a combination of grand themes and civilian perspectives. They not only show major historical nodes, but also depict the struggles of ordinary people and heroes who have made outstanding contributions to the country. Image closely connects the country and individuals.

Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) As a repertoire for the 2024 performance season of 'Watching Beijing in a Big Show', the large-scale stage play 'I Love Beijing Tiananmen' created by the China Puppet Theater will premiere on September 28 at the Kaku Theater of the China Puppet Th - Lujuba

"Peace Messenger" shows the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea.

Through the perspective of children, the play presents complex historical events and characters in interesting stories, allowing children to easily understand and deeply feel the long historical heritage and perseverance of the Chinese nation. The emotions and plots in the play are centered on delicate brushwork and vivid and interesting scenes, combined with colorful stage effects and music elements to create an artistic atmosphere that is both solemn and lively. In the play, both great characters and ordinary people are given three-dimensional and distinct personalities, showing the down-to-earth side of their characters. At the same time, comedy elements are cleverly integrated into the play. Through the comedy and relaxed treatment of the plot, the audience can feel the optimistic and positive spiritual energy of the characters while laughing, further enhancing the artistic charm of the work.

Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) As a repertoire for the 2024 performance season of 'Watching Beijing in a Big Show', the large-scale stage play 'I Love Beijing Tiananmen' created by the China Puppet Theater will premiere on September 28 at the Kaku Theater of the China Puppet Th - Lujuba

"China Sky Eye" shows the contributions of scientific researchers to a technologically powerful country.

In terms of character expression, the play vividly displays the spiritual outlook of thousands of people through mass scenes and group portraits, demonstrating their spirit of self-improvement, and cleverly combines the scattered "stars" at the end of the play They gathered in front of Tiananmen Square to express their love for the motherland, creating a touching scene.

Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) As a repertoire for the 2024 performance season of 'Watching Beijing in a Big Show', the large-scale stage play 'I Love Beijing Tiananmen' created by the China Puppet Theater will premiere on September 28 at the Kaku Theater of the China Puppet Th - Lujuba

"The Dragon Goes Down to the Sea" records the brilliant achievements of deep-sea exploration.

The large-scale stage play "I Love Beijing Tiananmen" takes Tiananmen as the core element and combines history and modernity. It not only shows the solemnity and sacredness of Tiananmen as a symbol of the Chinese national spirit, but also incorporates innovative elements of modern stage technology, making the whole play The work is full of modernity. In particular, the performance method of "puppet" is given full play, and the "Jiaolong" stage is launched, with innovative performances of various puppets such as "fish puppets, horse puppets, and airplane puppets". In terms of enhancing interactivity and popularizing knowledge, the show also specially designed a series of interesting content. For example: how many lanterns are there in Tiananmen Square, the legendary stories behind the lions on the cornices, the magnificent sight of China’s Eye of the Sky, what kind of marine creatures are there at each depth of the dragon’s dive, and why are these creatures there, is selling sheep a big or small thing, “rice crackers” "The production process not only adds to the interest of the plot, but also allows the audience to gain a wealth of knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

It is reported that during the National Day, the play will be performed twice at the Kaku Theater on October 1.

editor, Wu Longzhen

proofreader, Liu Jun

Tags: entertainment